Chapter 2246 Cave

Three gazes, at this moment are staring at Shi Feng's body.

He Feng heard the threatening sound from behind He Feng, and Shi Feng's pale face was a bit dreadfully cold, as if a layer of cold frost was on the cloth.

The bone man, Yan Yan, looked at this face, and for some reason, suddenly felt that the space that made him feel cold and the temperature seemed to drop a little more suddenly.

"Hemo dead! Hejiang! Hexu!" Shi Feng was thinking coldly of this race in his heart, these two names have been deeply remembered.

Subsequently, Shi Feng's body moved, and under the gaze of those three eyes, her feet moved forward and went forward step by step.

"Huh!" When he saw the corpse moving, He shouted a disdainful cold hum.

Originally thought that the corpse was stiff, but in the end, wasn't he afraid to kill him?

Shi Feng, indeed, is afraid of the He Jiang behind him, kill him!

If you really don't go forward to explore the way, those two will inevitably hit you.

In today's situation, there may still be a line of vitality ahead. If you don't go forward, it is undoubtedly dead.

Only if they are alive can they make them regret today and threaten themselves!

"I will make you regret it!" With her feet still walking forward, Shi Feng said secretly in her heart.

"Hiss! Hiss!" Just then, just listening to the weird and weird sounds, and then it sounded in this dark forest.

However, in Shi Feng's perception of the power of the soul, there is no sense of the breath of other beings.

As Shi Feng gradually walked away, there was no accident. Until his body almost disappeared in the shade of the forest in front, He Jiang, the Seventh Heaven, opened his mouth and said, "We keep with him now This distance, follow carefully. "

"Good father!" Huxley said.

The sound behind him naturally entered Gu Yan's ears. At this time, Gu Yan's footsteps took the lead and walked forward, keeping a distance with Shi Feng.

He, of course, was also worried that unknown and powerful creatures attacked him suddenly. In such a dangerous place, he might even lose his life without knowing it.

The more he got here, the less he dare to take it lightly.

Not to mention his bones, that is, the one who has the dead **** circle, and the realm is the same as He Qijiang of the Seventh Heaven of the True God.

Compared with He Jiang, that Huxu looked relaxed and countless, still with a look of disdain, and a breezy look.

Although He Jiang had ordered him several times to enter this dangerous place with no care, he still didn't take it seriously.

In his heart, as long as the one around him was there, the sky was falling, and he helped him stand up.

"What!" At this moment, a sudden exclamation sounded from Shi Feng's mouth, and he suddenly felt that there was a movement from the overhead.

Immediately afterwards, he looked up and looked up, and there was a huge shadow above his head.

And this dark shadow has a mysterious ancient force. Under that mysterious ancient force, the power of Shi Feng's soul cannot be seen through, and it is blurred.

The next moment, I saw this huge shadow moving, shrouded in stone maple.

"Yeah!" Shi Feng stepped on the ground with a kick, and his body shot forward, but instantly, the shadow enveloped the area.

But at that moment, Shi Feng's complexion suddenly moved again, exclaiming: "How is that possible!"

Just now, I have obviously avoided the shadow, but at this moment, I am still under the shadow, and it is still the most central.

Immediately afterwards, the dark shadow that shrouded down swallowed the stone maple.




Shi Feng, always watching among the three behind him, the other side's change was naturally seen by them.

From the appearance of the black shadow to the end of which Shi Feng was engulfed by that black shadow, these three aliens have never looked like they would shoot.

To them, the corpse is nothing more than a bait, life or death.

"Father, what is that shadow? I, I can't see it through." At this moment, Husong began to ask He Jiang beside him.

He Jiang's mighty face frowned, and when he heard the words of his son Hexun, Shen said, "This dark shadow is weird! Even me, I can't see through!"

"Ah, you can't even see your father!" He heard the words of He Jiang, and He was surprised!

He did not expect that in this world, there would be something he could not see through.

"Since even my father couldn't see through, that corpse was devoured by it, it is estimated that it is already dead!" Followed by, He Yan said again, taking for granted.

"Presumably!" He Jiang said, and his eyes still stared at the shadow, his face still full of dignity.

Peerless divine power has been poured into the deadly circle of silence in his hand, and the circle of circle has trembled on his palm.

Immediately afterwards, they saw the faint shadow that devoured Shi Feng, and suddenly disappeared.

The young body devoured by the shadow has also disappeared.

"That corpse, that's it ... Hui Fei Yan is gone!" At this moment, Gu Yan was startled, secretly startled.

"Really, dead," Huxley said.

"Dead!" And He Jiang, already dignified, became more dignified.

For a time, three figures stood in this area, and for the time being they did not act lightly.


It was not so simple for him to die.

Originally, Shi Feng thought that after the strange shadow had devoured herself, there would be a strange and powerful force to slam himself, and to destroy himself violently.

However, he did not expect that there would be no force at all.

At this moment, Shi Feng found that he had left the jungle and was in a seemingly endless cave.

Before and after, there is no end to sight, as if boundless.

"Why am I here? That dark shadow brought me? Why did it bring me here?" Shi Feng said with suspicion as he felt the cave, glanced around.

The cave was silent, dark and lightless, and there was no cold energy, no death force, no evil force.

Flowing ordinary breath, ordinary air!

Shi Feng was thinking, could it be that he had already left the dark and dangerous place, Yinlin?

Looking at the front and back again, Shi Feng murmured, "Go forward? Or, go backward?"

"Go forward!" Followed, he made a decision, and then proceeded.

"Patter! Patter! Patter!" The sound of footsteps rang from beneath, echoing in the cave.

And this is a normal sound of footsteps.

(End of this chapter)

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