Chapter 2248: Return!

Deadly thoughts are the faint shadows outside that shadow.

With a mysterious, ancient atmosphere.

From the sound of obsession, Shi Feng heard his self-confidence in this deadly thought.

An obsession of the true **** Yae Tenri, using eight Yae Tenri as material, has spent endless years of training!

At this point in time, Shi Feng still couldn't see the dark shadow, even if he felt it with all his heart, it was still blurry.

At this moment, Shi Feng made a choice in her heart.

One is that after years of inexhaustible dying thoughts that one cannot see through. One is a dangerous place where the eight true gods, the Eighth Heaven, have fallen.

The most important thing is the ultimate thing in this dangerous place, in the end, what a treasure!

"Why, are you really scared?" At that moment, the ancient hoarse voice sounded at Shi Feng again.

"I just heard you say that eight of you and the eighth sky have fallen into the yin grove, and I did retreat! But at this moment, I want to go deep into the yin grove and take a look there, what a treasure!"

Shi Feng said that at this moment, he has made a decision in his heart.

"Okay!" Hearing Shi Feng's words, the figure in the dark shadow answered "OK"!

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng saw the cloud of shadows suddenly move, like a black beast, rushing down towards him.

Before he could react, Shi Feng found that he had been swallowed up again by this "death of despair"!

Immediately, I sensed that ancient mysterious power, lingering around myself.

"Return!" A sound of ancient husky drinking echoed in this space.

Suddenly, I saw the air around him boiled violently.

Afterwards, the air was boiling fiercely and seemed to have become extremely chaotic.

However, at this moment, the seemingly chaotic space had just calmed down, and Shi Feng found that he had returned to the gloomy jungle, the gloomy forest.

"Here is it?" Looking around, Shi Feng quickly realized that this jungle was not the jungle where he disappeared at that time. At this moment, he came to a new area.

"Here, I have never been here." The power of the soul followed, Shi Feng said.

But he sensed that the deadly power of death here was similar to the place where he had disappeared before, making him feel the bitter coldness,

It is estimated that it is not very far from that forest.

"Which way should I go?" Shi Feng secretly said.

Earlier, there was the ancient map of Gu Yan.

"Deep into the yin forest, go all the way to the left!" At that moment, the ancient hoarse voice echoed in his ear.

"Oh!" Shi Feng responded softly, turned around, and left.

When he didn't take a few steps, he suddenly found that the dark shadow that had previously surrounded his body disappeared before he knew it.

But his keen soul can clearly sense that the mysterious and ancient power is still in his whole body.

It's just that dark shadow disappeared.

Although there was that body of death, Shi Feng did not relax her vigilance at all.

"Have you ever thought of this treasure of the yin forest, what kind of treasure is it?" At this moment, Shi Feng said, asking the obsession.

Although he couldn't sense the obsession, he knew that the obsession was beside him.

Sure enough, when his voice had just fallen, the old voice resounded: "It is said that this yin grove is a masterpiece of a god-king creature! And the treasure deep in the yin grove is very likely God-level treasures from endless years! "

His answer was that of the bones with black bandages on his face, and the answer was almost the same.

As for what the treasure is, only by going deep into the yin forest can you find out the treasure.

Followed by, Shi Feng said again, "Did you not think about it, if you reach the deep forest and find the treasure, the result is ... a pile of waste ..."

"Then the eight of us will definitely die!" The eight true gods were born in the sky, the eight endless years ago dominated the existence of the eight parties, and if they were to pile up waste, they would all die in this forest ... that ...

"I hope it is a treasure that can make you dazzle." Shi Feng said again.

He naturally also hoped that the treasure was extraordinary. Now, however, he also risked his life to find this treasure in the deep forest!

"His! Hiss! Hiss! Hiss!"

Suddenly at this moment, just listening to the unusually harsh sound, suddenly echoed in this forest.

Strange voice, I do not know where it came from.

This weird sound, Shi Feng had heard with Gu Yan before entering the cave.

At that time, I heard this strange sound, and then forced myself to explore the road, and eventually I was devoured by death.

Originally thought that this strange sound had nothing to do with this dead thought, but now it seems that this is not the case.

"What the **** is this?" Shi Feng asked intently.

"A long time listening can make you have a chaotic sound! Don't listen, just close your ears!" The ancient hoarse voice followed, and said, "After closing the ears, if there are other changes, I will notify you."

"Oh!" Hearing what he said, Shi Feng immediately did, closing her ears, although there wasn't anything strange to hear the voice at the moment.

"Well, you just have to go all the way forward, this area is no longer dangerous at this time!" The old voice said again, this time, it was the voice that reached Shi Feng's mind.

After hearing what he said, Shi Feng quickly speeded up his steps, and then walked faster and faster, even his body flickered and moved forward.

Along the way, if he said, there was no danger.

The reason why Shi Feng trusts him so much is that even if he wants to harm himself, it is not necessary now.

Summon yourself into that cave, protect yourself with this dead silence, and then if you suddenly hurt yourself here? He ... what is it?

Anyway, for the time being, you can trust him! But when we finally approached the depths of the yin forest, we had to be careful.


"Hmm!" Suddenly, Shi Feng, whose body was moving rapidly, felt a wave of violent energy that raged from the jungle ahead.

There are three kinds of energy!

"It's the three of them!" From these three energies, Shi Feng immediately sensed their origin!

It is Gu Yan, He Jiang, and He Yan!

At this moment, all three of them attacked unexpectedly. I don't know what they encountered in the front.

"Can I open my ears at this moment?" At this moment, Shi Feng asked again, and at the same time, his swift body was slamming at this moment, keeping a distance from the violent forest ahead.

"Not even more!" The obsessive answer to Shi Feng, followed him again: "You can see if you go ahead."

"You mean, those three?" Speaking of this, Shi Feng faintly guessed, and then, the figure stopped suddenly flashing fiercely, and in a moment, appeared outside a hundred meters away.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" There was a burst of violent blast, and there was a constant blast in the jungle.

"Come out, get out of me!"

"Ah! Get out!"


"Dead! I will make you die!"

"I will let you, there is no place to die!"


In the bursts of violent sounds, there was a burst of anger.

Recommend a friend's book "Dragon God of One World"

(End of this chapter)

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