Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2251: Blood Demon Forest

Chapter 2251 Blood Demon Forest

For those three aliens, the evil creature who turned into a corpse, without moving the body, gave Zhenfei the circle of death, which is definitely a very horrible existence.

Just now He Jiang launched a blow from the Death Silent Circle, but he urged a full blow, but as a result ... it was difficult to get near the evil creature's body.

Immediately after that, the three bodies flashed quickly, urging the power of the whole body, and flashed to the blood demon forest at the fastest speed.

"Oh!" Shi Feng laughed for a while, followed by a flash of body shape, and also toward the scarlet jungle.

"Father, that evil thing is still chasing us." At this moment, Huxue spoke to He Jiang again.

Today, his face is full of horror, and he has not recovered from the horror just now.

"I know!" He Jiang replied.

"What should we do, father!" Husband asked anxiously.

"Ah!" He Jiang did not answer when he heard such anxious voice, but sighed softly in his heart, slightly disappointed.

Although this son has good cultivation talents and combat ability, his mentality is not enough.

After a while, He Jiang said to Huxue, "What else can you do? Continue to escape! Before you enter this dangerous place, you should have the consciousness to face the peerless creatures! "

After hearing He Jiang's heavy words, He Yan did not speak again for a while.

"Huh?" He Jiang suddenly found that his son He Yan's face seemed to have a thoughtful appearance, and even his body had a strange wave.

Sensing the change of Hexun's body, the disappointment disappeared on Hejiang's face, and a hint of relief appeared, saying secretly: "It seems Hey, it touched me! I hope he can truly Growth! "


As the three aliens in front rushed away, watching, their bodies were about to enter the **** world.

The bursts of intense **** smell had become even more pungent.

"Boy, your chance is here!" And at this moment, a deep voice burst into Shi Feng's mind.

This low voice came not from the obsession, but from his perverted Dantian, the holy flame.

"Opportunity?" Shi Feng murmured these two words, followed, and stared tightly at the blood demon forest in front of him, and then said, "What are you talking about, the **** forest?"

"Yes!" Said the flame, "I have sensed the power of thick blood from those blood trees. If you cut down all the blood trees of the demon forest and devour their blood power, you must take the step Enter a stronger state!

Now, you have the protection of the source of all things, and you have that deadly thought, which is a godsend for you! "

"So it is!" Shi Feng grinned sneerly when she heard the words of the flame.

If it is as it says, it is indeed a godsend!

However, now that there is a source of all things and a deadly self-defense self, can it really compete with those blood trees that have endless years?

"I want to destroy those blood trees!" Shi Feng said at that moment, and said to the obsession.

"Why?" Persistent voice immediately asked him.

"The blood tree has the power of thick blood, and swallowing the power of blood is very beneficial to me!" Shi Feng said directly to him.

"Oh! It's too dangerous to do that!" But he didn't expect it to be so obsessive.

"Dangerous? Why?" Shi Feng asked.

If those blood trees could be dangerous to him, wouldn't it be even more dangerous to enter the center of the blood demon forest?

"If you counterattack or even kill the blood tree of the blood demon forest, it is very likely that it will attract the eternal tree demon!

As far as I know, there are no less than three elder tree demon in this blood demon forest. The strength is extremely terrible. If the elder tree demon comes, it will be hard to protect you. Said Shen Sheng.

"If you say so, enter the blood demon forest, if the demon trees attack me, you can only block, not attack?" Shi Feng asked again.

"That's right!" Persistently said.

"Okay." In this case, I can only give up this large area of ​​cultivation resources.

When Shi Feng's body approached the blood demon forest, at this moment, the voice of obsession echoed in his mind:

"In order to prevent the three aliens from attacking the blood tree at that time and attracting the elder tree demon, I suggest that you wait for a while outside the blood demon forest before entering the blood demon forest."

"Yeah!" Shi Feng nodded, and his body was instantly.

This obsession is right!

At this moment, He Jiang, He Ji, and Gu Yan have entered the forest of blood demon, and Shi Feng, standing quietly outside this forest of blood demon, watching the movement inside.

This forest of blood demon is still silent, silent and silent, feeling dull and oppressive.

The intense **** smell made people feel as if they had fallen into blood hell.

"Ah!" At this moment, the flame of Shi Feng's body sighed deeply.

The power of such thick blood was incapable of being swallowed, and even he felt abnormally unfortunate.

"Eh? There are still creatures coming to this dangerous place?" At this moment, Shi Feng suddenly felt that there were three waves coming from behind him.

Feeling these three waves, he turned around and looked over.

In an instant, three figures fell into his eyes.

"Three, sea witch!" The breath of the three, the strange looks, and the plants covered with iron-like waterweeds, and the large blisters protecting the whole body, Shi Feng saw at a glance that it was his own Old opponent, sea witch.

This sea witch tribe usually cultivates the power of the sea, but they did not expect that they entered the yin forest where the power of death was raging.

Among the three sea witches, one is in the realm of the Sixth Heaven of the True God, and the other two are in the Fiveth Heaven of the True God!

"Finally chasing you! It's really worth a thousand swords, human race!" And at this moment, Shi Feng only listened to the five gods of the sea witch tribe, and spit out his own voice, The voice echoed in my mind.

"Did you enter this forest because of chasing me?" After hearing what he said, Shi Feng's face moved again, and Chuan Yin asked him back.

Because here, they have closed their ears and can only communicate with each other through sound transmission.

Earlier, according to the obsession, if He Huo and Gu Yan had heard the weird sound, they would not be able to escape the chaos.

It was not expected that these three sea witches came here.

It seems that this race is indeed a simple race.

"I'm here to chop your skin, draw your muscles, and take revenge on my tribe!" Followed by, the sea-witch tribe of the Five Heavens Realm said with gritted teeth at Shi Feng.

This is a fierce sea witch family, it is the master of the sky city, Yancha!

(End of this chapter)

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