Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2258: Death Silent Circle changed hands.

Chapter 2258: Dead God's Circle changes hands.

"If you don't hand it over, Ben Shao will pick it up by yourself! Do you think about it?"

When Shi Feng said this to He Jiang, her face was full of fun.

"You!" He Jiang spit out the word "you" coldly at Shi Feng.

At this time, I saw Shi Feng step out and walked forward toward Hejiang.

"You! What do you want to do!" He Jiang immediately drank at Shi Feng again, with his feet, involuntarily backing away.

Unexpectedly, the Seventh Heavenly True God, in the entire Dongyue Divine State, is a high above all beings, which makes all beings look forward to, even being pushed back by a true Gods double heaven.

In Dongyue Divine Land, the strongest living beings today are the living beings of the Seventh Heaven of the True God.

Now, a true god, the Seventh Heaven, is forced into such a situation.

"What do you say!" While talking about these three words, Shi Feng's face was gloomy, and then he reached out with his right hand and went to He Jiang.

He Jiang did not feel any power above Shi Feng's right hand, but it made him feel very heartfelt. This grab was extremely dangerous.

Shi Feng, naturally through that obsession, condensed the power of death on the right hand.

He Jiang clenched his hands in the death silence circle, in a trembling, death silence circle, he really didn't want to surrender, he really couldn't surrender.

But if you don't give it to this person ...

Struggling in my heart, I saw that the grabbed hand was getting closer and closer to me. At this moment, He Jiang had a very strange feeling, as if in all directions, he had a hand with only a terrorist force. Caught.

All his own escape routes have been completely blocked.

At this moment, He Jiang gritted his teeth and finally made a decision in his heart. He shouted at Shi Feng in front of him: "Stop, I wish, and surrender the death silence circle!"

"I'm willing to surrender the deadly circle!"


This angry, unwilling drink resounded in this dark and dead jungle.

When he heard this, the other creatures beside him changed their looks.

Shi Feng's hand grabbing at He Jiang suddenly gave him a sneer, which drew from the corner of his mouth.

"Father!" He Ye, also yelled at He Jiang.

Unexpectedly, his father wanted to surrender the deadly circle to him.

"He ... he ... he ..." At this time, Luo Nie, the master of the city of Moro, was surprised again.

Just now, he also wanted to ask He Jiang to take his shot and destroy that human race.

However, he didn't expect that He Jiang seemed to have been unable to protect himself. Under the threat of this man, he had to surrender their peerless treasures and the deadly circle of Hemo's dead people.

He Luo Nie, once heard his father talk about the dead silence circle passed down from generation to generation of the Hemo dead, but that is, the **** of the eighth heavenly god!

This scene in front of us has proved that in just a few days, even He Jiang, the Seventh Heaven Realm, holding the dead silence circle is not an opponent of this human race.

"He, is he really the one that he saw in Meteorite City that day? Really, is he?" At this moment, even Ronnie wondered if he had recognized the wrong person.

That day in the Teleportation Temple of Meteor City, myself, but constantly bombarded the people.

He Jiang, despite being unwilling and unwilling again, for the sake of his and his son's life, his right hand suddenly stunned. "Boom!" Hearing only an extremely loud roar, violently rang in the circle of death.

The mark on the deadly **** circle has been shattered by the shock of He Jiang.

The circle of gods trembled violently in He Jiang's hands, as if struggling, as if trying to break free from him.

"Give me, hurry up, give me!" Looking at the trembling quake of silence, at this moment, even Shi Feng's face showed a smile of excitement and joy, said to He Jiang.

After all, it is a true God of War weapon that transcends the Seventh Heaven of the True God!

If you have this weapon, your own combat power will definitely be improved again!

He Jiang did not pass the dead silence circle, he was still full of perseverance, but Shi Feng would not care about him, the holding hand moved again, stretched forward again, grabbed the dead silence ring.

When Shi Feng pulled, the dead silence circle completely broke away from He Jiang's hands, He Jiang watched the man's hands with a white mark, then shocked into the death silence circle.

"Bell!" A crisp sound resounded in the Death Silent Circle. At this moment, the Death Silent Circle finally completely changed hands and became a stone maple.

"Haha, good! Very good! Death Silent Circle! My strongest artifact today!" Shi Feng laughed happily looking at the silver magic circle in his hand.

On the other hand, He Jiang and He Yan were full of aggrieved faces, with anger in their hearts, but they were just stunned, afraid to attack.

Unexpectedly, their father and son entered the treacherous land of the teleportation to search for treasures. This time, not only the treasures were not found, but also the lost treasure of the deadly silence.

"Father, is it ... is that really the case?" Huxun was unwilling to voice to He Jiang.

"Now, that's the only way!" He Jiangdi Hu He replied, and then said, "This man has a terrifying power. At present, we can only cater to him."

The scene that previously spurred the Silent Circle to launch an attack on Shi Feng was still vivid.

Before the **** circle approached this person, Zhen Fei was given a peerless force.

That is, what a terrifying power!

"That's how the dead silence circle is lost, but I don't want to be reconciled, father!" Huxue said again.

No one will reconcile with anyone.

"Take a step and look at it. Nothing is out of this dangerous place!" He Jiang comforted his son.

Upon hearing He Jiang's words, He Xun immediately moved his mind and quickly asked, "Father, what do you mean?"

Faintly, Husband raised a hint of hope in his heart.

"Is there any other way for my father to recapture the dead silence?"

"The treacherous yin lin, everything is unknown! Although that corpse, he has a power that scares me and so on, but deep in the yin lin, it is said that there were many powerful gods in the Eighth Heaven Realm Will fall! "

"Now, we should be getting closer and closer to the depths of the yin forest! The next way, we must be careful, we must be careful, and we must not be careless!

As it gets to the end, it becomes more and more time to gamble. I would like to see if my Hejiang has gained a great opportunity in this yin forest, or die here! "

"Yeah, the way behind should be more and more dangerous." Hearing said in his heart when he heard the words of his father He Jiang.

At this moment, Shi Feng had closed up the deadly **** circle in his hand, and looked at the four aliens casually, and then opened his mouth and said to them:

"Well, go ahead. You four, explore the road for Ben Shao ahead!"

(End of this chapter)

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