Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2275: A mortal situation?

Chapter 2275: A Deadly Situation?

Shi Fenggang coped with Hai Wuxin and Xin Gongzi, and ushered in Ronnie's violent attack.

The body slashed up, avoiding the dark rift that extended, and greeted the huge shadow that fell down.

Then, Shi Feng's double fists rushed out, violently violently blasting towards the huge shadow, but in an instant, hundreds of punches were blasted out.

"Boom! Boom Boom! Boom Boom! Boom Boom Boom!" After a fierce peerless blast, I finally saw the huge shadow falling down by Shi Feng, which was rendered void by Shi Feng.

"Huh?" But at this moment, Shi Feng suddenly found that there were three horrible murders, which came from her own three parties.

Three figures appeared instantly in front, behind, and above themselves.

The one in front is still the young master of the city of Mora.

To the rear is the sea warrior's invincible war witch with no tears in the sea.

Above, Shen Gong, the head of the Wumu tribe.

Tianjiao, who appeared at the same time, launched an attack on Shi Feng at the same time.

Luo Nie, still exploded with strange palms. On both palms, there are two different forms, but they are filled with evil shadows.

The sea has no tears. Both hands condense the two magic swords of water, exuding the power of the superb water, making the surrounding space boil under the power of water.

Two water swords, stabbing at the back of Shi Feng at the same time.

Xin Gongzi, flying thousands of feathers all over his body, looks like a thousand blades, and kills Shi Feng at the same time.

In three directions, three waves of powerful attacks, Shi Feng immediately clenched his fists in both hands, and he sang with wicked expression: "Ah!"

Above the flesh, magic thunder, blood flames, and divine power erupted from the madness, sweeping all directions.

Thousands of feathers rushed from above disappeared suddenly under the force of Shi Feng's re-emergence.

However, Luo Nie's double palms were still twin swords pierced with the sea without tears, and at the same time, they burst into the strong power of Shi Feng.

Luo Nie gritted his teeth, and Hai Wuyan's face froze with tears, "Oh! Hey!" Only two violent sounds sounded again.

In the end, Luo Nie and Hai Wuyi's attack, still facing Shi Feng's strength, bombarded Shi Feng's body.

However, they were also uncomfortable. The physical body was shocked by Shi Feng's power, and the body was shaken fiercely.

At this moment, Shi Feng suddenly lifted up, staring closely at the hairy figure over the sky, and yelled at the son Xin: "You and me, the enemies, should be liquidated!

As he said this, Shi Feng's body moved fiercely, and he stormed up.

Seeing Luo Nie and Hai Wuyue being shocked to fly, and that person rushed towards him, Xin Gongzi immediately changed his face, and his body suddenly rushed up and began to flee.

At this point, where else would he dare to challenge this man alone.

"This human race is chasing the son of the Xinyu Wumu tribe!" Among the strong capitals of the city of Mo Luo, a strong man then said.

"Three arrogant people fought this tribe. I didn't expect it to turn into such a situation at this moment! This tribe is really incredible!"


In the two voids not far away, Luo Nie and Hai Hai's tearless figure were at the same time, stopping the figure being Zhenfei's.

The eyes of these two people have been staring at the figure of the human race tightly from now on. After controlling their figures at this moment, they flew towards the other side immediately.

"Boom!" Shi Feng chased Xin Gongzi, and once again his peerless thunder broke out, and once again urged the peerless **** of thunder and thunder.

At this moment, seeing his violent figure, he was getting closer and closer to the fledgling Xin Gongzi, his eyes stared at Xin Gongzi, and the fierce expression on his face was getting worse.

The scenes of Yuan Yucheng not long ago flashed in his mind.

"No! No! Don't come over!" Looking at Shi Feng approaching from below, at this moment, Xin Gongzi was so frightened that he shouted at the bottom.

If he is really overtaken by this person, he will not be able to compete with his power at all.

"Well, let's stop all the fun!" But at this moment, I only heard a majestic voice that sounded like an irreversible voice, and it sounded from the sky.

Immediately after seeing Shi Feng, thousands of feathers suddenly appeared above him, dancing across the sky, blocking his way.

Shi Feng immediately sensed that each hair feather was full of unmatched strength, and his face immediately became abnormally dignified, stopping the body of Shang Chong.

Today, this flesh has reached an unusually abnormal level. These hair feathers will kill themselves for a short while.

But he knew that with his own power today, it was impossible to break through the sky.

"Father King!" Seeing the thousands of feathers appearing under him, the heart of Xin Gongzi finally let go.

He knew that with these hairs, he was truly safe.

"Ah!" A rage rang from Shi Feng's mouth.

Seeing that he was about to catch up with Xin Gongzi, he could end him with a punch, but suddenly these hairs appeared to block the way. He was naturally unwilling.

And at this moment, the two Tianjiao figures coming down from below had arrived, and Luo Nie and Hai Wuyue had brewed the attack again and were preparing to launch Shi Feng again.

But at this moment, another majestic voice filled with the power of bully came from the sky: "Well, let's end it!"

The sound of this hegemony naturally comes from the domineering of the Lord of the Morals.

Upon hearing this voice, Luo Nie's violent figure immediately stunned, his eyes stared at the sky.

Subsequently, Hai Wuyan also stopped her figure and did not act lightly.

However, he knew that this battle was their defeat, in the hands of the humble people who had only the quadruple heaven of the true God.

The power of the soul sensed the Quartet, and Shi Feng calmed down gradually.

With a frown, at this moment, he could feel that all the eyes in this heaven and earth were gazing at his body.

"Small hits are less than the few. Do you have to deal with the less by yourself?" At this time, Shi Feng said secretly again, eyes, glanced at the three peerless figures.

Finally, he also glanced at another Hemo dead, He Jiang, who exudes a peerless atmosphere.

"Four true gods in the Seventh Heaven Realm are absolutely strong, twelve true gods in the Sixth Heaven, and twenty-eight true Gods in the Five Heavens. This battle ... will be a hard battle!" Shi Feng secretly said.

At this moment, seriously, he didn't know in his heart how he could survive in the hands of these aliens.

The situation in front of him seemed to have become his inevitable situation.

Today, even if the flesh is super perverted, those aliens will not be able to kill him for a while, but he can be surrendered and slowly die.

And just as Shi Feng was thinking in his heart, suddenly, "I didn't expect it to be so lively here!"

Just listening to another voice, echoing from the higher sky.

After hearing that voice, one by one in this heaven and earth, his face changed immediately, raised one after another, and said, "Who? Who?"



At this moment, I saw the four strongest men in this world, and their faces changed at the same time. They seemed to be feeling something, and their faces were extremely shocked.

Even the sea witch god, who had always been cold, was no exception.

(End of this chapter)

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