Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2278: One man's slaughter!

Chapter 2278 Alone's Slaughter!

The slaughter is simply one-sided!

The powerful men of the three major alien forces did not even see each other's shadows, and were thus killed.

Shi Feng's figure slowly rose to the slaughtering battlefield. At this time, his complexion suddenly moved, and he was shocked to say: "In fact, the killing of the three powerful forces is just one person. ? "

Although the eight strong human races behind Yue Jie had disappeared behind Yue Jie, Shi Feng felt that only one of them was a breath. Among the three aliens, he walked like lightning, the other seven He couldn't sense it at all, and didn't know where to hide.

"Maybe, I can only sense one of them." Followed by, Shi Feng said.

Actually, Shi Feng's induction is not wrong!

In a hidden void, there was a voice of dissatisfaction: "Xuanqing guy, he killed this way, these aliens will be killed by him."

"Yeah, this guy, I don't know how many are left for us! I have forgotten how long I haven't done it. This hand is really itchy!"

"I originally thought that going to this Dongyue Divine Kingdom with Tianwang would kill him a lot, but ... I just watched it like that."

"Hey, who let us guess the box just now, we all lost to this guy Xuanqing! Only this guy can be refreshed! I ... I really want to kill the ring!"

"Kill kill kill! I want to kill!"


These people, from countless years ago, have fought for the Quartet in the sacred place of heaven, all their lives are for killing, some do not kill for some time, they are not quite used to it, and want to see blood.


As the three major forces continued to fall, Shi Feng continued to devour.

The power of death, blood, and soul were absorbed by him without mercy, and a dried-up corpse fell to the messy ground.

At this time, Shi Feng's gaze gazed at the four peerless forces.

Just now, the four peerless powerhouses in the heavens and earth of the Seven True Gods have all shot with all their strength.

The deathly power of death, the sword-killing power of the divine feathers, the raging waves of the raging sea, and the evil fire rages on the evil breath.

"Huh!" At this moment, a disdainful cold hum resounded in this violent and chaotic void, and then, a voice full of drama was echoed:

"A lot of ants, dare to resist my power? Humm! Give me all, break!"

Immediately afterwards, I saw this void, and suddenly the sky blue flowers fluttered, and each blue flower shone with bright green brilliance, which looked abnormal and beautiful.

Between the blue sky and the blue sky, there is a blue figure.







Then, just listening to the screams and sound booms.

The cyan flying flower deprives aliens of their lives, and the waves of peerless force that this void has just appeared, are instantly broken when they are touched by the cyan flying flower.

Including the smashing golden feather sword, the billowing raging waves, and the burning purple sea of ​​flames, the power of death!

All power in this heaven and earth is gone!

"Hehehe!" A disdainful laughter resounded, and with this "hehe" laughter, the sky blue flying flowers gradually disappeared into the void, and a blue peerless figure stood proudly on the surviving aliens. , Looked down at them with disdain.

After the massacre just now, all the true gods of the Five Heavens have fallen, even the true God of the Sixth Heaven has suffered severe injuries and injuries, and only a few survived.

And even the aliens who survived looked very embarrassed, as if they had experienced a major disaster.

The sea witch tribe, the sea witch **** held a three-pointed **** fork, the three war witches under him, and the rest of the sea witch tribe were killed in the massacre just now.

The five great war witches of the Sea Witch tribe are all dead!

The supreme sea witch **** has become a lonely widow!

Among the Shenyu Wumu tribe, the magnificent golden armor of the Shenyu Wumu tribe has become dilapidated, and the original golden feathers on the body have become full of clutter.

The majesty of the majestic king had long since disappeared, and the whole body looked like a flat-haired animal.

Similarly, the embarrassed Xin Gongzi and Lao Lao stood proudly beside him. After experiencing the slaughter just now, the Xin Gongzi not only survived, but also successfully entered the realm of the Sixth Heaven of the True God.

However, facing the current situation, he was bitter and could not be happy at all.

Surviving today is difficult, advanced, and useless.

In the capital of Mo Luo, most of the strong were killed.

The master of the magical Luo is overbearing. He has long lost the splendid temperament. The armor is broken and the hair is scattered. The domineering face is full of shock and anxiety.

Hemo's dead is the most extreme, and he still stands dead in Luo Dominion, but he looks no better than Luo Dominance.

Behind the two of them stood three powerful men in the sixfold heavenly realm of Wolverine, the capital of Mo Luo, one of whom was the young Lord of Romo, Luo Nie.

In the massacre just now, Luo Nie returned to the side of Luo Dadao, and while Luo Dadao did his best to urge the power, he also used his strength to protect his son.

Luo Nie knew to himself that if his father hadn't condensed Mo Luo Shen Huo around his body, he might be dead at this moment, and he would become one of the dried-up corpses on the messy ground below him.

"It's all him! It's him! It's all him! If it weren't for him, my father and I wouldn't have fallen into the same situation!" Ronnie's face was full of hate, and he looked at the figure with resentment. Slowly moving stone maple.

At this moment, he attributed all of this to Shi Feng's body. "Whatever he is, don't die!"

Ronnie, I really miss him!

And he knows that in such a situation, he can't die, but himself, and his father, are more ferocious!

Shi Feng's figure slowly rising, suddenly at this moment, he was just in front of Luo Dadao, He Jiang, King Wu Yu, Wu Hai, and other gods, with a sneer on his face, looking at these Dongyue Shenzhou's top powerhouse.

"In fact, Ben Shao did not expect that such a reversal would occur." Shi Feng said to these people.

Shi Feng's words were piercing in the ears of these aliens, as if full of irony.

"Little animal! You!" Ronnie, who was already full of anger, was full of anger and anger at the stone maple ahead.

Shi Feng, who looks like a winner, is really unhappy and unhappy in his eyes.

Ronnie, it's really crazy.

When he heard the words "little beasts and animals", Shi Feng's face was stunned, his face suddenly gloomy.

(End of this chapter)

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