Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2294: Meet King of Wrath!

Chapter 2294 Meet the King of Wrath!

"Angry ... Anger!" The woman said involuntarily.

She is also a member of Zhongao Shenzhou. Fortunately, she has seen this person far away.

This majestic figure has not been forgotten so far.

Megatron's existence of the entire divine war, furious battle of the king, Yue Xie.

But then she found out that the angry king was sitting there cross-legged at this moment, eyes closed, and his body was motionless.

"Hey, what is he doing? Cultivate here?"

"No ... no! It must not be true! All of this, but it's just an illusion! It's this boy who has performed magic on me! How could the King of Fury appear here, and how could he be with such a boy. "

"Nothing wrong! The Jinlin Beast below me, the Taoist intentions behind him, and the angry King of Heaven who sat cross-legged, were all created by this boy who performed magic on me!"

"Eyes of the rhinoceros!" The woman drank secretly in her heart, and for a moment, a strange gleam of light suddenly shone from her eyes, as if it could penetrate everything.

"Well, what's going on? How could this be!" Then, the woman whispered in her heart. In the eyes of Lingxi, she didn't see any trace of illusion, everything was so real!

"Oh! Do you understand!" Then, as if the woman wanted to understand something, she said secretly: "The way of illusion, there are so many changes, there is the power of mysterious magic to change the appearance between heaven and earth, to confuse the soul. .

I have also heard that some people who are proficient in the soul can perform the art of soul and unconsciously affect the soul of the other party.

This man is proficient in the way of the soul. What I saw in his space mystery before was the manifestation of his soul's power!

At this moment, he must have unknowingly cast his soul art! The root of these hallucinations I see at the moment is that my soul is affected, even the eyes of my rhinoceros.

This kid, young, is really a deep skill! No wonder at that time, in that fallen city, he had not been destroyed by those great battles. "

"Ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha!" After thinking about this, although the woman's trembling body could not move, at this moment, she uttered a laughter as if she had seen through everything.

"What nerve does this woman have?" When she heard her suddenly laughing, Shi Feng secretly said, then looked at her again and asked her, "What are you laughing at?"

Hearing Shi Feng's words, the woman laughed, followed by the corner of her mouth, and sneered at Shi Feng, saying:

"I have to admit, your way of soul, your illusion, is indeed brilliant! If I didn't know that it was all false, I wouldn't see any flaws until now."

"The way of the soul? Illusion? Fake? Vulnerable?" Shi Feng muttered the words she said.

"It turned out that this woman thought I had performed illusions on her?" Shi Feng felt a little funny, and then said to the woman again: "You think more, but less, there is no need to perform any illusions on you."

"Oh!" Hearing Shi Feng's words, only the woman smiled at him and said:

"Well, don't have to install it again. I really don't understand why you treat me so. Why do you see these fake pictures? Do you just want to make me think you are great? Really, childish, ridiculous ! "

"Childish? Funny?" Listening to this woman with a mocking tone, a sneer gradually appeared on Shi Feng's face, saying:

"Women, I don't know where you come from. You have been superior since just now.

Tell you, in front of Ben Shao, you are nothing!

Performing magic on you? You do n’t deserve this hard work! "

"You!" Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, the woman was angry and spit out at him again.

Obviously he used these ghosts against himself, but said such words to himself.

He doesn't use illusions on himself. Isn't Jinlin Beast, the still-moving angry king, really not successful!

"It's so irritating! This man has a problem in his brain!" The woman aired in her heart.

Now that he has been exposed by himself, he has to pretend in front of himself.

Shi Feng was too lazy to care about this woman anymore, but at this moment, Yue Xie, who was resting with her eyes closed, opened her eyes slowly.

"Huh?" Yue Min's slight movement was immediately sensed by Shi Feng.

Shi Feng looked down at him slightly, apologized, and said to him, "I'm sorry, I disturbed you."

"It's okay, it doesn't matter." Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, Yue Mi shook his head slowly and said.

At this time, he saw his figure sitting cross-legged and stood up slowly.

"Hum! Still pretending to be here!" At this moment, the woman made a cold hum again.

Originally, the eight killings in the rear impacted the woman, making her tremble and unable to move.

Gradually, the eight found that the woman originally knew Shi Feng, so the eight killing intentions began to converge, and the woman's body gradually returned to normal.

However, although the eight desolate strongmen have converged, but their attention has been concentrated on this woman. As long as she sees that she dares to act on Yue Xie or Shi Feng, they will inevitably bring it to her. Kill.

Although it is said that Yue Xie is so all because of Shi Feng, those who are strong in the wild are also very dissatisfied with him.

However, after all, his life was paid for by Yue Ming, how can he let him have no more accidents.

"Huh?" At this moment, Yue Yan's majestic, self-defying face moved slightly, then turned her head slightly and looked at the woman.

Then, just listen to Yue Mi suddenly said: "Eye of the Rhinoceros, people of Ruan's family!"

"You ... you ... how do you see that I have the eyes of the lingering rhinoceros?" Then, after seeing the woman's words, this woman was shocked again.

This man, this man who passed through that man ’s illusion, looked like the King of Fury, and found out that he had the eye of the rhinoceros that was passed down from generation to generation.

"This ... this ... this could be ..." Vaguely, this woman seemed to be aware of something. At this moment, she was really aware of it.

At this time, Yue Xie opened her mouth again and said, "Two years ago, Ruan Hao, the master of your Ruan family, led you warriors of the Ruan family, followed me in the battle for the protoss. Some impression. "

"Ah!" After hearing Yue Ming's words, the woman from Ruan's family immediately bowed to Yue Ming and shouted, "Heaven! Little girl Ruan Yinger, meet the King of Fury!"

(End of this chapter)

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