Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2296: Divine Deed

Chapter 2296 Divine Deed

"Ah!" Seeing Shi Feng looking at herself, suddenly, a light whispered in Ruan Yinger's mouth, and her heart trembled in this instant.

Because of this time, she has been thinking how to get close to him, so that he doesn't take the matter to heart. At this moment, facing him, Ruan Yinger became a little nervous.

"Why is this woman getting weirder?" Shi Feng said secretly as she looked at the kind of panic that suddenly appeared to her.

He didn't take the matter to heart at all, so these days, I feel Ruan Yinger's behavior is a bit strange.

Followed by, Shi Feng turned her head and stopped looking at her.

"He ... he ..." Seeing Shi Feng turning his head back, Ruan Yinger was thinking about something in his heart.


"Yeah!" But at this moment, I saw the closed-eyed anger king, suddenly angrily face.

"Huh?" Originally looking at Shi Feng in the void in front of her, she suddenly felt the strange shape of Yue Xie and turned her head to look at him.

Above the peerless and mighty face, I saw the two closed eyes, suddenly wide open at this moment, a look of surprise appeared on Yue Xie's face.

Then, I saw Yue Mi's cross-legged body stood up proudly, and drank coldly at the sky:

"Now come, come out!"

"Come? Who's here?" When hearing these two words, Shi Feng's soul force swept out in all directions.

Now he has the power of the soul to reach the level of God, how powerful and sharp.

The power of the soul spreads wildly, which means that almost everything in this world is within his induction.

As a result ... Shi Feng didn't feel it. In this world, the sky that Yue Ming looked up to, hides the existence that can make him an angry king.

And at this moment, Shi Feng sensed that the eight desolate strong men behind him were soaring into the sky, and the eight peerless warfare went straight to the sky.

"It should be that something really has arrived, but it's just that I can't see it." Shi Feng sighed in his heart.

Today, although I have entered the real world of the Four Kingdoms of God, by means of which I can confidently fight against the Seventh Heaven of the World of God, in front of the true strongest of the World of God War, I will be nothing.

Not to mention the others, the eight invincible powerhouses behind them, who came out casually, could easily defeat themselves.

"Oh! Yue Jie!" Just then, just listening to a sound of laughter sounded from above the sky, and that one directly called out the name of the angry King Yue Xie.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the sky suddenly change color, and the whole sky was instantly gloomy.

"Don't stop, rush! Speed ​​up!" Yue Xie yelled at the Tian Jin Lin Beast at his feet, and gave an order to the heavenly strong men behind him.

While drinking the words, his right foot suddenly lifted, and then he stomped down with a kick.



A fierce violent sound and the howling sound of Tian Jinlin Beast echoed the world, and under the pain, Shi Feng could clearly feel that the speed of Tian Jinlin Beast's rushing under him suddenly accelerated a few points.

And he also saw that at this moment, that angry King was scared?

"What is it that can make this person so?" Shi Feng secretly surprised.

Not only was Shi Feng's heart horrified, it was the woman Ruan Ying'er from Ruan's family who had such thoughts in her heart, showing an incredible shock.

The angry king Wang Yuexie, in her heart, is synonymous with invincible!

But at this moment, he would become so.





At the same time, the eight-headed Tianlin Beast behind him also issued a howl and then accelerated suddenly.

At this moment, the eight desolate powerhouses above the eight-headed celestial beast have become very dignified.

They have long realized the advent of powerful enemies.

If Uranus is at its peak, any strong enemy will inevitably fight.

But in Dongyue Shenzhou, the king is for that kid ...

Recalling the scene of the forest of yin and thunder, there were several young strong men who looked at the young figure in front of them with hate.

Followed, just listening to that laughter from above the sky:

"Oh, when did the prestigious Wrath King of the Heavenly Sacred Land learn how to run away? Yue Ming, for your sake, I took great pains and entered the war continent at all costs! Did you just welcome your old friends? Is it? "

While this thick voice was still echoing in this world, suddenly, I saw a super big vortex, suddenly appeared above the sky!

The vortex is a color of ten colors, which looks unusually spectacular and unusually beautiful. Just in an instant, it has enveloped this world.

Tian Jinlin Beast and Tian Lin Beast, although they are rushing fast, but the ten colorful vortex above the sky is also moving rapidly.

"Appeared!" Just then, Shi Feng suddenly shouted, and finally he saw a figure on the sky.

Shape, like the form of a person.

But then, Shi Feng's complexion suddenly changed, and she said in shock: "Protoss!"

It was a protoss strong man with golden scales all over him, exuding a unique and transcendent breath.

This breath is comparable to Yue Xian at the peak!

At this time, Shi Feng also realized, Yue Xie, why did she run away!

Everything is because of myself! For his own sea evil curse, he paid a great price!

"Protoss of the Protoss! One of the eight gods of the Protoss!" At this time, Yue Xie spit out slowly towards Shi Feng.

"The Protoss God Deed!" Shi Feng had not heard of the name of the Divine Deed, but when he heard the word "Divine Deed", Ruan Yinger's face changed dramatically, exclaiming in astonishment.

"He is the protector of the gods of the Protoss, God's deed!" When the identity of the other party is known, when looking at the figure in the colorful vortex in the sky again, Ruan Yinger only feels that one handle can destroy everything Great Sword is here, hanging in the air.

Then, she looked at Yue Xian again and said:

"I have heard that more than 200 years ago, the gods of the Protoss God protected the law and led the Protoss army to successfully enter the Divine War continent. World War I!

That battle was rumored to be fierce, with each of the strong beings dead and injured countless.

However, to the end, the deed was severely injured by you, and his arms were severed. However, he escaped by chance. "

"That's right!" When Yue Ruan Yinger said that, Yue Xie answered, "The deed of God is in my eyes, but it's just a defeat."

"Then why are you?" Ruan Yinger was puzzled. Since the rumor was true, with the strength of the angry king, he learned that the deed of God came, why did he choose to flee.

Is it only two hundred years that the combat power of this deed has been above this one?

(End of this chapter)

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