Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2304: Haiyin House!

Chapter 2304 Haiyin House!

Instead of rushing to that sea area now, why not wait here!

Wait for the night to wait before you plan!

Time passed slowly, and they never saw the young figure who left again.

Gradually, Shi Feng was somewhat convinced by what the woman had just said.

That alien man, is everything really he pretended to be?

"Alternatively, let this woman take herself to Nahai House and borrow the Bihai Xuanshi herself!" Shi Feng said secretly in her heart.

In order to live! No hope can be missed.

Overnight is about to pass.

"I said it, don't wait any longer!" Said Kui Kui.

"You took me to Nahai, and I personally went to the door to borrow the Bihai Xuanshi!" Shi Feng said to her.

"You go to the door to borrow?" Xu Kui was a little surprised when she heard Shi Feng's words, but then, Jingrong faded from her face, only to see she nodded to Shi Feng, and said, "Okay!"

"Going to that Haiyin House with him, I would like to see what kind of wonderful expression the proud gentleman would have when I saw that I was still alive!"

"I'd like to see, Auntie that hypocrite, how to face me then.

I want to hear what he said to me in hypocrisy! "

With these words in her heart, Xu Kui's mouth twitched and a cold smile appeared.

Immediately afterwards, she moved, leading the way for Shi Feng and heading north.

Like a lightning fish, at the speed of lightning, shuttles in the sea, and like a mermaid swimming in the sea.

Subsequently, Shi Feng's figure immediately moved, followed, followed closely behind her.


This woman seems to be quite prestigious among the Hai people.

Wherever she went, those who possessed wisdom had saluted and evaded.

Gradually, a touch of pride in the past appeared quietly on her face.


As she hurried northward, the bodies of Shi Feng and the alien woman continued to dive down, and continued to dive into the deep sea.

Since it is Haifu, it is estimated that it was built on the bottom of the sea!

Soon after, the figure quickly shuttled through the front and bottom of the sunflower, and Jiao's body gave a swift meal, and then pointed Shi Feng obliquely to the distant place below and said:

"Look! There is Haifu, the hypocrite! Haiyin!"

There is a dazzling dazzling area where Aoi Kui refers to!

It is not so much a Haifu as a huge palace, but the entire palace is made of colorful sea crystals!

Seeing this sea crystal palace, Shi Feng once again remembered the sea crystal city he once saw in the Shenyu Wumu clan.

But in terms of scale and spectacularness, the sea crystal city cannot be compared with this sea crystal palace!

The magnificent sea crystal palace stands in the underwater world, like a giant beast in the sea, looks extremely shocking!

"Let's go!" Shi Feng said to Xu Kui.

"Come with me!" Said Aoi Kui.

Followed by, Kui Kui's figure moved fiercely again, and dived down to that sea crystal palace.

"Who! Break into my Haiyin House! Report to the name!" However, at this moment, just listening to a thick rage, it suddenly sounded.

Shi Feng had previously noticed that before the Haijing Palace, it could be said that it was heavily guarded and covered by sea soldiers.

The angry anger was just now, a blue crab general wearing a battle armor, awe-inspiring, and imposing!

When the thick anger drunk just fell, then, I heard a Jiao drink rang from the mouth of Aoi:

"Well, you have a blind eyebrow that really blinds your dog's eyes. Doesn't Grandma want to enter this Haiyin Palace and report to you that your name isn't complete! Huh?"

"Ah! Princess princess!" At the first sight of Aoi Kui, when he saw the blue crab general, he was shocked, and then shouted in surprise.

Now in this area of ​​Haiyin, who does n’t know this aunt and who does n’t know the aunt ’s name!

When you meet this aunt, who doesn't want to miss three points!

This aunt, besides her extraordinary origins, she ... is the future hostess of Haiyin Yu!

"I ... my eyes ... why didn't I see clearly! This ... this Nizi, it's hard to cope!"

The blue crab general said secretly in his heart that the absolute momentum just now suddenly fell down at this moment.

I just feel a headache.

"Well, now that you recognize Grandma Aunt, let me walk away to Grandma Aunt, don't block Grandma Aunt." Kui Kui chuckled at the blue crab general.

Then he turned around and said to Shi Feng, "Let's go!"

"How dare you! How dare you! How dare you stand in your way!" At this moment, the blue crab general immediately responded to the sunflower.

At the same time, his burly body fled aside.

The next moment, when I saw Kui Kui rushing in, without any hindrance, he passed by the blue crab general next moment.

But Kui Kui just passed by, and Shi Feng's figure also entered into it with a bang.

The blue crab general saw, but this one came with the aunt and grandmother, presumably his identity is not simple, he dare to stop.

Afterwards, wherever Kui Kui went, the sea clan soldiers kept making way for her.

The two swift shuttle figures arrived shortly afterwards at the gate of the Haijing Palace!

"Princess princess!" The sea clan guard guarding the gate immediately recognized this one, and hurriedly saluted her respectfully, shouting respectfully.

Xu Kui didn't even look at the generals of the sea clan, together with Shi Feng, went straight to the Haijing Palace in front.

Inside Haijing Palace, there is a translucent, no different from the outside world during the day.

As we went deeper into Haijing Palace, it became clear that the guards became more severe.

Shi Feng gradually felt that the farther forward, the sea tribe is stronger and stronger, and now, the guarded sea tribe general, realm, is in the fifth heaven of the true god!

"Princess Xun, the houseowner and the son, are entertaining a few very important guests. If Princess Xun is going to enter, let me pass through!" Said the strong sea tribe who is in the fifth heaven of the true God.

This strong man in the sea race wore a black heavy armor and was extremely majestic, with a height of over three meters, dark skin, and fish scales on his face.

While speaking these words to Xunkui, the strong sea tribe took a look at Shi Feng beside Xunkui.

But it was just a glance, his eyes turned away immediately.

A real being in the quadruple heavens of the true **** can't even enter the eyes of the other commander of Yuhu Hubei!

He commanded Yuyu University, and thought he could kill it instantly.

"Does Grandma Ben want to go in and still need to communicate with them? Get out of my way, don't block Grandma Ben's way, otherwise, you look good!" Aunt Kui yelled arrogantly at the leader of the fish and jade.

(End of this chapter)

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