Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2306: Treacherous giant cunning!

Chapter 2306 Old Tragedy Giant Cunning!

The sea soul area, in this vast sea area in the endless sea, has a very famous name.

The one in the special sea spirit field!

The Seventh Heavenly Powerful God, who knew the true identity of Aoi Kui, secretly said in his heart that it was no wonder that the Aya Princess appeared in this hall and immediately became the focus of attention!

That one's palm pearl should be so!

However, the sea creature of the Seventh Heaven Realm of the True God heard the sound of discussions around it, as if this princess princess was married to the lord of the young man in Haiyin Province with his own finger?

Proud, although he is the young master of the Haiyin domain, this Haiyin domain is not a level at all compared with that prestigious seasoul domain.

It stands to reason that since this is the palm jewel in the sea soul area, it is supposed to be matched with a more powerful sea power!

Among them, there must be something hidden!

"Aunt, you hypocrite, are you surprised to see me standing here alive now? Is it a surprise? Isn't you disappointed?" Aoi stepped forward step by step, looking at the aunt, still He sneered and said.

"How could it be! Kui Kui, why do you think of me like that!" When seeing Kui Kui coming, looking at the sneer on her face, hearing her say that, Ao Xun said quickly.

The expression that appeared on his face seemed to have been greatly wronged.

Seeing Kui walking forward, Shi Feng still stood still, watching all this quietly.

"I miss you like that?" Hearing Ao's words, the sneer twirled at the corner of Ms. Kui's fair and beautiful face, and then chuckled, "Can't my aunt and grandma wrong you?"

"Xun Kui, countless sea creatures in the endless sea know, but you, my proud wife who hasn't gone through the door!" Ao Yi said with a real face.

Aoi's footsteps are still walking forward step by step.

The beautiful rhythms in the hall, the beautiful dancing poses, have long stopped.

The ten mussels in the center of the hall saw the princess princess coming, and their bodies immediately receded.

If this obstructs the way of the puppet princess, it is very likely to be wiped out.

The princess of Puppets is fierce. Who knows now in Haiyin!

After hearing Ao's words, Ai Kui sneered and asked him again: "Are you proud? Have you ever been my fiancee?"

"Your fiancee is being held hostage, and I will give you a night to come back to borrow a white lion, and how about you? How are you sitting here to borrow a white lion?

"I see you, not to come back to borrow a black lion, but to come back and enjoy the rhythm and dancing, and at the same time enjoy the joy that I am about to be killed."

"I ... how! I do, I've been doing my best to borrow a black lion from Senior Ao!" Ao Yan said with a sincere face again.

"Ah!" But as soon as his voice fell, the sea powerhouse sitting opposite him was shocked. "Ah!"

This sea tribe's realm is in the realm of the Eighth Heaven of the True God, humanoid, but it looks like a turtle but not a ghost and a snake but not a snake.

It seems that this is the predecessor Ao just said! That is the Lord of the Bihai Xuanshi!

"Senior Ao, don't you think so!" At this moment, this proud look asked the person who was facing him.

And just when the "Ao senior" just wanted to speak, he just heard the cold humming again from the sunflower.

Followed by, Kui Kui said, "This old Ao, isn't this aunt Granny in distress, and this proud man borrowed the blond lion from you, but you don't want to borrow him? Delay now?

If this is the case, I will report this to my father! Let my father be the master for me, and you Lao'ao will never die! "

"Ah!" After hearing Kui Kui's words and hearing that she had moved out of that one, but also the one who made the decision, Lao Ao's mouth burst into surprise again.

Followed by, Lao Ao hurriedly opened his mouth and said innocently, "Princess Lao, Lao Ao, I don't know anything!"

"The master of Ao Shaofu sat across from Lao A tonight tonight, and I didn't even ask me to borrow a black lion from Lao Ao!"

"If you know that Princess Wu is in trouble, you must borrow Laoao's blond black lion, and Laoao must deliver it in person as fast as possible!"

"Senior Ao, you!" Shouted Ao Yi as soon as he heard Lao Ao's words.

At this time, the old Ao turned his head to look at him and said, "The owner of the proud young man, Lao Ao has always been straight and I don't like to cheat. I really can't help you with this lie, I'm really sorry."

In the end, Ao's face was full of apologies, and he even clenched his fists.

He doesn't know this arrogant plan for this treacherous thing that has lived endless years.

He didn't want to get involved in this matter. He Haiao, but the existence of the true **** Baetian level, this Haiyin domain, he need not look at, but the sea soul domain, it is not offensive to him at all.

"Hum!" After hearing Lao Ao's words, Xu Kui sneered and sneered again, then looked at that proud and asked him, "You hypocrite, you, what else to say."

"This seems to me a little clearer!" And at this moment, the sea clan who sat on both sides of the line, whispered again.

"Well, it seems that the princess is in distress and needs the Laoao's blond black lion to be rescued, and the young man who came back was nothing to mention."

"This puppet princess, but the fiancee of this young master, but I have never seen him since I saw him, and his fiancee is in distress!"

"Yeah! I saw him before, with a look of enjoyment and intoxication! He even ended up in person and waited for me to dance!"

"It seems that there is indeed a story in this!"

"On identity and status, the princess is far above his young master! But he never thought ..."


"I ... Aoi, this thing is really not what you think!

After all, they are such strange beasts of Xuanshi. If you want to borrow them, you must be careful!

Since returning to the present day, I have seen Ao's predecessors always be on the rise, and I dare not disturb them easily, so as not to annoy him.

I was trying to find a suitable time, and then spoke to him, borrowing the blond black lion. "Auntie said again.

"That's when you borrowed the lion black lion, I've already died there!" Wu Kui said ironically.

At this time, the Lao Ao spoke inappropriately:

"Although the black lion is my mount, I have always regarded it as a brother, but if the master of the government borrows it, then it is clearly to save the princess, and I will lend it as soon as possible!"

He knew that just now, he had already offended the young master of Haiyin Yu.

Anyway, I have already offended, it might as well help the princess Aoi and further win her favor!

"Through this human relationship, maybe that thing, you can find the one in the sea soul area at that time!" Lao Ao said secretly in his heart, that this treacherous and sly thing did not let go of any chance, and began secretly thinking what's up!

(End of this chapter)

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