Reference 2308

In the main hall of Haiyin House, the extremely cold intention of killing swept out of Ao Jian.

"Kacha Kacha Kacha!" Followed closely, listening only to the sound of freezing ice, echoing constantly.

Suddenly, the powerful men of the sea races saw that the four corners of the hall were constantly condensing into ice, that is, their way to the two crystal gates in front had been blocked by the extremely hard ice, risking Extremely cold chill.

At the same time, I saw the Lord Haiyin, who sat high above him, slowly stood up.

"Ao Jian, what do you mean?" Immediately, a cold drink sounded from the mouth of a strong sea tribe.

The strong sea man has dark skin, exposing a sharp tusks, and looks extremely fierce, at first glance it looks like a monster in the sea.

The momentum emanating from him was comparable to that of the Lord Haiyin.

This is also a strong sea tribe of the true **** Yae heaven.

Then, the old Ao, who was also in the eighth heaven, followed Shen Sheng's voice and said, "Pride, just because of your two couples, don't you want me to wait?"

As soon as Lao's voice fell, another old voice sounded from the crowd: "Ao Jian, have you forgotten your husband?"

He was speaking of a **** sea creature, wearing a blood-colored robe, with blood-colored scales on his face, with blood-colored messy beards, and red eyes, which looked wicked and evil. ferocious.

At a glance, I know that it is not good!

And the momentum emanating from him is also a powerful sea tribe!

At this moment, the three powerful sea clan members all spoke at the same time, with sharp eyes, approaching the proud couple on the top.

Immediately following, the three peerless warfare suddenly rose from these three peerless figures.

"A loach! An old hawk! And this dead fish!" Ao Jian, the top of Ao Li, looked at the three figures below and spit out coldly.

"Master Haiyin, just because we're leaving, you want to leave us all? Isn't it ... a little too much!"

Seeing those three peerless beings in their early days, then, one by one, the Hai clan powerhouses also yelled at the Haiyin Lord above.

"Just! Lord Haiyin, what do you want?"

"The Lord of Haiyin is proud, don't you want to be against us all?"

"Hmm! Not long ago, you were very polite. At this moment, I became ruthless, really capricious!"

"From now on, this Haiyin domain, I will not take another step!"


Unexpectedly, just at this moment, the host and guests who had enjoyed together not long ago turned their faces.

In just this moment, Ao Jian became the target of public criticism.

In the face of the cold drinking of these sea clan, the proud above is still cold and glaring at them.

Followed, just listening to him again rudely, saying, "You guys, enough to say?"

Suddenly, the powerful people of the sea clan immediately sensed that there were four peerless icy momentums that suddenly rose from their four sides, and four bright cold lights suddenly shone from them.

"This is it?" When the four icy colds and four icy lights were sensed, one by one, the strong seamen, suddenly changed again.

At this time, even the three sea powerhouses of the true **** Yae heaven were surprised.

"A real artifact at the level of four avenues!" At this time, the old face of the old Ao who had lived for a long time was already shocked and exclaimed directly.


"What! In all directions!"

Upon hearing Lao's words, one after another exclaimed in shock.

"This Haiyin Mansion has four levels of eight-level heavenly artefacts! This ... this Haiyin Mansion's heritage is ... unexpectedly, so profound!"

"It's difficult ... no wonder ... no wonder this Lord of Haiyin, dare to be so mad in the face of so many of us! Original ... Originally, he still has this method!"


At this moment, Shi Feng is already in the midst of these sea clan powers, inducing the power of four peerless artifacts. At this moment, Shi Feng's complexion has become abnormally dignified.

A true **** of the eighth heavenly power urges four of the eighth heavenly artifact, it is so horrible!

"Huh, these idiots, my father's Tianjing Shenbing, is more than that!" The proud arrogant below Ao Li Ao Jian, sneering, looking at the strong sea tribe.

"Here is my Haiyin house, and you can't tolerate these creatures here! Now that my father has made you all stay, then you have to stay all!"

"Dead! You all have to die! And that one, who doesn't know anything, bitch!"

Speaking of the last sentence, the proud eyes had coldly stared at the golden shadow.

At this time, Kui Kui's eyes were glaring at the pride, and the two of them immediately faced each other.

I saw the face of that sunflower, and it became colder in an instant, and once again I sang it coldly: "Pride, pride, after the arrival of my sea spirit domain army, all the creatures in your Haiyin domain will be because of you Two, and, extinct! "

This cold and vicious voice echoed immediately in the hall.

Faintly, several sea powerhouses involuntarily emerged in their minds a tragic picture of the sea full of floating bodies.

"Huh!" And when he heard the words of Li Kui, a cold hum hummed from that proud mouth: "Slut, since my father has already shot, everything is naturally under our control."

Later, I saw Auntie walking step by step, walking slowly forward, and continued to say, "Of course we know that there is a mark left by your Laozi in your slut's body. As long as you die, your Laozi will see you Before the death! "

Talking, Ao's mouth twitched, evoking a proud sneer, this looks as if he has mastered the overall situation, and then continued:

"But, under the Haiyin array of my proud ancestors, your son, I can't see how you died!"

"Ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha!" At the end, Aunt Yang laughed loudly.

At this moment, his appearance is no longer the modest gentleman on weekdays.

"Ditch!" And just at this moment, I only heard an unusually weird sound coming out of the mouth of the proud Lord Haiyin.



"This power!"

"Okay ... so terrible!"

Immediately afterwards, the complexions of the sea clan powers once again made a big change, and in their mouths, they screamed again and again.

They saw that the cold light of their four sides had become more bright and dazzling in an instant, and they had sensed that these four real artifacts had gathered together at this moment.

Four strengths in one, the power of ice, howling.

Not only those sea powerhouses, but also Shi Feng, the three true gods of the Eighth Heavenly Powers, their faces changed again.

Under the combination of the four forces, even the three felt that they could be killed by the peerless cold power at any time!

(End of this chapter)

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