Chapter 2316 Persecution!

Xi Kui politely checked Lao Ao, then turned with the white lion, and walked slowly towards Shi Feng.

The black lion, following the order of Lao Ao, followed behind Kui Kui, but behaved like a kitten.

Lao'ao's eyes narrowed, staring at the back of Aoi, the wrinkled face of Ao, faintly, and then a seemingly ridiculous smile appeared.


Xu Kui brought the golden black lion back to Shi Feng, and said, "I have brought the golden black lion, fulfill the promise between us."

"Leave here with me first," Shi Feng said to her.

At this moment Shi Feng had sensed that he had looked at himself with a different look.

When she heard Shi Feng's words, Xu Kui frowned, but then she responded softly: "Oh!"

After she said the word, Shi Feng turned around and prepared to go out of the Haiyin Hall, but just when Shi Feng just turned around, she suddenly heard an old voice coming from behind her:

"Please stay away, my little friend!"

"Huh?" Upon hearing that, Shi Feng's brow frowned, and it seemed that it was not so simple to leave here.

Followed by, Shi Feng slowly turned around and looked at where the sound came from. It was one of the three Eight Heavenly Powers, the Old Man in Blood Robe.

"What is this old mixed hair, what does he want?" Shi Feng stared at him, thinking secretly in his heart.

Followed by Shi Feng, the old man in the blood robe fluttered, floating towards this side, approaching himself.

After his body moved, the other two true gods in the Eighth Heaven Realm followed suit.

Seeing him approaching, Shi Feng asked him, "Is there something?"

The fluttering figure of the Scarlet Lao Pao stopped at the obliquely upwards of Shi Feng and Aoi, lowered his head slightly, and looked down at Shi Feng, and said, "Little friend, can you release the thing that releases the evil blood eye to the old one? View. "

"Sure enough!" After hearing his words, Shi Feng murmured secretly again.

That evil eye, which had previously exhibited such a mysterious power, must be remembered by these things.

"Why should I show you?" Shi Feng asked him in a cold tone.

The old man in the blood robe naturally heard that his tone had cooled down, but the messy old face still had a slight smile, and he was kind to Shi Fengting, saying:

"Don't hide it, in fact, the blood eye is like the secret treasure of Blood Moon Valley that I have lost, the blood evil mystery!"

The old man in the blood robe again said that even the name of the device that was spoken was so smooth, it looked like it was exactly what he said.

However, listening to Shi Feng's ears, only a sneer in his heart, would he believe these old things?

Then, Shi Feng said, "This thing was made by me first, and it wasn't something in your Blood Moon Valley!"

If nothing else, leave now! "

After saying this, Shi Feng turned his head again and said to the sunflower beside him, "Let's go!"

"Slow!" Just as Shi Feng was about to turn around again, I saw the old Ao suddenly whispered and stopped him.

Lao Ao and another fierce Hailing creature have also come to the old man in the Blood Robe Haizu.

Hearing Lao's low drink, Shi Feng's figure just stopped immediately, looked up slightly, looked at that Lao, said:

"What are you doing?"

Lao Ao said in a voice, "Lao Ao, many years ago, I was fortunate enough to see the Blood Moon Valley motivate the blood evil mystery!

The sight was not only the same as before when the temple was enveloped, the blood was present and the world was enveloped, but it also suppressed the mysterious vessels of all sides. "

"Huh, here's talking again!" Listening to the words of Lao Ao, Shi Feng snorted coldly in her heart.

It seems that these guys are trying to unite and try to greedy their treasure.

With these words being spoken, several sea creatures not far away looked at the figure of Shi Feng and slowly shook their heads.

"These people have also paid attention to his treasure!"

"Well, that treasure, to be honest, who doesn't mind."

"Seriously, I have been thinking just now, how to get that treasure! Now it seems that these couples can't belong to me anymore."

There is a sea creature living in the Seventh Heaven of the True God, secretly speaking in his heart.


They naturally know what blood moon valley and what blood evil mysterious eyes, these are just some ghost words.

At this time, Shi Feng grinned, showing a sneer, and replied to those guys: "Hehe, if you want something less coveted, you will say clearly, make up a ghost!"

When Shi Feng said this, it was equivalent to tearing his face directly.

And when he heard this, the smile on the face of the old man in the blood robe was put away, and he said again, saying to Shi Feng:

"The blood evil mystery is my **** valley passed down to the treasure for generations, and it is more important than the old life.

In the past few years, in order to retrieve the blood evil mysterious eyes, my blood moon valley, I do not know how many of my kin died!

Now, I am fortunate to see the birth of Xie Xuanmu again. It must be arranged by God to return Xie Xuanmu to my Blood Moon Valley.

If you do not surrender the blood evil Xuanmu today to the original owner, then hugh pregnant and rudeness! "

When the old man in the blood robe came to the end, his voice cooled down.

At the same time, a cold killing intention rose from his body.

And at the moment when he raised his cold killing intention, two killing intentions also rushed out of Lao Ao and the other.

Previously, they could see it with their own eyes. The Aojian couple violently blasted the boy three times without killing him.

It seems that it will take some effort to deal with this kid.

But if you spend it, it will cost you. As long as you get the blood power, that's nothing.

And this boy also practiced a blood-sucking exercise method, devouring the blood of souls, and transforming Dantian energy!

"Besides this boy devouring blood, I also sensed that his exercises can devour the power of that moment of death!" Said Lao Ao in his heart again, secretly.

He was quite sure that the real state of this man was indeed in the realm of the Fourfold Real God.

And he could be attacked by his proud parents three times without dying. There must be a lot of secrets in him.

"They, ready to hit this Terran boy!"

"Yeah! I am afraid that if he doesn't surrender the blood today, he won't be able to leave here!"

"If it were me, I would be more knowledgeable and surrender the treasure, as long as I live."

"But give these treasures to others, then ... how can you be willing!"

"No matter how unwilling you are, it's not as important as your life. If you die, you will have nothing!"

"You guys, wanton! What are you doing?" At this time, listening to Shi Feng beside Shi Feng, he suddenly yelled at the three men above him.

(End of this chapter)

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