Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2319: Spirit ship in the sea!

Chapter 2319: Spirit Ship in the Sea!

In the endless sea, the blond black lion rushed to the surface of the sea, Shi Feng's eyes, looking at the billowing waves.

In fact, in order to prevent this queen sunflower from returning to rescue soldiers to chase and kill himself, Shi Feng also guarded against the three former Haiyin Sansheng.

What he is riding now, but that Lao's mount, his whereabouts today must have been under the control of that Lao.

If Xun Kui leaves himself, who knows if that old Ao will show up again.

There is a sunflower, and even if you encounter some sea creatures, you may be able to avoid some unnecessary trouble.

Just as she had previously deterred the three sea clan powerhouses with the sea area.


Rolling waves, surging.

The tumbling waves seemed shocking.

In the rapid rush, Shi Feng even saw several spirit ships traveling in the sea, some spirit ships, and even human figures.

Spirit ships are different from ordinary ships.

Spirit ship refining has the same principle as refining mysterious vessels.

It takes a lot of time and a lot of energy to design and build with the talents of Tiancaidibao and the masters of mastery.

The spirit ship enters the sea and is urged by majestic yuanshi. The speed is fast, naturally, ordinary ships cannot compare.

However, although those ghost ships are fast, they are still not faster than the blond black lion under Shi Feng's feet.

The sound of the waves crashed into Shi Feng's ears. At this moment, he suddenly spoke again and asked the sunflower behind him:

"Have you heard of the sea evil spell?"

"Sea evil curse!" Although Shi Feng didn't face Xun Kui, the force of the soul that he swept up immediately saw that Xun Kui's face changed suddenly when he heard the words "sea evil curse".

As if mortals saw the plague.

Looking at her appearance, Shi Feng knew that she must have heard of the evil spell of the sea.

Followed by, Kui Kui said, and said to Shi Feng, "Why ask the sea evil curse, have you got the sea evil curse?"

After saying this, Xu Kui quickly shook his head: "I think about it more, how could you be poisoned by the sea evil curse. If you were poisoned by the sea evil curse, you would already be dead."

"Have you heard that there is no antidote to the evil curse of the sea?" Shi Feng asked again.

Sea evil curse, rumored to be an extremely poisonous substance in the sea.

This woman comes from the endless sea, and has an extraordinary history. Perhaps she does not necessarily have a different understanding of the evil curse of that sea.

"The antidote to the sea evil curse?" Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, Xu Kui shook his head and said, "How could the sea evil curse have an antidote! We all know the sea creatures, the sea evil curse in our body The poisoned one must die!

It is estimated that my father could not solve the poison of the sea's evil curse! "

Aoi, that's what it says! Even the father who made her so proud, she felt powerless.

It seems that the evil spell of the sea is really difficult to solve.

"Okay." Shi Feng murmured secretly.

Since she said that the sea evil curse had no antidote, then Shi Feng no longer struggled with this issue.

Regarding the sea evil curse on his body, he still had to wait until Zhongao Shenzhou, and when he saw the disciple Leng Aoyue in the Tianhuang Holy Land, let's talk.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" The dark lion suddenly burst into fury roar.

Under his roar, I saw the surrounding sea rolling even more violently.

Shi Feng can obviously sense that the living creatures in the surrounding sea once again evaded frantically under the roar of the blond black lion.

The power of this black lion is now beyond the reach of this vast sea.


In the endless sea, a spirit ship is moving fast in the sea.

On the ship's deck, at this moment a man and a woman stood proudly, facing the sea breeze and looking at the waves.

The male is handsome, with a magnificent personality, and the female is beautiful and charming.

At this moment, I saw the handsome man turning his head slowly, looking at the woman next to him with affectionateness, looking at her charming side face, and grinning suddenly, saying:

"Sister Qing, I have met you these days, and I am very happy to be with you. I have found that I really ... love you!"

"Hee hee!" Suddenly when he heard the man's words, the woman laughed softly, followed by a smile: "Do you really talk, do you often coax girls like this?"

"How is that, Sister Qing, heaven and earth conscience, I said this to you alone, and I can swear to heaven!"

The young man said with an oath that when he said this, his right hand was really raised above his head.

"Cangtian is above me, Huo Junyi is here ..."

"Well, people are joking with you." When the young man heard the oath, the young woman named Qingmei immediately reached out, grabbed his raised hand, stopped him, and said softly in her mouth:

"People, I believe you." As she said these words, the young lady bowed her head with a shameful expression on her face.

"Hey!" The man smiled at the sight of her, and grabbed her delicate little hand with his backhand, only to feel that the tentacles were soft and smooth and very comfortable.

"Sister Qing!" The man looked down at her with a shame on her face and gently shouted at him, followed, and saw that his face moved, slowly leaning towards the charming red face.

Induced by him to come over, she just felt more and more shy, her face was getting redder and her eyes closed slowly, but her lowered head slowly lifted up at this moment.

At this moment, under the bright sun, the red lips looked unusually red and conspicuous, full of temptation. The young man couldn't help but swallow a spit.

He couldn't wait any longer, the closer the face was, the closer his mouth was, and the red lips were getting closer and closer. Seeing that they were about to touch each other.

But at this moment, "Roar!"

Suddenly, there was an unusually violent and fierce roar, and at this moment the violent sound came out, the air was shaking, the waves were rolling, and even this spirit ship that was traveling fast in the sea was shaking violently.

"Ah!" The two bodies suddenly shook with the shock of the ship. Seeing that the two lips that were about to touch each other immediately staggered, and a yell, immediately rang from the young woman's mouth and closed. His eyes widened immediately in the turmoil.

"Ah!" A roar of anger yelled from the mouth of the man named Huo Junyi.

Seeing that she was about to kiss her, but she was so interrupted. This feeling really made him feel unusually uncomfortable and embarrassed. At this moment, he was extremely angry and gave a burst of roar:

"Who! Who! Who the **** is it! I want to, take off his skin, take away his muscles, ah!"

And at this moment, not only the young man, but the charming young woman, his face was full of anger.

Immediately after that, her eyes looked at the billowing sea again, and immediately on the surface of the sea, she saw a beating beast and two figures among the beasts.

Then, the young woman immediately stretched her finger to the side, and said quietly to the man beside him, "It's them!"

The man immediately followed her hope.

The next moment, I saw the woman spit out again and again, "I think they are very upset, give it to me, kill them!"

(End of this chapter)

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