Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2323: Shi Ling challenge!

Chapter 2323 Shi Ling Challenge!

Followed by Shi Feng from Huo Junyi's mouth, he was not a proud Chinese man.

He, as well as his Zongmen Demon Eye Sect, is located in another big state on this continent called Tianshui Minzhou.

According to the World Stone Display, there are two major states in Zhongao Shenzhou closest to it, one is the Southern Wilderness State, and the other is Tianshui Minzhou.

Compared with the southern deserted state, Tianshui and Minzhou are relatively close.

"If I can explain your affairs, if you can do it to my satisfaction, the mark in your body will be lifted for you, and you will be free! And if you do not take my account to heart, I will Will make you regret it! "

When Shi Feng said the last sentence, her voice had become extremely cold.

Huo Junyi even felt that his body seemed to be frozen in the cold words.

"Subordinates, you must do your best! You must do your best! You can rest assured." Huo Junyi once again assured him, and even began to call himself a subordinate.

"Huh!" Shi Feng nodded, his coldness converged, and he said to Huo Junyi again, "Okay, you go!"

"So the subordinates, leave first." Upon hearing Shi Feng's remarks, Huo Junyi quickly said to him again.

Although he looked respectfully on the surface, he couldn't wait for it in his heart, and could not wait to leave here immediately, in front of this person.

This feeling is really too depressing.

Although he can't kill himself now, who knows if he will change his mind again immediately.

While here, Huo Junyi feels that he will lose his life at any time.

Only if you really leave here can you be truly safe.

"Huh!" Shi Feng responded softly.

When the voice had not yet fallen, Huo Junyi's figure was a fierce movement, urged full strength, and then flew back sharply.

"Zi Zi Zi Zi!" In a hurry, the void continuously sounded a violent sound between the physical body and the air.

Watching the man leave, Shi Feng's figure followed and flew down.

Since he left, the tanned black lion and Aoi stopped at the sea and waited for his return.

But soon, Shi Feng landed on the golden-colored black lion, and then sang coldly, "Go!"

"Roar!" A roar, roared again from the mouth of the blond lion.

The sea that had just calmed down suddenly became extremely violent again.

Under the fierce roar, the violent waves rolled and boiled fiercely.

Immediately afterwards, Xuan Lion moved fiercely, and then ran forward swiftly, fast, and like lightning, in an instant, he rushed to a distant place.

Huo Junyi retreated violently, and soon, he fell back onto the ship.

As soon as the spirit ship fell, Huo Junyi urged it with all his strength, urging the spirit ship to sail at the fastest speed, as far away as possible from the man, the woman, and the beast.

"I didn't expect to encounter these evil stars this time! Hey, it's okay, almost, I lost my life! Huh!" With these words, Huo Junyi secretly relieved Breathed.

The body, which had always been stiff, finally relaxed at this moment.

But at this moment, "roar!" Another roaring roar roared.

When hearing this familiar roar, Huo Junyi was suddenly shocked again, his face followed by a shock change again.

At this moment, he was like a bird of surprise.

"He ... did they catch up? Should ... shouldn't ... change his mind and want to take my life?" Huo Junyi said in surprise.

But then, there was a bang.

He saw the sea not far away from the ship, a huge wave set off, and two figures hurried across.

In an instant, he appeared far away in front of the spirit ship.

At this time Huo Junyi noticed that the speed of the two figures, the fastest speed of this demon-eye spirit ship, was not as fast as it could be.

"Ah! Why didn't I notice these early!" Looking at the figure that went away quickly, Huo Junyi sighed in his heart and sent a deep sigh.

"To have such a mount, their identity and origin must not be easy!"

"If I had found out, don't provoke them, Ye Qing's woman would not have died tragically, and I would not be controlled by others!"

"Maybe at this moment, I have already got Ye Qing's body, and I'm enjoying the world with her. Bliss! Hey!"


At this moment, Huo Junyi only felt extremely lonely, extremely empty, and even felt a little cold!


Inside Budo Tower!

"No! I must defeat you, I, I must go to the reckless continent, and find my brother!" An angry yell echoed.

At this moment, Shi Ling was in a strange rocky place, glaring at the purple figure in front of her.

The purple figure is the old man in the purple robe in the martial arts tower.

At this moment, the old man in purple robe looked indifferently at the front, looking at the petite cyan shadow, above his face, without joy or sorrow.

On the other hand, Shi Ling, at this moment, looked very embarrassed, with messy hair, broken clothes, and looked like a little beggar.

This image of her is not as good as when she suffered poor days with Shi Feng.

However, the pretty little face looked stubborn.


Originally, she and two ghosts were going to enter this martial arts tower.

As a result, it was found that only one person could enter this martial arts tower.

So, she went alone into the tower and went through layers after layers, but in the end, she saw the old man in purple robe, and then she was blocked.

Follow her and discover that the old man in purple robe in front of him is an extremely horrible existence.

When she challenged, she was shot by the old man in the purple robe, and she shot the martial arts tower directly.

And she was extremely unwilling, and returned to the Nether Purgatory with cultivation full of anger.

Unexpectedly, under the anger and the gains obtained after breaking through the martial arts tower, it didn't take long for this girl to break through a new realm.

As a result, she did not have a stable state, so she broke into the Budo Tower again and saw the old man in purple robe again, so she challenged him again.

As a result, she was full of hope and war, but she was shot by the old man in the purple robe, with extreme unwillingness, and returned to Nether Purgatory again.

But shortly after her return, the ghosts of the Nether Purgatory saw that this demon evil had only succeeded in entering the demigod from the realm of Jiuxing Wudi in only half a month.

When I saw that scene, it was the powerful eight big generals who all shouted that it was too bad.

And just after one step into the demigod, Shi Ling started again and entered the martial arts tower again ...

But this time, she ... wasn't the enemy of the old man in the purple robe. After the old man took a shot of her, her whole person was extremely embarrassed and became this little beggar now!

(End of this chapter)

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