Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2325: The Three Guards of Heavenly Sacred Land!

Chapter 2325: Three Guards of Heavenly Sacred Land!


Looking at the petite figure that was full of wolverines, and hearing the words of Guisuke, Ghost Around and Ghost Nodded at the same time.

After Shi Ling was beaten out of the martial arts tower, several of their ghost generals successively broke through the martial arts tower, and they all met the old man in the purple robe blocking the road.

As a result, he was shot out of the martial arts tower.

The strength of that one has already penetrated their hearts.

In their hearts, perhaps only that invincible and omnipotent emperor can defeat him.

Nowadays, Shi Ling has been photographed for the third time in the martial arts tower, and they have even discovered that Shi Ling was photographed from the martial arts tower, and the injuries are more serious than once.

This time it was beaten like this, if the next time it was beaten out of the martial arts tower ... then ... what kind of scene would it be again!

Then, the ghost will ghost again:

"The princess' mother is still in Shenglong City, and the emperor's disciple Xiao Tian is also there. We will send her back to Shenglong City, and then we will talk to the emperor and Xiao Tianyi again. This matter, let them, discourage the princess and tell her not to come here anymore. "

"Okay, that's it!" Ghost nodded.

"Then, let me send her back to Shenglong City!" Guijie said.


The Tianheng continent is really calm now, and everywhere, the figure of the protoss is no longer seen.

Everywhere, they have been invaded and destroyed by the protoss, and now they have begun to rebuild their homes.

The countless surviving souls were filled with joy for the rest of the life after the disaster.

Countless life inspirations have been received, peace, really good!

However, there are very few people who gradually feel uneasy. They know that this battle is not so simple.

For example, the more calm Heng continental looks today, the more heralded that a great catastrophe is coming!


God battled the continent, before a magnificent and magnificent mountain gate, all the peerless figures stood proud.

At this moment, a red shadow appeared near the gate of the mountain, and then rushed towards the gate.

"He is coming, what is coming to my heavenly sanctuary!" Suddenly, I only heard a majestic drink and rang before the gate of the mountain.

The momentum of the sky suddenly burst out before the mountain gate.

"Okay ... so strong!" Fei rushed toward the red Jiaoshan in the gate of Tianhuang Holy Land. Under that terrible momentum, he immediately stopped his figure and dared not approach any further.

She could obviously feel that if she continued to move forward an inch, she would be wiped out by the impact of that momentum.

"My name is Jian Tong, and I want to see Leng Aoyue, the Lord of Heaven and Famine." At that moment, the red shadow of the shadow immediately opened and drank at the front.

After a long time on the road, after a lot of hardships and dangers, now Jiantong has finally reached the sacred place of heaven.

Upon hearing Jian Tong's words, a disdainful humming sounded immediately before the gate: "Huh! A humble grudge, but also wishing to see my ancestors of Heaven and Earth? Get away quickly, otherwise you will let your soul fly!

When that voice sounded, Jian Tong felt more clearly that the momentum rushing from the front of the mountain gate suddenly became more violent.

Persecuted her body, constantly flying backwards.

Then, Jian Tong opened her mouth again and said to him with a begging tone: "Everyone, I really have something to ask the Lord of Heaven, and I hope you can do it for yourself!"

"Go!" And in response to her, it was a cold drink.

Cheers echoed, billowing like the sound of waves, and suddenly raging towards her.

"Ah!" Under the impact of that sound wave, Jian Tong felt abnormally uncomfortable all over her body, and screamed in her mouth, this soul body seemed to be destroyed.

Endured with the hardships, Jian Tong spoke again and yelled at the front:

"I ... I really have something to ask for! See you, Lord of the Famine, Nether came to the Divine Warland to find his three apprentices, and as a result, was killed in Dongyue Divine Land!"

She said what Shi Feng told her to tell.

And when I heard Jian Tong's words, I saw the sound of cold drinking just now: "Let you go and you don't go. If you want to die so much, then ... go to death!"

Immediately following Jian Tong, I felt that this time, it was not just a momentum or a sound wave that hit me, but an invisible killer.

Together, it can make her instantly invisible and lethal!

"Ah!" The fair-skinned and charming face changed again suddenly, and she saw her eyes widened.

Even if she had strange magical powers in her sword, she knew that she could no longer avoid that killing force.

"I ... I ... I ... I'm like this ... Are you going to die?" This is the thought that Jian Tong had in her mind. She really doesn't know how she can survive the killing force. .

"I ... I can't die! I ... I haven't seen the Holy Lord that day, yet, tell him what he told me!" I didn't expect her to die unwillingly at this moment, but because She hasn't finished what he explained.

The killing force approached quickly, and seeing that this red and charming body was about to be hit by that killing force.

"What happened?" Just then, just listening to a quiet voice, suddenly sounded in this world.

I saw a white floating figure, which suddenly appeared in front of Jian Tong's body, a wave of his robe, and the peerless killing power disappeared immediately.

"Three protectors! It's three protectors!"

"Three protectors!"

"See the Three Guards!"


After seeing the white figure, before the mountain gate of the Tianhuang Holy Land, a burst of shouts were heard.

I saw those disciples who were arrogant to Jian Tong's toes, and immediately bowed down to the white floating figure.

The visitor is a middle-aged man in white, but he is handsome and personable.

He is the three protectors of one of the five great protectors of the Heavenly Sacred Land.

Looking at the disciples before kneeling down the mountain, Yuan Xiao leisurely opened his mouth and asked them, "What the **** happened? Why is such a weak ghost killing her so much?"

"Third guarding the law, this unjust soul talked so loudly that she wanted to see the ancestor. I waited for her to leave, but she was obsessed and said some inexplicable words! That's why the disciples will kill him!"

"Oh." Upon hearing the words of the disciple Shoushan, Yuan Xiao moved his face, then slowly turned his head, looking at Jiantong and said, "Do you want to see me, Lord of Heaven, what is the matter?"

When he heard him ask, Jian Tong spoke quickly and replied: "I have something to report to the Lord of Heaven and Desolation, and the ghost came to the God War continent, looking for his three disciples, but was killed in Dongyue Divine Land."

(End of this chapter)

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