Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2327: Zhongao Shenzhou

Chapter 2327: Proud State

"My power ... If this war of God is on the continent, um ... it's ... Heavenly Harmony, my name is Nether!"

"Heavenly Sacred Land?" After hearing Shi Feng's words, Wu Kui whispered these four words. These four words were heard in her ears, and she always felt familiar, as if they were somewhere. word.

"Huh!" Fang Kui's frowning face suddenly changed suddenly, exclaimed in shock: "Human forces, heaven and sacred land!"

She finally remembered this power!

This one is the super power they can't reach!

It was a super behemoth!

Followed by, Xu Kui started speaking again in shock, and said to Shi Feng, "Is it true or false? You ... you ... you actually came from that heavenly sacred place?"

"I came from that heavenly sacred place?" Shi Feng murmured the words said by Aoi, followed by, but saw him slowly shake his head and said:

"I'm not from that heavenly sacred place, but it's that heavenly sacred place. It's my inheritance."

"Heavenly Holy Land comes from your heritage? You, what a joke!" Said Aoi Kui.

Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, the shocked expression that had just appeared disappeared from the face of Xu Kui.

How could she believe that Shi Feng's words.

The heavenly wilderness sacred place is as strong as the cloud, and the heavenly heavenly lord is even more unpredictable. Hearing his father said that the heavenly heavenly lord is one of the most powerful gods on the mainland.

How could the inheritance of the heavenly holy land come from him!

His realm, however, is in the quadruple realm of true God.

It's not just Aoi, it is estimated that anyone in this world will not believe Shi Feng's words.

"I'm not kidding." Shi Feng, however, shook her head slowly and slowly with a serious face.

"Huh! You really can't say anything." Aunt Kui said, "You are careful to be heard by the people in the barren sacred place that day, and then they will be destroyed."

"You want me to suffer the worst? They dare not!" Shi Feng said so.

But Que Kui found that when he said these words, his face showed a touch of natural self-confidence.

He was so confident, he didn't seem to pretend. He looked like he was really speaking these words.

"Hehe!" Thinking of this, Ji Kui smiled immediately and immediately gave up these ideas that had just come to mind.

I'm so stupid, how could he be true!

It seems that he was afraid that I would avenge him when he did not dare to tell me his true power, and intentionally moved out of this sacred place.

Also, the prestige of my sea-horizon domain, he should have heard it long before he returns to the sea-horizon domain and summons my sea-horse army, how dare he face it?

"Huh!" Thinking of this, Xun Kui issued a proud humming.

Then, she said to Shi Feng again: "Since you want to be a tortoise, don't dare tell me your origin, then forget it! From now on, you better not let me run into it, otherwise, these times I will certainly return to you the hatred that has accumulated in the past. "

When she heard that Sui Kwai suddenly said such things to herself, Shi Feng asked her: "Now your life and death are under my control, but now you are telling me such threats, you are not afraid that I will kill you." net?"

Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, Xun Kui sneered and asked him, "Do you dare?"

Himself, but with the imprint of his father, if he really kills himself, his father will be able to see it then.

At that time, humming! Even if he fled to heaven and earth, his father would chase him to death.

"Dare!" Shi Feng responded lightly.

Sui Kui suddenly saw that when he said the word, the expression on his face again revealed a seriousness that could not heal himself.

He seemed to dare to kill himself.

I don't know why, looking at the smear on his face seriously, for a while, Aoi was afraid to tell him any more.

I dare not speak to him about such threats.

At this moment, she was really a little scared. This person, really, would kill herself.

"Afraid? How can I? I'm so afraid of him?" Even Aoi Kui didn't know, why he had such a ridiculous feeling when facing him at the moment.

The setting sun fell completely west, and the night gradually came.

A bright moon rises slowly from the sea.

After Xu Kui didn't speak any more, the atmosphere had been silent.

"Wow! Wow! Wow!" The waves continued to echo.

The black lion rushed wildly in the dark sea.

One night passed quickly and the sun rose again.

About half a day later.

"Is that the proud state of China?" Shi Feng and Xu Kui suddenly saw, and in the distance in front of them, a land appeared.

The world stone was urged, and then, the big map of the war continent appeared in Shi Feng's mind again. Then, Shi Feng nodded gently and said secretly:

"That's right, there is Zhongzhou Shenzhou!"

"After many setbacks, finally, we have arrived here in Zhongzhou! Hey!"

At the end, Shi Feng sighed.

From the moment she first entered the Divine Continent and appeared in Dongyue Divine Land, she rushed all the way to this proud Divine Land.

There are so many things on the way.

There are too many accidents, too many accidents.

Jian Tong, who entered the war-fighting continent with himself, was lost along the way, and now I don't know where he is.

In order to come to live in this proud state of China, the furious king Yue Yue, who is in the sacred land of the Holy Land, is also ignorant of life and death.

The eight heavenly powerhouses fell.

"Well, now that you have reached this proud state of China, you should fulfill your promise!" Pointing at the land that appeared in sight, Xu Que said to Shi Feng again.

"Well." All thoughts were still on his mind, and he heard only the sound of Xu Kui.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng thought about it, and at the same time, she saw Ji Kui's body fluttering suddenly, "Uh!" A loud shout rang out from her mouth.

At the next moment, Kui Kui already felt that the mark that this person forced into his body that day, really, has disappeared!

He actually fulfilled his promise and returned his freedom.

At this moment, Sui Kui suddenly felt that his hatred for him had decreased somewhat.

The black lion is still rushing, and gradually, Shi Feng sees an endless and endless land.

"Huh? Why aren't you leaving?" At this time, Shi Feng found that after breaking the mark on the woman, the woman was standing beside her, with herself, her eyes were gazing at it. Piece of land.

"Now I'm free. What I want to do, you can't control it." Xu Kui said to Shi Feng.

"Also." Upon hearing her words, Shi Feng nodded and said, "What you want to do, I don't care, neither do I want to."

"Is this ... is the rumored continent? Zhongao Shenzhou!"

At this moment, Kui Kui ’s eyes seemed to be shining, and he stared at the ground for a moment, saying secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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