Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2333: War Assassin!

Chapter 2333 War Assassin!

At this moment, not only Shi Feng, but also the people watching the Quartet have clearly sensed that an extremely cold murderous spirit is rising from that black figure.

Murderous, extremely strong and thick, rushed to the sky.

"Kill ... Murder ... So intense Murder!" Feeling the murderous murder, someone screamed involuntarily.

"This ... this waits for murder, how many souls have been killed to have such murder!"

"Hell is an assassin force, not to say that **** assassin will hide all his breath, then release it at that instant after approaching the enemy, and finally hit the enemy with a single blow!

Today, the assassin in **** did so, did he violate the taboo of the assassin? "

Someone else said.

As strong as that assassin's release, it is really a taboo in the usual assassination.

"Breaking the assassin's taboo?" When the warrior heard the words and said these words, he shook his head secretly, and then said, "That was when the same opponent was assassinated, or even stronger. All breath!

At this moment it is obvious that the killer from **** did not treat that person as his equivalent opponent at all! "

And since he has such a murderous existence, it is really difficult for ordinary people to let him assassinate by means of assassins. "


"True God, Yaeten!" Shi Feng said secretly, feeling the murderous spirit of the sky and the momentum of the assassin.

And at this moment, I saw the body hanging upside down, immediately a tremor, directly ... disappeared in the eyes of everyone.

The power of Shi Feng's soul immediately spread out, inducing in all directions.

At this moment, his complexion gradually became somewhat dignified.

After the assassin disappeared, the soul power of his true God's heavy realm could no longer sense his breath.

But Aoi, I do n’t know what secret method the assassin had, although he stopped the roar, but his body couldn't move at all.

"Boom!" Suddenly, there was a blast of peerless blast, and a sudden loud noise from Shi Feng's body.

In the face of strong enemies, he directly broke out this magic skill, Thunder, God of War!

"This sword, useless!" Suddenly, I saw a cold voice, suddenly passed from above Shi Feng.

Shi Feng's soul power immediately saw that the assassin who had just disappeared had appeared above his head, the whole body, turned into a sharp killing sword, was stabbing down towards himself.

As the original people said, the assassin could have assassinated Shi Feng by his superb assassination methods.

However, he did not look at Shi Feng at all. When he launched the sword, he even drank Shi Feng, exposing his trace.

Although, when he launched this sword against Shi Feng, even if he didn't scream, the trace was captured by Shi Feng.

"Hum, get off!" Faced with a murderous sword full of peerless murder, Shi Feng Lengheng responded, followed closely, and saw him punch up.

Under this punch, I saw that he now has sixty true gods of war weapons, all appearing together at this moment, and then, like a storm, he blasted towards the peerless killing sword.

"This this……"

"This one!"


"I rely! No!"

"True artifact, this man has ... so many real artifacts!"

"Oh my god, who the **** is this! What the **** is this ...!"

"It's the first time in my life I've seen so many real artifacts! Couldn't this man's father be a **** master?"

"Even the legendary **** refiner, you can't make so many true **** warriors! You must know how rare the god-level materials are, and the most important thing is that in every true **** warrior, Need to break into the source! "


As soon as sixty real war weapons were present, Daodao's exclaimed shock was immediately echoed in all directions.

This scene is really too surprising, the picture is really shocking!

Even if it is a **** war continent, this true **** war weapon is also extremely rare.

And among them, there are two real artifacts that countless people cannot see through.

Yae-level death silence circle and Poseidon fork!

"Boom!" There was a peerless blasting sound, and at this moment, the sky suddenly burst, and the sky seemed to be blasted through under the blasting sound.

In front of the eyes, sixty real weapons of war were violently bombarded on that peerless killing sword.

The scene suddenly became extremely violent.

"Hisse! Fierce! Really, fierce!"

"Yes ... Yeah! Sixty true gods of war, attacks launched at the same time ... good ... good!"

"At this moment, it is estimated that even the assassin in **** is ... less ferocious."


The attack, although violently blasted in the peerless killing sword under that fierce stab, but Shi Feng's complexion was still unusually dignified.

After all, what he was facing this time was the existence of the eighth level of the true God.

Immediately after, he felt that the peerless blow that he had launched was ... blocked by the peerless killing sword that was pierced by that!

True God Baetian, sure enough ... so terrifying!

"Hum!" After the **** killer blocked Shi Feng's attack, he made another hum.

However, it can be heard from his humming that although he blocked Shi Feng's attack, he must be uncomfortable.

"Battle!" A battle drank, screaming from Shi Feng's mouth.

Immediately afterwards, his figure was also a fierce movement, rushing up to the peerless killing sword.

His right fist still shone with dark thunder, and then, with a loud bang, the torch also burned from his fist.

"Oh!" A blast of peerless blasting sounded again, and Shi Feng's fist, along with his artifacts, blasted on that mortal killing sword.

"Eh!" At this moment, a groan came from the peerless killing sword.

Immediately afterwards, the killing sword suddenly collapsed, and the figure in the killing sword was blasted up by Shi Feng's strength.

"Kill!" Shi Feng immediately drank again, and his body was flying up with his artifacts, chasing towards that body.

Originally, it was these assassins who came to death.

It ’s called hell, so send yourself to hell!

On the up and down, the two bodies and artifacts flew up, but at this moment, I saw the black figure flying wildly above, and at this moment, a flicker, the **** assassin ... disappeared. .

"Huh! Want to run? Have you ever asked me?" Shi Feng said coldly again against the night sky. At this moment, he saw that his rushing figure immediately changed his direction and slammed backward and upward.

His sixty real artifacts followed closely.

"Dead!" The next moment, another shouted, Shi Feng's fist and his artifact exploded into the night sky.

(End of this chapter)

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