Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2345: Really ironic!

Chapter 2345 Really, It's Ironic!


As the dark mad thunder abruptly burst out, an extremely painful cry of pain suddenly roared at this moment.

The mad thunder collapsed, even that black mountain has disappeared, but the rolling blue poisonous mist is still there!

Shi Feng, just now, was using his destroyer Hei Lei to break away the original quake and the mountains, but he did not break his evil flame and poison.

At this moment, the original shock is constantly being hit by the evil flame and poison.

He tried to use the means to recover Qingwu, but found that there was a force of Moreng constantly interrupting himself.

He wanted to resist, Qingwu billowed towards him, the cold force, but the power that had condensed on the flesh was broken.






Among the violent flames and poisonous poisonous sounds, the terrible pain sounded for a while, and the original shock was subjected to increasingly painful toxic torture.

"Original ... Original shock! It was the evil flame poison he released, but he didn't expect it, and he became the taste of the poison himself."

"Yeah! Even the original shock was defeated in the hands of this person? This person! What is his origin?"

"This man is so young that even the original shock is not lost! Could it be from which big force?"

"People of great power? But I never thought of a genius of power called Nether! Don't call it Nine, it's surname You, never heard of it."


"How do you feel?" In the air, a sneer appeared above Shi Feng's face, and he said to the bottom.

"When you want to use your power to kill Ben Shao with this highly toxic drug, you should think of the consequences! Since you want Ben Shao to die, then you, today, must! Must! Get! Death!"

When Shi Feng's extremely cold and resolute voice echoed the world, everyone listened in his ears as if he had realized something.

And at this moment, people heard: "Ah!"

A terrible, extremely painful, extremely unwilling roar rang, and it came to an abrupt halt.

"This ... this is ..."



One after another, they suddenly covered the faces of the disciples in heaven, and they were really unbelievable.

"Dead! The original shock, actually died!" A terrible disciple suddenly made this terrifying cry.

Immediately afterwards, one by one came to consciousness.

Yuan Zhen died, he was killed!

Some people dare to kill their disciples in front of the mountain gate in Tianhuang Holy Land.

This ... this ... this kind of thing, since endless years, but never heard of it, never happened!

But now, some people have made such anti- heavenly acts on the site of such huge things as Tianhuang Holy Land.

"Huh!" A cold hum hummed again in Shi Feng's mouth.

The heavenly disciple below wants his own life, then he must die.

The blue poisonous mist was indeed very powerful. After the death of that person, the smoke disappeared.

Shi Feng just wanted to devour the power, soul, and blood of his death.

After killing the original quake, at this moment, Aoli Shifeng's body turned, her gaze began to look down at the thirteen heavenly disciples.

I don't know why. At that moment, the person was staring at them. The thirteen of them suddenly had the illusion that they were staring at a peerless beast.

Naturally, they already knew that the man who stood proudly in the air was definitely not just in the realm of the Four Kingdoms of True God.

Such a young man has such talent and possesses such combat power. The origin of this person must not be simple.

They even found that from defeat to failure to killing the original shock, this person was very casual, he did not use all his strength at all.

Followed by, Shi Feng slowly opened her mouth, with a touch of intolerable tone, and ordered the disciples of heaven below: "Report your cold and proud moon, the Lord of Heaven and Famine, and say, Nether is coming!"

The sound echoed for a long time in this world.

"Report the Holy Land! Strong enemies are coming!"

"Report the Holy Land! Strong enemies are coming!"

"Report the Holy Land! Strong enemies are coming!"


And at this moment, the disciples of the Celestial Immortal immediately imprinted their seals and uttered a drink.

There was a burst of applause, and the sound suddenly echoed, and Sonic spread out violently behind them.

When they saw the horror of that person, they naturally did not dare to act lightly. Otherwise, Yi Qin and Yuan Zhen would most likely be their end.

An existence that can easily kill all the original shocks is to kill all 13 of them, which is estimated to be a breeze.

"Okay, that's great!" Not far away, he stared directly at the Hai ethnic woman Aoi, who suddenly grinned and sneered, and said to himself.

"I have seen this man's arrogance and arrogance along the way. I didn't expect that he really dared to do anything. He dared to kill the people in this deserted holy place at the gate of this deserted holy place."

"Today, the news that he killed that Terran Warrior will soon spread to the entire heavenly sanctuary. No matter what, he ... will die!"

"And ... the bitch!" While talking about these six words, Aoi's eyes stared again at the red figure.

I don't know why, she is very upset at seeing Jian Tong, even worse than the Shi Feng who slapped her.

Just now the applause of the disciples of Tianhuang was heard in Shi Feng's ears, and the sneer on Shi Feng's face even worse, he said, "A strong enemy is committing a crime? I have become your heaven A strong enemy of the Holy Land? "

This sacred place was created by his disciples. It can be said that this sacred place was born from his heritage, and he was the true ancestor of this sacred place.

It was not expected that he became their enemy!

Strong enemy! Powerful, enemy!

It is also a kind of irony!

If the 13 thirsty disciples below are really trying to kill Shi Feng now, with his ability and means, they can be easily wiped out.

However, he didn't do anything at this moment, so he hovered quietly in the mid-air, his eyes stared into the void ahead.

It seems that this time, entering this sacred place is not as simple as I thought before.

"come yet?"

Soon after, Shi Feng felt that in the heavenly sacred place in front of him, there was a momentum rising into the sky, a powerful figure appeared in the void, and then stormed towards the side where he is now.

"Quick! Dear, let's get out of here! They're here with a lot of people! They're ... very powerful!" Jian Tong passed on to Shi Feng again in shock.

After saying this, she saw Shi Feng as if she was still indifferent. She added: "Come on, and don't leave again, we really have no time! If you really want to see the desolate Lord that day, later, you can Find a good time! "

(End of this chapter)

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