Chapter 2347 Yue Sheng

More than sixty real artifacts of Shi Feng appeared, and the face of Qi Lianqiu turned upside down.

The sense of danger that has just emerged is already getting worse.

"True artifact! This man has sacrificed so many real artifacts!"

"This ... this man, what is his origin?"

"He has so many artifacts by himself!"


At the same time, Daodao's appalling cry continued to rang from the mouths of the disciples in the heavenly wasteland.

"Qi Lianqiu is in danger!" At this time, the Tianhuang disciples who had previously asked Qi Lianqiu to "wait for a while", slowly spit out these five words.

And at this moment, Shi Feng's thoughts moved immediately.

I saw the artifacts that surround him and Qi Lianqiu, and immediately rose up, while blasting towards Qi Lianqiu.

"I depend!" A yelling and cursing rang from Qi Lianqiu's mouth. At the same time, the body's divine power was condensed in his whole body, and he saw his body violently rush, and stormed upward to prepare to escape .

However, at this moment, the circle of death and silence suddenly flashed over his head, and the violent shock struck down.

"Boom!" Qi Lianqiu punched up with a punch, and immediately collided with the deadly circle of death.

I saw his body, and suddenly trembled.

Under the obstruction of the dead silence circle, the rest of the artifacts exploded on Qi Lianqiu.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" The sound of peerless violent bursts kept banging at this moment.

"Ah!" The painful roar echoed the world.

Immediately after, the roar came to an abrupt end.

Qi Lianqiu, a disciple of the Heavenly Desolation in the Seventh Heaven Realm of the True God, was directly killed by the blast of the sixty artifacts.

Qi Lianqiu died, and the corpse had no divine defense, and was directly bombarded by the continuous artifacts of the artifacts.

Immediately, Shi Feng thought, and the power of death, blood, and soul were swallowed up by him instantly.

"Dead! Qi Lianqiu, dead!"

"He killed Qi Lianqiu!"

"He really dares to kill our disciples in the Heavenly Holiness Holy Land, and, in front of the mountain gate of our Heavenly Holiness Holy Land!"

"This ... this son! You must be a shame! If this thing is going to go out, how will people in the world view our heavenly sacred place."

"Yes! You must kill him! Block this!"


Drinking coldly, and then rang from the mouths of the disciples.

After Shi Fengqi killed Qi Lianqiu, sixty true gods of war returned to his whole body, hovering quietly, waiting for his orders at any time.

And his gaze looked at the void and the sacred sacred land powerhouses on the ground.

Nowadays, more and more people are coming, and several of them have reached the real God Yae.

Looking at these people, Shi Feng spit out again coldly, and said, "Leng Aoyue came out to see me!"

"He ... even sees the ancestor!"

The disciple disciples guarding the mountain gate murmured again.

Previously, Shi Feng was like waste in their eyes.

Now, after Shi Feng has shown great strength, their complexion gradually dwindles.

I even thought, could this person really not know the ancestor?

"No! How is it possible! How can he know the ancestor when he is so young!"

"Also, although his strength is stronger, he is not strong enough to know his ancestors!"

"Yes! Even if his strength is not simple, his origin is not simple, but it is impossible to say that he knows the ancestor!"


"Presumptuous! Just want to see my Heavenly Father!"

"Bold, how dare you call me the name of the Heavenly Father!"

"That's it! What kind of thing are you, and you can see the patriarch?"

"Dare to kill my heavenly disciple in my heavenly sacred place, you, really **** it!"


Immediately, there was a burst of angry applause.

However, after Shi Feng killed Qi Lianqiu with a powerful method, it was regarded as some deterrence.

At this moment, no disciple of disciples has rushed directly.

To this day, in their eyes, he is no longer an ant in the quadruple realm of true God.

After hearing the shouts, Shi Feng's complexion became colder and colder.

He had already sensed that among the heavenly disciples, he had already rushed to kill.

At this moment, there are already many people who want to die by themselves!

The reason why they killed those two people is that they want their lives to come first!

But I did not expect, there are still people who want, and seek death!

Then, I saw Shi Feng said coldly to a group of disciples in front of him: "If there is anyone who wants to find death, then come over, there are few books, send him together, God!"

"Crazy!" A sound of fury rang out.

This angry drinker is a young man who looks around twenty-five or sixty years old, dressed in white, personable, and standing in the midst of the air not far from the stone maple.

And in his hand, he held a sharp white long sword, which shone with the cold white light of Senhan. At first glance, it was an extraordinary sword!

This sword is a seven-level heavenly sword!

"Brother Yue Sheng!"

"Brother Yue Sheng is here too!"

"That man is indeed arrogant! Killing our disciples in Tianhuang Holy Land, so arrogant in front of the mountain gate of our Tianhuang Holy Land, even Brother Yue Sheng can't stand it anymore."

"Brother Yue Sheng, the realm has entered the eighth sky in the early years! So Brother Yue Sheng's arrival and even anger, this arrogant person is undoubtedly dead!"


When that "Yue Sheng" drank the word arrogant, step by step forward, and slowly walked towards the void where Shi Feng was.

At this moment, Shi Feng's cold eyes had fixed on Brother Yue Sheng's body and the long sword in his hand.

Following this, Shi Feng said coldly again, saying, "You're here to die, good!"

Yue Sheng was still walking slowly towards Shi Feng, followed, listening only to him slowly speaking, and said to Shi Feng:

"I never thought that someone would dare to be so arrogant on the site of my heavenly sanctuary!"

"Over the years, it may be my heavenly sanctuary, which has been too low-key! Whatever cats and dogs I get, I dare come to my heavenly sanctuary to scatter the wild.

"You! Fine! You have completely stirred my anger, my hoarfrost sword has been drinking blood for some time!"

Talking, at this moment, just listening to the sound of cold drinking, suddenly rang from this mouth of Yue Sheng: "Sky Frost Sword!"

Immediately, I saw an extremely bright white light shining on the hoar-frost sword in his hand, and then a sword slashed out towards the stone maple not far away.

"Huh!" At this moment, Shi Feng's complexion changed slightly. Under the slash of Yue Sheng, he saw a huge white sword across the distant void, exuding a peerless power. Then Towards him, slashed wildly.

As if the whole world was to be cut in half by the white giant sword.

(End of this chapter)

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