Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2351: Shi Feng battle fate!

Chapter 2351 Shi Feng battle fate!

"Hum, I want to run!"

Just as the edge humming sounded, Shi Feng, who had just disappeared, appeared again.

"Uh!" Another pain, "Uh" hummed from Shi Feng's mouth, the peerless coercion, and then pressed fiercely on his body.

At this moment, Shi Feng felt as if she felt a billion-dollar giant mountain, crushing herself fiercely!

The body was crushed by the peerless coercion in an instant.

"Do not!"

"Do not!"

At this moment, two extremely firm voices spit out from Shi Feng's mouth fiercely.

The body stepped down was fierce and trembling, and he was fighting against the peerless coercion.

However, this ... after all, is the coercion suppressed by the strong level of Yue Ming, no matter how he struggles, how he resists, or ...

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!" Suddenly, a roar of fury roared from Shi Feng's mouth.

Like a peerless fierce beast, with unwilling fury.

"Huh! He alone, dare to resist the three protections, really, not at your own expense!"

"It is indeed! In this world, there are several people who can resist the power of the Three Guardians!"

"Ha ha! In front of San Hufa, what's the difference between him and an ant?"


The disciples, looking at the trembling body in the void, spoke in disdain.

Even in their individual faces, a playful expression emerged.

Looking at the scene in the void is really heart-warming.

Dare to trespass into the heavenly wasteland, dare to kill the disciples in the heavenly wasteland, it should be so!


"No! Dear!" Looking at Shi Feng as if suffering from torture, Jian Tong exclaimed.

Her hands moved again.

"Go!" On top of the sky, I heard the cold voice of Yuan Xiaoxiao.

"Ah!" When that drink rang, Jian Tong's figure was also shocked, and a painful coquettish sounded, and then the figure flew out wildly.

"Huh! Huh!" Looking at the side, the Hai ethnic woman, Aoi, gave a hum and smiled.

What she has been waiting for just now is this result.

"That man, dared to hit me for this lowly slave! Now, he has finally suffered retribution! Hum! Hum! Deserve it!"

"And that bitch, wait a minute, it should be her turn!"

"Everyone who makes me unhappy will have no good end!"


"Kneel down!" At this moment, the three guardians who were high above the edge made a fool, and then made a leisurely voice toward the figure below.

Shi Feng, who had been overwhelmed by the peerless pressure, suddenly felt a sharp bend in her knees, and she was about to kneel.

"No! No! No! No! Ben Shao doesn't even kneel in heaven and earth! How can he kneel that humble soul! Don't kneel! Don't kneel! Don't kneel!" Dao roared, roaring from Shi Feng's mouth.

The knee that had just been bent turned him back.

"Huh? What's going on?" Looking at the scene below, that is, the three guardians' fate, they were all slightly surprised.

He didn't expect that the man would stand up under his coercion!

This, however, is how a creature of the fourfold realm of the true God does it.

It's really surprising.

"This son has a firm will, but he has stood up with his firm will! If these people let him grow up in the future, it will be very scary."

"Originally, I had the intention to recruit him into the heavenly sanctuary. It seems that ... it is unnecessary ..."

When Yuan Xiao said this in his heart, his thoughts moved again. Suddenly, a stronger coercion pressed down towards the figure below.

"Even if he has a peerless will, the next moment, he must, kneel!" Yuan Xiaoyuan said in a sneer.

"Ah!" At that moment, the moment of even greater coercion came, and Shi Feng roared loudly, straight knees, and then bent.

"Source of all things! Source of all things, get out of Lao Tzu! Today, even if I beg you, lend me all the power! I want! Kill!" The voice of cold drinking rang in Shi Feng's mouth .

"Hehe!" Just then, Shi Feng suddenly heard, a strange "hehe" laughter, suddenly sounded in his mind.

And then, I saw his body suddenly flashing a dazzling golden light.

The golden light shone on the heavens and the earth, and just a moment, Shi Feng's whole person looked like a little sun. The whole sky and earth was instantly dyed golden.

"what is this?"

"This is it? This golden light?"

"What happened? What happened?"

"This man? Is it something he sacrificed?"


The golden light shone, and the cries resounded.

The disciples of the heavens found that the golden light was emitted from that person.

And they sensed that the momentum of that person was rising sharply at this moment.

Shi Feng ’s knee that had just been bent was straight at this moment, not only that, under the impact of Jin Mang, the peerless overwhelming pressure that had enveloped herself had already disappeared!

"The laughter just now is the laughter of the source of all things!" Shi Feng did hear it just now, and there was a weird smile in her mind.

This is the source of all things, the first time he spoke to him.

Despite that sound, it was just a "huh" laughter.

"That guy! Okay, thank you!" Shi Feng said with a sneer at the golden light shining on her body.

At this moment he could feel that the golden light on his body was unprecedentedly bright and dazzling, and the power rising from his body was unprecedentedly powerful.

"What's going on?" Above the sky, looking at the golden light shining below, that is the three guardians of the fate, all eyes widened.

That golden light even broke through his coercion.

"Huh!" Then, another cold hum hummed from Yuan Xiao's mouth, and saw that his right hand was slightly spread with five fingers, in a grabbing motion, grabbing downward.

Suddenly, a huge hand shadow appeared under him, and grabbed at the golden glittering figure.

"Huh?" Shi Feng's face moved, and he looked up again, glaring at the hand shadow grabbing, and at this moment, his body moved fiercely, and rushed towards the hand shadow!

Since the source of all things has just broken his coercion, perhaps, there is really a battle!

"Ah!" As the body stormed, a furious roar roared again in Shi Feng's mouth.

"He, welcomes the power of the Three Guardians!"

"Yes ... yes! He ... suddenly dared to fight the three guards!"

"Huh, he just uses his treasures to motivate him. Does he really think that he can compete with my three guards? It's so naive!"


"Give me, break!" The drink rang again, and Shi Feng's fierce and violent figure hit fiercely on the captured hand shadow.

"Boom!" There was an unprecedented peerless blast, and it rang loudly.

"Boom boom boom boom!" The entire sky shook violently, as if spinning around.


(End of this chapter)

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