Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2360: Wild ancient nine body!

Chapter 2360: Ancient Nine Body!

Today's Leng Aoyue, Shi Feng can't see his realm at all.

The strength of the soul felt when Leng Aoyue was standing. Although he stood proudly beside him, he felt a sense of nothingness, as if ... somewhat unreal.

At this moment, Yuan Xiao, Ling Yunzi, Dragon Blood King, and God Eye King have all flashed in front of Leng Aoyue, and Yuan Xiao wondered and said to Leng Aoyue:

"Sacred ancestor, you should still be in the Battlefield of God Split now, how can you suddenly appear in the heavenly holy land?"

Although it was said that the Emperor Dragon Blood used his means to report to Leng Aoyue about the sacred place in the sky, but even if he was on the battlefield, he would never return so quickly.

Moreover, they had previously seen that the shape of Leng Aoyue stormed out of the land in the center of Tianhuang Holy Land.

As soon as Yuan Xiao's sentence came out, the other three Heavenly Desperate Powers were also baffled and confused.

After hearing Yuan Xiao's words, Leng Aoyue said to them, "This physical body is just my avatar!"





When he heard the word "split", the Celestial Four, then opened his eyes, and made a shocked cry again.

Unexpectedly, this body, which looks so real to the naked eye, is just his avatar.

At this moment, not only was the Tianqiangqiang's face stunned, but Shi Feng was also followed.

No wonder when the power of his soul senses Leng Aoyue, he feels that this body is not real.

But it is unthinkable, this physical body is his clone!

Looking back, Shi Feng remembered Leng Aoyue's avatar, and she felt a sense of oppression when she spoke.

A avatar can even do this!

Then if the true body comes? Isn't it more perverted?

Immediately afterwards, I saw a look of joy on the face of Dragon Blood King Tian Long, and smiled at Leng Aoyue: "So, the Lord's ancient nine bodies have finally been successfully cultivated as the first priority! Be out of the body! "

"Well, there is nothing wrong!" After hearing Long Yan's words, Leng Aoyue nodded slightly to him, then said:

"Wangu Nine Body is the most important. Although I successfully cultivated it, it was not completely consolidated. Therefore, when I went to the Battlefield of Divinity, I left this avatar in the heavenly sanctuary!

Fortunately, there is this avatar here, otherwise, it may be a big mistake! "

The disaster that Leng Aoyue said caused naturally is Shi Feng, the battle with the Holy Land.

"The nine ancestor ancestors want to see you, they are self-righteous, everything is the fault of their subordinates!" Hearing Leng Aoyue's words, the three guardians were happy, and then said with remorse.

But then again, it was indeed him. When he heard the name of the ghost, he didn't take it to heart at all, even full of contempt.

Believing that the patriarch is not visible to everyone.

And when he saw the nine ancestors at that time, he let him kneel and talk back, making the situation worse.

Upon hearing Yuan Xiao's words, Leng Aoyue spoke to him again and said, "Well, the master has forgiven you, and you don't need to mention it again in the future."

"Yes!" Yuan Xiaoying drank.

Following that, the Dragon Blood King said to Leng Aoyue, "It is said that as long as the body is transformed into a body, the combat power can be compared to the true body. Now, what is your ancestor of this ancestor?"

"Out of the body, the combat power can be compared to the real body!" Upon hearing the words of the Dragon Blood King, Shi Feng's complexion immediately followed, her heart was shocked.

I did not expect that in this world, there are still such mysterious exercises!

The avatar's combat power is comparable to that of the real body. If this is the case, then it is ... too bad!

"It will take some time for me to fully consolidate. If it is truly consolidated, then this avatar's combat power can indeed be compared to the real body! At that time, it will definitely be a great help for our divine war on the mainland to deal with the protoss! "Leng Aoyue said again.

"That's great!"

"Congratulations to the ancestor!"

"Congratulations to the ancestor!"

"Congratulations to the ancestor!"


Hearing Leng Aoyue's answer, the Four Heavenly Shorts congratulated him immediately.

The Heavenly Emperor Ancestor was originally the top existence of the God Warland, and when his avatar is completely consolidated, it means that there will be two Heavenly Emperor Gods at the God Warland.

This ... it is ... terrible!

And Shi Feng even remembered that the name of that practice was called "Arid Ancient Nine Body"!

Today, Leng Aoyue's successful cultivation has become the first priority, and she has become an avatar.

As the name implies, that is to say, the nine ancient bodies can be transformed into the ninth avatar when it is ninth heavy!

Jiudao, the equivalent of his own combat power!

This ... this is too perverted! Too perverted! Too perverted!


"This desolate ancient body is really too strong! Unfortunately, I waited for my dull qualifications to practice." Following that, the god-headed Emperor cracked the sky and sighed shaking his head.

The Lonely Ancient Nine Body was acquired by Leng Aoyue together with them in a wasteland ancient ruins. When the Lonely Nine Body was obtained, in addition to Leng Aoyue, their five major guardians and six heavenly kings had all enlightened.

However, only Leng Aoyue succeeded in understanding and realized the mystery.

So, Leng Aoyue spent nearly a hundred years of hard work, and finally he got this avatar and worked it out!

"Let's make a difference!" Seeing the disappointment in the split sky, Long Yan spoke, comforting him:

"To cultivate the Nine Ancients in the Wild, in addition to the resources of Tianzong, it also requires great perseverance. It can take hundreds of years of hard work to condense in the end. In this world, several people have such perseverance.

Yizhongtian spent hundreds of years of hard work. It is said that the duality is even more difficult. Perhaps, if the ancestor wants to condense the second body, it will take hundreds of years! "

"Yes! Nine ancient bodies, the more you practice, the harder it is!" Leng Aoyue nodded Shen Sheng.

"Hundred years of hard work and condensing, he is cold and proud, and he has the perseverance of ordinary people!" Hearing these words, Shi Feng said secretly in his heart.

Even he was not confident that he had such perseverance.

At this time, Shi Feng found that Leng Aoyue suddenly looked at herself again, followed Shen Shen and said, "Master, this ridiculous ancient body is indeed mysterious! Even disciples can understand, I believe, master your talent , It must be enlightened! "

When speaking these words, Shi Feng saw Lian Aoyue's right hand, and a jade slip appeared in her right hand, and then she felt a movement, a strong thought force, and forcibly shocked into the jade slip.

The next moment, Leng Aoyue handed the jade bamboo slip in her hand respectfully and handed it to Shi Feng.

It seems that just now, he has printed the ridiculous ancient body they said into it.

"Huh!" Shi Feng nodded slowly to Leng Aoyue, and then said, "I really want to see for my teacher, this mysterious and perverted ancient ancient body."

(End of this chapter)

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