Chapter 2363: Sleeping!

"... but disciples, they will do everything to expel the evil for you!"

Leng Aoyue had just been ashamed, but when he said this to Shi Feng, he was extremely persevering.

Master is like a father.

At this moment, Leng Aoyue had secretly vowed in her heart, and must do everything possible to be a master and expel the rumored sea evil curse.

Even if you pay everything, you have to ...

"The disciple is back!" Just then, listening to an old voice, it suddenly sounded under Shi Feng, Leng Aoyue and others.

After hearing that voice, they looked down.

I saw that the elder in charge of the soul's stone had returned, kneeling under them.

"Say, what about Yue Ming's soul imprint now?" Leng Aoyue asked him, and the majestic voice of the Lord resounded.

"Yu Shengzu, the imprint of the soul of the angry king, the light is not extinguished!" The elder replied.

"The light is not gone!"

"The light is not gone!"

"The light is not gone!"

When they heard that the light wasn't gone, they exclaimed, and finally they were relieved in their hearts.

If the light is not extinguished, then conscious, Yue Xie is not dead, nowadays, it still exists in the world.

"Okay!" Even Leng Aoyue spit out a word of "Good" and sang: "Yue Xie, following the endless years of the Lord, has been loyal to the Lord! As long as Yue Xie is still alive in the world, Ben Sheng Lord, I will do everything in my power to save him! "

"That's really great! As long as he is alive, that's fine." Shi Feng was relieved when he heard the news that Yue Xian was still alive.

"Yue Xian is completely because of me! Now that he is still alive, I must try my best to save him!" Shi Feng said secretly in his heart.

Once, when he saw the deed of the protoss, he had to escape!

Nowadays, the origin of all things is called awakening, and oneself, but has the power to fight against the god-level powerful!

Thinking of this, Shi Feng immediately thought again and again, trying to communicate the source of everything in the body again, saying: "Are you still awake?"

"Awake now, but soon ... I will fall asleep again!" The source of all things really sounded in his mind again.

When he heard his voice, Shi Feng followed, and asked him quickly: "Why?"

This guy woke up and gave himself the power to fight against the King of God's Realm, but said that ... he would sleep again.

"I just helped your boy in a battle just now, it cost me too much power! Today, I am already very weak, and it is estimated that I need to sleep for half a year to ... recover." The source of all things said again.

"Six months!" Shi Feng was surprised again.

I didn't expect that it paid such a great price for its battle!

In other words, in the past six months, you will not be able to use its power!

But in the war just now, I myself lost all sixty true gods of war!

This ... this way ...

"Well, you don't need to feel bad about your broken weapons! This thing, you can continue to use it in the future, although without my strength, it was not as good as before!"

When the source of all things said these words, a golden light suddenly shone on Shi Feng's body again.

The next moment, all the golden light on his body gathered above his head. Soon, he gathered into a golden pillar of golden light and ancient runes.

God of All Things!

The pillar of all things appeared again. The three-protection method, the five-protection method, the King of Dragon Blood, and the King of Wrath of Battle. The face of the Four Greats of Heaven was suddenly a change, and his eyes were immediately condensed, staring again at the peerless warrior.

Previously, the nine ancestral ancestors relied on this peerless **** soldier to suppress four of them.

Until now, they couldn't see what grade this peerless soldier was!

"Before I awaken again, the grade of this thing, but in the real world of God's Nineth Heaven! Sao Nian, in the future, you take it easy! Cultivate more, and less trouble!"

When it comes to the last sentence, the voice of the source of all things is completely silent.

And immediately afterwards, Shi Feng and the people in the sky saw that the pillars of all things floating above their heads suddenly disappeared.

The Tianqiangquan felt that the **** soldier who could not see through it suddenly felt the momentum of the true God Nine Heavens level.

However, they will naturally not believe that this is just a Nine Heavenly Object! They have really seen the power and fierceness of this fetish.

"It must be the nine ancestral ancestors, who have hidden the true power of this **** column!" Dragon Blood Tianwang Longyu said secretly in his heart.

Not only him, but in this place, anyone who feels that this pillar of God has only the level of God ’s Nine Heavens is in the same mind.

"Sixty true soldiers are replaced with this nine-layer celestial weapon. This ... compared to it ... is not a loss!" Shi Feng murmured secretly, feeling the pillar of all things.

And just at this moment, his mind moved, and above the Lord of All Gods, there was a flash of unusually scary blood.

After the blood-colored light fell, the pillars of all things disappeared, and Shi Feng was sucked into the space of the blood stele, standing and suspended in an endless void.


After doing this, Shi Feng slowly turned his head and looked back, at this moment, he seemed to be looking for something.

Soon after, he saw the bright red figure in the distant void, and said, "Girl, come here!"

Jian Tong, although far away, from now until now, his eyes have been staring at the void, staring at the young figure all the time, always paying attention to him.

From now until now, she has been shocked and shocked, and has been in a state of shock.

She had no idea that he was the master of that peerless existence!

When rushing from Dongyue Shenzhou to Tianhuang Holy Land, Jiantong naturally inquired about this Tianhuang Holy Land.

The result is that the heavenly wilderness sacred place, the gods fight the peak forces of the mainland, just send a person, and they can destroy the wild continent easily!

He is looking for Leng Aoyue, the Lord of Heaven, and one of the most powerful beings on the continent!

The martial arts realm has already entered the state of ascending the peak.

Nether came to the God War continent, looking for his three apprentices!

However, I did not expect that in this sentence, there is such a shocking secret.

Nether, is his stone maple!

And his three apprentices turned out to be one of the most powerful of this **** war continent!

"Oh, here it is!" Jian Tong heard "Oh" when he heard Shi Feng's voice.

Immediately afterwards, her body moved and she flew towards the side where Shi Feng and others were.

Now when she faces Shi Feng again, at this moment, her heart has a different feeling than before.

(End of this chapter)

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