Chapter 2373 Divine Pill!

"Holy ancestor, you called me to Tianhuang Palace, I wonder what happened?"

"Oh!" Shi Feng remembered the business after hearing Yuan Xiao's words.

Said to Yuan Xiao: "Now, my martial arts awareness is thorough, but the energy in Dantian is still lacking. Go and find me some elixir or elixir!"

"Well, good!" Yuan Xiao answered.

"Well, let's do this first, you can do it, the sooner the better! I want to be able to step into the realm of the Five Gods of Heaven before I go to that magic fall mountain." Shi Feng said.

"Subordinates do it, Shengzu, please wait a moment!" Yuan Xiao said, when his voice had just fallen, he saw his body flicker suddenly, followed, and disappeared in front of Shi Feng and Jian Tong. .

Disappeared in this back garden.

After Yuan Xiao left, Jian Tong immediately said to Shi Feng, "Dear, do you really want to go to that magic fall mountain?"

When speaking these words, Jian Tong's charming face appeared worried.

He heard Yuan Xiao just now that there was unexpected danger there, and she was really worried about what would happen to Shi Feng.

"Well, check it out!" Shi Feng nodded, answering.

"Then I will go with you." Jian Tong said.

"You still stay in the heavenly wilderness sacred land, continue to appreciate the heavenly magic sword." Shi Feng resolutely refused to go with Jian Tong.

"However, when you go to a dangerous place, people stay here. People will worry about you!" Jian Tong added, his tone seemed to be coquettish.

"You are too weak. Going with me to that magic fall mountain will only drag me back!" Shi Feng bluntly said.

Although the words are unpleasant, so are they! It was also the best reason for Shi Feng to refuse her counterparts.

In a dangerous place, she should stay in the sacred place of heaven.

"You, this is because of how much strength you have now, and you are beginning to abandon me!" Upon hearing Shi Feng's words, Jian Tong said bitterly, and said with displeasure.

"The world of martial arts is so cruel. You can only continue to fight side by side with me in the future if you become stronger!" Shi Feng said firmly to her.

"I ..." Listening to Shi Feng's words, Jian Tong seemed to feel something, and immediately followed, she lowered her head and stared again at the heavenly magic sword held by her.

"Oh!" Immediately afterwards, the Heavenly Sword of God once again trembled in her hands, making a sound of swordsing.

Jian Tong looked up again and looked at Shi Feng again. At this moment, her charming face had become extremely serious, and said to Shi Feng:

"I see! I will definitely practice well, keep up with you, and wait for me to successfully merge with this excalibur, and I can stand with you again!"

"Huh!" Looking at Jiantong, Shi Feng nodded, and she felt relieved.

In order to motivate her, I said so much to her, and it was not a waste of words.

But if she really merges with the Heavenly Sword, this strength is probably better than herself!

The source of all things, but to sleep for more than half a year, the pillars of all things are now only the true God Nine Heaven Realm fighter.


Soon after, the departing white figure appeared like a ghost again quietly in this back garden.

The three-protection law fate returns.

"Meet the ancestor!" As soon as Yuan Xiaogang showed up, he folded his fists at Shi Feng, bowed, and groaned.

"I've always been more casual, see me later, without so many etiquette!" Seeing Yuan Xiao again, Shi Feng said to him, and then said: "Be quick."

"Yes!" Yuan Xiao drank another drink, and slowly stood up again.

He then poked out his right hand, and a seemingly ancient storage ring appeared on his palm.

Yuan Xiao said: "In this storage ring, there is an elixir left by an ancient divine master. The vitality is extremely strong and the rank is in the fifth heaven of the true god!"

"You are now in the realm of the Fourfold Heavenly Realm. Swallowing this elixir of the Fivefold Heavenly Realm, should help you advance!"

When speaking these words, Yuan Xiao's face was extremely firm.

The **** of the fifth heavenly rank of the true god, that is, this **** war continent, has now been lost.

According to Yuan Xiao's knowledge, God battles the mainland, and the highest spiritual master in the realm is only in the true **** dual sky.

That one can at most refine the magical medicine and artifacts of the true God's dual heavenly rank!

As for the higher skill of divine refining, in his lifetime, he had never heard of Yuanyuan Xiao.

"Oh, God of Fifth Heaven, let me see it!" Shi Feng's complexion also moved when he heard the medicine of the God of Fifth Heaven.

Except for the **** Wang Dan who swallowed in Yin Lei Sen almost two months ago, the true **** Wu Chong Tian is regarded as the highest quality elixir he has ever seen.

As for how effective the medicine is, Shi Feng is really not quite sure.

It should be good!

When Yuan Xiao thought of it, the storage ring in his hand flew towards Shi Feng, and soon he flew to Shi Feng.

Grabbing his right hand forward, Shi Feng grabbed the storage ring containing the magical pill into his hand, followed his thoughts, and a rolling golden-white elixir suddenly appeared on his palm.

A strong spirit of God suddenly burst out from this golden white medicine, raging the entire back garden.

The back garden of the Tianhuang Palace, which was rich in heaven and earth, suddenly became even more majestic. The heaven and earth's vitality seemed to condense into liquid.

The magic scent of elixir permeated this small world. Impacted by the vitality of the **** of elixir, countless buds with buds to be released, at the same time, they were competing to open at the same time.

"True God Wutian Tiandan!" Looking at Shendan in his hand, Shi Feng murmured these seven words, and then he saw the golden white goddan suddenly move and shoot up.

Shendan, who has reached the level of the True God Fiveth Heaven, has spirituality and wants to escape from Shi Feng.

"Want to run?" Shi Feng sneered in disdain, grabbed his right hand suddenly, and immediately grabbed the **** into his hands.

The fist clenched, but the clenched fist trembled violently at once, and Shen Dan continued to struggle in his hands.

"Oh, Shen Dan, worthy of being Shen Dan! But if you want to advance to this level, it seems that it is not enough!" Shi Feng said that she was struggling fiercely in her hands.

And listening to Yuan Xiao's ears, his face suddenly moved quietly.

"A true **** fourfold heaven, isn't it enough to fill Dantian with the potion of the true **** fiveth heaven?"

As for martial arts, Yuan Xiaozi thinks that he is here.

And he is naturally also clear that a **** of the fifth heavenly rank of God is enough to make a Dantian of a true **** of the fourth heavenly warrior full of energy!

"After he truly swallows this god, he will not say so." Yuan Xiao said secretly in his heart, convinced in his heart.

At this time, Shi Feng's right hand suddenly made a sudden move, smashed the peerless panacea into her mouth, rolled her throat, swallowed it.

(End of this chapter)

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