Chapter 2379 Come!

"Look! That figure!"

"So ... that's it?"

"Have you noticed that as the figure moves, the vortex in the night sky also moves!"

"Yes, nothing wrong!"

"Jiuyou Shengzu! That is our Jiuyou Shengzu!"

"Jiuyou Shengzu!"


At this time, the disciples in the heavenly sacred place have also discovered that the shape of the black void constantly flying.

And just as someone had exclaimed before, as the figure moved, the black vortex on the higher sky also moved.

That huge horror vortex, as if for him!

"what happened?"

"Let's go and see!"

"Yes! Check it out! What happened to this person will certainly not be easy!"


Today, the ferocity of the nine ancestral ancestors has been deeply rooted in people's hearts for more than a month.

All of them had seen each of them at the time, and they fought against the top four of the heavenly Holy Land alone!

Eventually, the ancestor appeared and kneeled at him!

Later, a figure flashed continuously from the sacred place of heaven, and chased toward the figure of the night sky.


The vastness of the sacred place was so fast that Shi Feng was so fast that it almost took a while to fly for a while, before finally leaving the range of the sacred place and flying wildly on the mountains.

The towering mountains below are called Yuntian Mountains.

At this moment, the creatures in the Yuntian Mountains seemed to feel the movement in the sky, and the mountains suddenly became turbulent.


"Roar roar!"

The roar of fierce beasts roared from the forest.

Shi Feng's body is still flying fast. Since he is about to cross the robbery and accept the baptism of the exterminator Hei Lei, naturally he should be as far away as possible from the deserted holy land that day.

At this moment, after Shi Feng had sensed it, there were a lot of people not far behind, following her own chase.

The first two of them are the three protectors and the God of Heaven.

And in the void not far from Yuan Xiao and the split sky, the five protector Ling Yunzi, and the dragon blood emperor Dragon King, have also appeared.

"Yuan Xiao! Split the sky!" Long Ling shouted at the two figures in front of him, "you know, what is going on?"


"Just choose here!" Feeling that she was far away from the heavenly wasteland, the power of Shi Feng's soul spread out, sensing the mountain forest below, and murmuring.

At this moment, his violent figure suddenly halted, and finally stopped in this void.

Seeing him stopped, the figures behind him chasing flying also ceased flying.

Ling Yunzi and Long Yan have now come to Yuan Xiao and Shi Tian, ​​at this moment Yuan Xiao opened his mouth and said to the two, "This one, you want to advance!"

"Are you going to advance?" After hearing Yuan Xiao's words, Ling Yunzi and Long Ling suddenly moved.

Not only these two, but also the discerning disciples who were close to them behind them, their looks followed, and in a secret, they had realized something.

Immediately afterwards, Ling Yunzi opened his mouth and exclaimed in shock: "That is to say, the black vortex, the surging black thunder in the vortex, it is ... his God!"

After Ling Yunzi asked these words, although the disciples of Tianhuang had already guessed, his gaze was still gazing tightly at the body of the three guardians, waiting for his answer.

I saw Yuan Xiao, nodded to Ling Yunzi, and said, "Yes, that's it!"






Immediately, I just listened to the sound of cold breaths, echoing from behind them.

Now, they have naturally sensed that the black wild thunder that emerged from the black vortex has become more and more violent and more powerful.

And this day thunder, it seems that it is constantly emerging, continually condensing and becoming stronger!

If you continue to be strong ... Can anyone really resist in this world?

Many disciple disciples felt that if they waited for Hei Lei, as long as they touched a trace, they would probably be wiped out.

That day, Thunder Power had surpassed the forces exploded during the five battles in front of Shanmen more than a month ago.

Even more than just a little bit more!

And that one, next, will face such a thunderstorm!

Such a thunderstorm, really, is it his thunderstorm?

The three protection methods nodded, should ... there will be no fake!

At this moment, when the public eyes gazed at the young figure again, and felt the feeling of the figure to himself, it was a little different.

Jiuyou Shengzu, indeed, Jiuyou Shengzu!

"Those thunderstorms, can he really resist it?" This is the voice of countless disciples at this moment.

Not only the disciples of Heaven and Famine, but the four of Yuan Xiao, all had this idea in their hearts.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" The sound of thunder continued to thunder, and the thunders shook the souls of everyone.

It was the top four in the wild, and at this moment, their faces showed horror.

The black crazy thunder in the black vortex is really ... terrifying.

"Those sky mines, even this one, are not necessarily able to resist it!" At this time, Split Sky spoke truthfully and said to the three beside him.

Hearing the words of the split sky, the three faces were still abnormally dignified, staring closely at the figure in the wind.


Shi Feng is under the dark vortex and black thunder, and in the wind, her hair has been dancing continuously, like a generation of peerless madness.

Looking up at the sky, I saw the young Lengjun's face, not seeing any fear, but suddenly grinned, showing a cold smile.

"Devil's Hei Lei, old friend, we have met again!" Shi Feng sneered.

The extermination of the Hei Lei appears every time, it will bring him extreme destruction and pain, but every time, after the baptism of this black sky thunder, it will bring him great benefits.

"Young Ben is ready!"

"Come on!" When he shouted these two words, he suddenly raised a roar, and the roar rang to the sky.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" As if I felt Shi Feng's provocation, the thunder sound suddenly became more violent, the thunder light flashed, and the surging black thunder also looked even more crazy and more mad He dashed towards the center of the black vortex.

Gather a bigger and stronger thunder, vow to destroy everything, destroy all dare to provocate.


Finally at this moment, thousands of magic thunders converged into one, and then moved fiercely, descending wildly, and blasted towards Shi Feng.

"Hahaha, okay! Okay! Okay!" Looking at the extermination Hei Lei finally launched to himself, Shi Feng laughed and shouted three "good" words!

Finally, here it comes!

Whether that sea evil curse can be broken, also, all this time!

"Some books, you must, well, live!" Shi Feng said firmly in her heart.

"Everything, don't even think about death!"

(End of this chapter)

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