Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2387: Phoenix is ​​here!

Chapter 2387 Phoenix is ​​here!

In this way, Jian Tong still stared at me ... watching ...

I don't know what she thinks at this moment.


After Shi Feng came out of the Tianhuang Palace, in front of the Tianhuang Palace, the Phoenix gold jade bracelet had appeared in his hands.

Then, in his mouth, chanted the formula taught by Jian Ran, "Chaos, Flames of Phoenix ..."

Begin mystery casting.

Immediately, Shi Feng felt a mysterious connection with the Phoenix bracelet in her hand.

Immediately afterwards, a huge pillar of fire suddenly rushed up from Shi Feng's hands, straight into the sky.

Under that pillar of fire, just in an instant, the heavens and the earth became hot, and the space was constantly boiling under the heat.

Shi Feng raised her head, eyes, and stared at the top of the huge pillar of fire, stared at it, and saw it burst into the sky, then, at this moment, suddenly burst open.

"Oh!" Just listening to the song of the giant birds echoed the heavens and the earth, a peerless coercion, peerless heat, also came into being in this heaven and earth.

This vast area of ​​heaven and earth suddenly became red, and in the sky, a huge flamingo was standing, covering the sky and the sun, and the power of the gods was in the world!

"What's going on? What's that?"

"This! What is this!"

"Oh! God!"

"Okay ... big firebird ... so strong, so hot!"

"If ... if I read it right ... this ... this is a ... Phoenix!"

"Far ... the phoenix in ancient legends is now in our heavenly sacred place! God ... God! Ancient Phoenix!"

"Original ... Originally, there are such gods in this world! Good ... so powerful and powerful!"

The phoenix, the beast of the gods, is now alive. The whole sacred place in the sky is suddenly boiling, and the sound of exclaiming sounds constantly.

Everyone in the heavenly sacred place, eyes, looked at the huge flamingo in the sky.


"How ... how could ... how could ..."

Before the cyan tower, at this moment, the two old men in Tsing Yi, with two old eyes staring extremely wide, they, two old faces, looked unbelievably into the sky.

They remember more than a month ago, they talked about this ancient **** beast Phoenix.

At that time, they said that this beast is nothing and nothing this morning.

However, they did not think, one month later, they saw the phoenix, a beast of the god, with their own eyes.

"It ... it ... why does it appear here? Is it difficult ... is it because of him?" The old Tsing Yi on the left side of the platform murmured with such words in his head, involuntarily emerged in his mind. That young figure.

"Is this a man of destiny! The evil curse of the sea in his body will one day fall, and only this Phoenix blood can save it!

But this phoenix, the beast, appeared at this time in our sanctuary. Is it not possible to send this person the blood and blood? "The old man on the right high platform murmured.

The beast Phoenix is ​​really shocking.

At the same time, among the heavenly wasteland, four peerless figures also rushed up.

The three deities of the Heavenly Sacred Land, Xiao Yun's fate, the five deities of Ling Yunzi, the Dragon Blood King of Dragons, and the God Eye of the Heavens, have all appeared.

At this time, they had noticed that the center of the fetish in the sky corresponded to the Tianhuang Palace.

At this time, they remembered the Jiuyou Shengzu, the evil curse of the sea, and the phoenix essence blood mentioned by the old man a month ago.

Subsequently, the four heavenly powerhouses seemed to have made an appointment, and they flew into the world from four directions at the same time.

"Phoenix! It is really the ancient **** beast Phoenix! In this world, there are really phoenixes! When you see Long Ling, see what else he has to say!" When the God-headed King split the sky and rushed to the direction of Tianhuang Palace, his mouth Said.



Shi Feng's figure still stands proudly in front of the Tianhuang Palace. Instead of rushing to the sky, he is waiting.

Now the phoenix appears, and he knows that the four people in the heavenly wasteland should come here.

Since I want to enter the ruins, I want to say hello to them before entering.

"Jiuyou Shengzu!"

"Sacred ancestor!"

"Sacred ancestor!"


Immediately after, the voices rang out and came from the four sides.

Shi Feng finally met the four top four who were rushing to this side.





The sound of blasting blasted in front of Shi Feng, and the top four in the wild, fell in front of him.

"Phoenix!" When the sky fell to the ground, he uttered these words in a deep voice.

When he said these two words, he gazed at the Dragon Blood King next to him, showing his arrogance as if he was a winner.

At this time, the three-protection law fate was frowning, and his face was uneasy, and he said, "The phoenix, the beast, appeared in our heavenly sanctuary.

The power of this beast is not something I can compete with. If he launches an attack on their heavenly holy land, our heavenly holy land will be in danger! "

"Indeed!" Hearing Yuan Xiao's words, the five guardians also answered.

Hearing their words, that God-headed King, his face became dignified.

Yuan Xiao said, indeed, in reason!

Looking at these four faces that instantly became dignified, Shi Feng grinned suddenly, smiled at them, and said, "Well, you don't have to think too much, the one in the sky is just a ghost of the Phoenix."

"What, the ghost!"

"Virtual shadow?"

"Virtual shadow!"


Four words of surprise sounded at the same time when Shi Feng's words were heard.

Immediately following, the four men stared at the sky tightly, and stared at the behemoth overlooking the world.

"This is really just a phantom of the Phoenix? I can't even see my god's eyes!" After staring for a while, the god-headed King of Heaven cracked and said with a deep voice.

Under the gaze of his god, the thing he saw was indeed not like an empty thing.

Seeing that they still looked like this, Shi Feng opened her mouth again and said to them, "This phoenix ghost is an ancient relic. The reason why I have been standing here just now is to wait for you to come.

Let me tell you, I want to enter the ruins of the Phoenix and look for the blood of the Phoenix! "

In fact, when I saw this phoenix ghost again, Shi Feng also felt an accident. This "phoenix" was really different from when he first met in the wild continent.

At that time, under the induction of his soul power, it was indeed sensed that it was a ghost image, but a remnant soul left by the ancient beast Phoenix.

But at this moment, it is completely different. Under his soul induction, then, it is like a living ancient beast, Phoenix.

"Where do you want to enter the ruins! This is really a ruin?" Yuan Xiao was shocked when he heard Shi Feng's words.

At this moment, the four of them didn't see that it was a ghost!

The body of the phoenix that covers the sky and the sun, the power of the world, the heat that envelopes the sky ...

(End of this chapter)

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