Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2402: A drop of essence blood!

Chapter 2402: A Drop Of Essence!

"Give me a drop of your Phoenix blood! I can help you get out and believe me!" Shi Feng's voice suddenly passed into the mind of that little Phoenix.

Voice, extremely serious and sincere!

he! Just a drop of Phoenix essence blood!

Although he said to Long Yu and Shitian that if they believed him, he would be alive.

In fact, he didn't know at all!

Just now, it just made everything out!

This phoenix essence can solve the evil curse of the sea, it's just a guess.

What's more, despite the current situation, even if he rushed to the death, the little Phoenix would not necessarily give him the essence of the Phoenix.

But for that little hope in his heart, he ... had only one try!

"Give me the phoenix essence! Give me the phoenix essence! Give me the phoenix essence!" After the voice of the "little phoenix", Shi Feng continued to pray in his heart.

If he wants to live at this moment, he can only rest on the essence of the Phoenix!

If Little Phoenix doesn't give him the Phoenix essence blood, or the Phoenix essence blood can't expel the sea evil curse in his body, next, he must bear the real attack of the "God Phoenix ancestor"!

Although it is said that with his perverted body, the blow of the "God of Phoenix Phoenix" should not have killed him.

But under constant bombardment, in the end, it will inevitably be bombarded into residue.

Against the power of the peerless flame, Shi Feng prayed and longed in her heart.

"Oh!" Suddenly, another crisp and shocking sound of the phoenix cried, echoing in this world.

At this moment, Shi Feng suddenly saw an incomparably strange, red blood shining from the front.

This world, at this moment, was stained with blood.

Immediately after Shi Feng saw, a drop of incomparable blood dripped across the void, and was hurling towards him.

"Phoenix essence blood! Phoenix essence blood! It is Phoenix essence blood!"

The red dripping blood dripped through the force of the flame and approached him quickly.

Shi Feng suddenly felt that an extremely hot and extremely pure flame power rushed towards himself, and the next moment, he saw his mouth wide open.

With a whisper, the blood of the enchanting flew shot into his mouth.

A hot force swept across his body instantly.

At this moment, Shi Feng only felt that his whole person had turned into a fire, and he felt that his whole person was burning.

Extremely hot!

The whole person looks like a piece of red iron.

The essence of the ancient **** beast Phoenix, but this drop is so much ... that makes him so!

"Ah!" Shi Feng shouted a yell under the heat, and a fiery red light shone from all over her.

"Holy ... Holy ancestor! This is him!" Long Feng, who was in the middle of the distance, saw Shi Feng suddenly felt this way, and then exclaimed in shock.

At this time, he could only hear the cracking sky beside him slowly saying, "Holy ancestor, he got it, Phoenix blood!"

Everything on that side, from beginning to end, is in the insight of the third god's purpose of Split Sky.

"Holy ancestor, he got the blood of the Phoenix!" When hearing the words of the split sky, Long Yan, then suddenly startled.

Unexpectedly, he ... really got the Phoenix blood!

"He, how did you get it?" Long Yan said again, asking Tiantian.

"I don't know what happened, that little Phoenix suddenly shot a drop of her Phoenix blood to this Nine Secret Ancestor, could she ... suddenly fell in love with this one?"

Although the god's eyes of Lietian were aware of that side, Shi Feng's voice to that little phoenix was naturally unable to understand.

"People's love? It's ... not so much!" Long Yan said.


"Oh!" The other side was half-empty, and another horror came from the mouth of the "Father of Phoenix".

At this moment, his hands were still forming fingerprints.

From now until now, he has concluded a very unusual ancient handprint!

The little phoenix was just imprisoned by his imprisonment technique and did not surrender!

Therefore, if you want to surrender to these ancient gods and animals and control her in the future, the ordinary mark will naturally not work!

"This little phoenix actually gave a drop of phoenix essence blood to such a humble cricket ant? What is she trying to do? It's just, violent heaven!"

When the "God of Phoenix Phoenix" said these words, his tone gradually cooled down, and he followed with a sullen cry: "The nasty ants are not dead yet, die!"

As he drank the words, the mouth of the "Father of the Phoenix" suddenly opened.

Suddenly, a blast of flames spewed out of his mouth, and the blast shot toward the red body that was not far away.

With a bang, Shi Feng's whole person was burning with a raging flame.

At this moment, he only felt that his body was going to be burned to ashes by the heat of his body.

"Sea evil curse! Sea evil curse!"

And at this moment, Shi Feng, who had suffered the extreme heat and pain, suddenly issued a shout of extreme shock.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly laughed: "Haha! Hahaha! Great! Great! The evil spell of the sea, really, disappeared!"

"Haha! Hahahaha!" At this moment, Shi Feng laughed a little crazy.

Pain and happiness!

"Neither the evil spell of the sea ... uh!" And at this moment, Shi Feng's words were not finished, and suddenly another painful roar was issued.

The blaze that spewed from the mouth of the "Father of the Phoenix Phoenix" had arrived and hit him fiercely.

Shi Feng turned into a flushed body, and was immediately swallowed by the blaze.

"Sacred ancestor!"

"Sacred ancestor!"

The distant dragon owl and the split sky suddenly shouted again.

"Holy ancestor, what's the matter?" At this moment, Long Xuan opened his mouth full of panic, and asked the split sky beside him.

"Although Shengzu hasn't died yet ... no ... but, just now he was hit by a hot force, and now he has been hit like this again, it has reached a very dangerous level!" Litian replied.

This is indeed the case with his third glance!

"Then ... then ... what should I do!" Long Qi said helplessly when he heard the words of the split sky.

As the Dragon Blood King, he doesn't know how many years he has been without helplessness!

Unexpectedly, in the face of a truly powerful force, his dragon-blooded Emperor Dragon King, looked so humble.

"I don't know!" Shitian was also helpless.

They wanted to save the nine ancestral ancestors, but they also knew that the flame power of that side was not something that the two of them could compete with.

Take the risk, just lose your life!

"No! You and I are using the strongest possible strength, and in any case, we must save that one! Otherwise, in the future, how else will we face to see the Heavenly Father!"

At this moment, Long Yan spoke again and said to the rift.

(End of this chapter)

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