Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2406: Thunder thunder!

Chapter 2406 Thunder Thunder!

"Am I ... dying?"

The falling cracked sky just felt like he was weak. In his mind, such a thought naturally emerged.

The ancestor of the **** phoenix rushed down in the form of a flame phoenix, and in his current state, he couldn't think of any other way to keep himself in this world!

"Hey!" Followed, Li Tian's three eyes closed slowly, with a deep sigh in his mouth.

"Oh!" Phoenix tweeted, and resounded the world.

Just as Fischer's body was about to fall into the crater, the phoenix and phoenix that dived down came violently ...


In another violent world, Shi Feng is now being destroyed by mad thunder.

Under the mad thunder, the flesh was already terrible.

And he is still fighting with his whole body.

"Well!" Between faintly, Shi Feng heard a voice of a phoenix crying into his ears.

The power of imprisonment that imprisoned the little phoenix has long been extinct under this thunderstorm.

And that little phoenix, at this moment, was also hit by a thunderstorm.

At this moment, she was also dripping with blood, and she was not very happy in this Demon Heilei.

"Come here! Enter my space mystery!" At this moment, Shi Feng yelled, yelling at the direction of the cry.

The evil curse of his own sea can be solved, and martial arts, flesh, and soul can be advanced at the same time, all because of the drop of phoenix essence that this little Phoenix gave himself!

Hearing Shi Feng's applause, while fighting against Demon Black Thunder, Little Phoenix moved hard to Shi Feng's side.

At this time, Shi Feng's figure also moved, and he also moved to the place where the little Phoenix was struggling.

"Ah!" And at this moment, the dark mad thunder suddenly surged extremely fiercely, Shi Feng's body shook fiercely, and Yang Tian sent out a terrible pain.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" Then, roaring, like an angry beast.

"Oh!" At the same time, the little phoenix also made a painful tweet.

Although she is an ancient beast, she is still a little phoenix who has not recovered her peak strength. In this black thunder, she feels more and more difficult.

"啾! 啾! 啾! 啾! 啾!"

The wailing voice of the phoenix in pain, echoed continuously in this black thunder.

But at this moment, Shi Feng, who was fighting against the thunder, finally approached this little flame Phoenix.

Immediately afterwards, he opened his mouth again and yelled at the little Phoenix: "Let go of your mind, I will introduce you to my mysterious space and avoid this thunder!"

The roar trembled, and the dark madness around him suddenly became even more violent.

And at this moment, in the thunder sea in front of Shi Feng, a majestic blood was shining.

Shi Feng didn't expect that the little phoenix even let go of his mind directly under his words.

Then he directly sucked this little phoenix into the space of the blood stone stele.


"Ah!" A loud roar resounded like a beast, and Shi Feng suffered another mad thunder.


God battles the continent, the sacred place of heaven!

At this moment, the eyes of the disciples in the heavenly sacred place gathered on the sky.

In that sky, not only was a huge phoenix phantom suspended, but a huge dark vortex appeared over the phoenix phantom, and then a dark thunderstorm flashed.

"Devil's Hei Lei! This is the ancestor's Devil's Hei Lei!" The three guardian law frankly looked up at the sky, looked at the familiar dark vortex and dark thunder light, murmured in his mouth.

"That is to say, this nine ancestral ancestor has successfully lifted the evil spell of the sea and is successfully crossing the robbery!" Next to Yuan Xiao, the five guardian Ling Yunzi also secretly spoke, saying.

"Well, it should be!" Hearing Ling Yunzi's words, Yuan Xiao nodded.

But immediately followed, he suddenly frowned, and murmured secretly: "I don't know why, at this moment, I always felt restless, as if something bad would happen."

"You think too much," Ling Yunzi said, "The ancestor just sent a good news to the Holy Land a short time ago. This battle has won countless protoss, which is a great victory! Soon, we can lead us. The Heavenly Armies return to the Holy Land! "

"Yeah!" When Yuan Yunzi heard the words, Yuan Xiao responded softly, then nodded, and said, "I hope, I think more. I hope everything is fine, best!"

However, although Yuan Xiao said so in his heart, he still felt restless and uneasy in his heart.

Even, I feel a little bored.

Gradually, his gaze turned to the sky again, to the huge dark vortex.

"Really, am I thinking too much?"







The sound of violent thunder bursts still blasted in the Phoenix ruins.

Extermination Black Thunder, the louder and louder, this world has become more and more violent, more and more chaotic.

Destruction Black Thunder has almost gone through this day and night in this world, although it is said that there is no day and night in this world.

"How long is this thunderstorm! The kid with the undead body!" Not far away, a red-fruited old body was suspended, staring at the Demon Black Thunder, and spoke fiercely.

Now, this ancestor of the Phoenix has returned here!

However, the figure of the god-headed King Tiantian was not found, it is estimated that ...

Immediately afterwards, this ancestor of Shenfeng said fiercely again:

"There is that little phoenix, but you must not die in this extermination black thunder. Otherwise, I must cramp the skin of the ant who is pregnant with an undead monster, so that he ca n’t survive, but he must die! "

In order to wait for the little phoenix, he did not know how many years he spent in the phoenix ruins. If the phoenix was really destroyed in this way, he would have to be mad.

He wanted to sense the state of the thunderstorm, but the thunderstorm was too fierce and he couldn't sense what was inside.

"Is it true that the four-day ants of the true **** can survive such a thunder?" And at this moment, the ancestor of this **** Feng thought so.

In this way, the Thunder must evade, let alone the four gods of the true gods.

But then I thought about it, that body, after all, was an undead monster!

"After the thunderous power finally reached its peak, it began to weaken!" Sensing the thunderstorm on the other side, the ancestor of Shenfeng said again.

Thunderstorm was really fierce just now, and at this moment, it was a little different.

"Following this trend, it shouldn't be long before this thunderstorm can be completely receded! It should be, soon! That, little hybrid!" As he said this, the ancestor of Shenfeng just calmed down. With a hard face, his wrinkled old face appeared again.

(End of this chapter)

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