Chapter 2414 Old Demon!

The torch directly burned the soul of the ancestor of the **** phoenix, and Shi Feng finally fulfilled his promise and made him constantly suffer from life-threatening pain!

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!"

The relentless screams continued to echo.

Shi Feng just lowered his head and looked at him coldly.

This old man, who had previously attacked him, even held his neck like a pheasant, humiliated him so much, and continued to violently bombard him, wanting his life!

At this moment, it can be regarded as the bad breath in my heart!

Bad news!

Listening to the screams of the ancestors of Shenfeng, the more miserable Shi Feng's heart became, and even the corners of his mouth were raised, revealing a cold smile.

Leng Aoyue and Long Yan looked at the remnant soul burned by the red flames.

Leng Aoyue suddenly became extremely dignified, and did not know what he was thinking at this moment.

And Long Yan, remembering the split sky again, a cruel smile appeared on his face.

Suddenly at this moment, Shi Feng opened her mouth coldly again, and said coldly to the ancestor of the Phoenix who had been burned in the blood flames, and said, "Say! What is the man who was chased by you before?

To force a confession under such a blaze, although this old immortal had existed at the same level as Leng Aoyue during his lifetime, Shi Feng was not afraid that he would not say.

Even Leng Aoyue feels the same!

Leng Aoyue, although he was above martial arts all his life, when he worshiped under Jiuyoumen, he learned some fur about the way of soul from his master.

But these furs made him extract a person's soul, enough!

He knows even more about the horrible pain that directly afflicts a soul by brutal means!

In this world, it is estimated that there are no living beings, and they can bear it. Such difficult pains!

"Ah!" The bright red flame in Shi Feng's right hand suddenly burned even more violently.

The screams of screams suddenly roared violently.

"I didn't kill the three eyes! He wasn't dead! He fell into the land of flames, and an old demon appeared, and took him away!"

"Cracking the sky, he's not dead!" When hearing this sentence, Shi Feng's face suddenly moved.

Not only Shi Feng, but the face of Leng Aoyue and Long Yan, are all the same!

This is the best news they have heard!

The God-headed King splits the sky, really, is he still alive?

At this time, the Dragon Blood Dragon King immediately opened his mouth and yelled at the soul of the ancestor of the God Phoenix: "He is really alive!"

"He didn't lie." When Feng Long's voice had just fallen, Shi Feng opened her mouth and answered him.

Shi Feng's tone was extremely positive!

Seeing Long Wrinkled, Leng Aoyue opened his mouth and said to him, "With my master's control of the way of the soul, at this moment, the wind has not lied, and he can't escape his induction."

With these words, Leng Aoyue's tone was also extremely firm.

"Hmm!" Since even Leng Aoyue said so, Long Yan naturally chose to believe and nodded gently.

He naturally hopes so! Naturally hope that the cracked sky is not dead!

Then, he added:

"In this case, in addition to this little phoenix and this ancestor of the phoenix, there is an unknown and powerful creature in this phoenix relic!

It can be taken away from under the eyes of this ancestor of Shenfeng. "

"What kind of realm does the old demon you call exist? Where does he live in this Phoenix ruins?" At this time, Shi Feng spoke again and asked the ancestor of the Phoenix in the flames of blood.

"I don't know! I really don't know! Ah! At that moment, the place of appearance was too sudden, when I had noticed her, she had disappeared!

I have spent endless years in this Phoenix ruins, I have never known that I still live such an old demon! "The ancestor of Shenfeng answered again.

Then he screamed again and again: "Kill me! You kill me! Ah! You want to know, ancestor ... No! I have already told you below! Ah!"

The soul is constantly suffering in the flames of blood, and even this once arrogant ancestor of the Phoenix has lost his strength.

Even, began to ask Shi Feng to die.

This torture, this life is better than death! It really is so hard!

"Huh! I want to die? How easy is that! Rest assured, you will never be destroyed in this life, you will suffer from the pain of life that is better than death!" Shi Feng said coldly to him again Say.

And after saying this, he completely ignored the **** ancestor, and continued to burn him despite the fierce blood flames.

Then he slowly looked up and looked into the sky.


In the sky, Daodao Jianying kept falling, Qiqi fell to the **** thunder beast and bloodthirsty thunder sword.

"Roar! Roar! Roar!" The **** thunder beast is still roaring to the sky, under the sword, its body is shaking.

Although the **** beast has become increasingly violent, it can be sensed that at this moment, its breath has become weaker and weaker.

And this is just the arrival of the Ten Thousand Swords!

The higher sky, and the dense Excalibur fell!

Dadao Dadao, as if trying to destroy all life in this world.

"But into the realm of the true god, I didn't expect it, but it has ushered in such a calamity! If this calamity was successfully passed, this sword must be extraordinary!" At this time, the dragon blood king Wang Long looked to the sky In the mouth, said.

But he also saw with his own eyes that this was a sword that swallowed up blood and advanced.

Such a magic sword, if it continues to devour in the future, continue to grow! That will ... how terrible!

"Boom", only listening to the sound of a thunderous thunder from the sky.

The white thunder in the midst of the million swords plummeted, and fell on the blood of the **** beast.

Suddenly, the **** beast was devoured by the white mad thunder, and the next instant, the bloodthirsty thunder sword was also swallowed up.

Following the falling wild swords, they also fell into the white thunder, and together with the violent white thunder, destroyed the sword spirit **** beast and destroyed the bloodthirsty thunder sword.

The next moment, the white mad thunder that devoured the Bloody Beast and the Bloodthirsty Thunder Sword, landed violently below and blasted to the place where Shi Feng and Leng Aoyue were.

"Huh!" At this moment, Leng Aoyue made a soft "um" sound, and then saw his right hand slightly open, and greeted the sky with one palm!

Immediately, a violent force rushed out of his palm and shook the white mad thunder that was about to fall.

"Boom!" Another thunder violently sounded.

But it was seen that the white wild thunder slammed into an invisible force.

Suddenly, the mad thunder was stopped by the invisible force that struck from the palm of Leng Aoyue!

"Boom boom!"

"Boom boom!"

The sound of thunder was still echoing in this world.

However, no matter how violent the white mad thunder, he still couldn't break through his cold and proud moon power!

(End of this chapter)

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