Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2419: Crazy old lady!

Chapter 2419: Crazy Old Demon!

Feeling that strange power disappeared, Leng Aoyue's hand moved again.

But this time, he did not suffer the mysterious force to stop him again, and his right hand suddenly penetrated into the magma.

At this moment, the surging magma suddenly became much calmer.

"Yes, that's all right!" At this moment, the little Phoenix's fire mark suddenly withdrew, and said.

As for the little phoenix that could break that weird power, the Shi Feng trio did not feel any surprise.

Here, but her place! But the ruins of her previous incarnation!

The strange power just now may not have been left by her previous life.

"Magma! Pure flame energy!" At this moment, Shi Feng's eyes began to stare at the rolling magma.

At this time, the figures of him and Long Yan began to move slowly, and Leng Aoyue and Little Phoenix drifted down.

The disappearance of that strange power also means that this pure energy can be collected by yourself!

Although it is said that after swallowing the blood of the ancestor of Shenfeng, his energy in Dandan has reached great consummation!

But you can inhale the essence of the flame energy into the blood stone monument, and it will be available after you step into a higher realm in the future!

And save this pure flame essence, to fight the enemy in the future, you can give yourself that unique skill of God of Thunder and God of War, to supply a steady stream of energy.

"I need it, the flame energy below!" However, at this moment, Shi Feng and the three of them suddenly heard the little phoenix making a voice again, saying a female voice.

"Huh!" Shi Feng nodded to her when he heard the words of Little Phoenix, "Go on and learn! Let's go! This is yours!"

Shi Feng was right in saying this, everything here belongs to her!

If she doesn't get to know her, Shi Feng will certainly do everything possible to collect the essence of the flame below.

However, this little Phoenix has helped myself a lot!

Without her, her sea evil curse could not be solved at all, and she could not enter a new realm at all.

Without her, after coming out of the thunderstorm at that time, she must have been the poisonous hand of that **** ancestor.

Although, if you do n’t have yourself, this little phoenix may have been conquered by that **** ancestor!

But no matter what, since this little phoenix reborn is in need of the energy essence below, then Shi Feng does not plan to take it!

Later, Shi Feng said to the little phoenix again, saying, "Next, you stay here to absorb the essence of this flame. We will take care of the rest!"

"Okay!" Hearing Feng Feng's words, Little Phoenix answered simply.

"Let's go down and look for the cracking sky!" Shi Feng said to Leng Aoyue and Long Yan.

"Well, let me explore the way!" Leng Aoyue answered Shi Feng's words immediately.

The next moment, I saw that white and mighty figure moved fiercely, and rushed into the rolling magma violently.

Seeing that Leng Aoyue moved, Shi Feng's figure also moved, and the next moment, with a "wow", the Dragon Blood King Wang Long also burst into the magma.

Just this moment, here, there is only this little phoenix that turns into a human-shaped flame.

Then, the flame body of Little Phoenix also moved, and the body slowly dived into the rolling magma.


"Absorb! Quickly absorb this pure energy! It is just that storing this energy in your space mystery will be very useful in the future!"

Standing between the pure energy magma, the flame in Shi Feng's body continued to pass on his voice.

Shi Feng has completely ignored it.

Since he did not plan to devour this magma, he would not devour it.

Unless, that little Phoenix is ​​not needed.


"shut up!"

As soon as the flame was allowed to urge again, Shi Feng then coldly passed on to it.

Following this, he said coldly again: "I'm determined, don't bother you! If you disturb me again, I will be unkind to you!"

After Shi Feng uttered this discourse, the flame really did not say much.

After knowing and getting along for so many years, the torch naturally knew that since he had really made a decision, it was useless to say anything more.

And if he irritates him again, he will really treat himself rudely!

The flame was silent, and Shi Feng felt that the whole world was much clearer.

That guy, do n’t give a little color to see, it really does n’t work!

Shi Feng, Leng Aoyue, Long Yan, and their bodies dive all the way.

Leng Aoyue was exploring the road at the bottom, and they dived very quickly.

Storming all the way!

All of this magma world is condensed by the pure flame energy.

Here is really a blessed place for flame practitioners!

The torch in Shi Feng's body sensed the rolling energy of this world of flames, and sighed constantly in her heart.

I feel that Shi Feng is really too bad!

It's a pity!

Unfortunately, "people" feel crazy.

For a while, he thought he knew Shi Feng's torch, but he didn't know what he thought at this moment.

He pursued stronger martial arts throughout his life, but such a pure and so powerful flame energy was in front of him like this, but he seemed to be completely immobile.

In the end, that little Phoenix will be all cheap!

"Below, there is a breath of life!" At this moment, Leng Aoyue, who was rushing to the bottom, suddenly made a noise.

The sound echoed instantly in this magma world.

"Did you feel the smell of the cracking sky?" Upon hearing his words, Shi Feng quickly asked him.

Long Yan's induction also gathered tightly on Leng Aoyue's body, waiting for his answer.

"No! The spirit breath that I feel should be the breath of the old demon." Leng Aoyue replied.

He could hear from his voice that he didn't feel the split sky, and he was quite lost.

"Ah!" Long Yan sighed deeply in his heart, also disappointed.

The emotions of Leng Aoyue and Long Yan were immediately felt by Shi Feng, and Shi Feng quickly spoke and said to them:

"Keep talking! Maybe, the cracking sky is still below us!"

He can only comfort this way!

Although this sentence is no different from nonsense.

"Yeah! You! You! Yeah! You must not die! Yeah!"

Just then, the three of Feng Shi suddenly heard again, the old, sharp, screaming cry again.

That old demon has appeared again!

Shi Feng instantly sensed that an unmatched force suddenly surged from below.

The old demon attacked them!

"Huh! I can't help it!" Inducing the violent force coming in, Leng Aoyue made a cold scornful hum.

I saw his right hand condense into a sword finger, and then clicked away with that violent force!

(End of this chapter)

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