Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2426: The Fall of the Magic Mountain!

Chapter 2426 The Devil's Fall from the Mountain!

That nice woman's voice is naturally the voice of that little phoenix.

It seems that this colorful light feather is the thing that the little phoenix presented to himself when he left.

After Nirvana's rebirth, she will inevitably soar to a wider sky in the future, and will meet again in the future, I do not know when it will be.

Whether or not Leng Aoyue said so brilliantly about this colorful light feather, keep it, think about it.

"Goodbye, goodbye again!" At this time, Shi Feng was also thinking, a spirit of soul, released from the brain, and in an instant, entered the rolling magma below.

After doing this, Shi Feng said to Leng Aoyue and Long Yan again: "Okay, let's go!"

The three stopped figures continued to move, and continued to rush up!

"Oh!" Suddenly, the three of them heard a cry of a phoenix, ringing from below.

Her body was still moving, Shi Feng lowered her head again, looked down, and murmured secretly: "She is here, seeing me off!"

"Ah, goodbye!" At this moment, Shi Feng sighed softly in her heart.

The thought of meeting this little phoenix is ​​really dramatic.

When she first met her, she was asking her to recover the **** drum. At that time, she and others were even hunted down by her, and she was severely beaten by her.

At that time, I didn't even know that she was the little phoenix born from Nirvana.

Everything was unexpected!

Accident plus accident, but turned into life and death together with her!

She saved herself, relieved the evil spell of the sea for herself, and let herself martial art, body, and soul enter a higher realm.

And she suffocated from the hands of the ancestors of Shenfeng and Demon Heilei and rescued her!

After going back for a long time, the three of Feng Shi could still hear the tweet of the Phoenix, still faintly echoing in the volcano.

At this moment, the shape of Shi Feng's three rushed out of the crater.

Back to the red world again.


The three of them did not stay in the slightest, and stormed all the way again, returning back and forth.


There was Leng Aoyue, and along the way, all the flame monsters swooping on them suddenly disappeared.

All the way!

It took them only three days to leave the ruins of the Phoenix and return to the heavenly sanctuary.

"It is the ancestor of Jiuyou! The ancestor of Tianhuang! And the dragon blood king!"

In the sacred place of the wilderness, there are still countless people looking up at the flame phoenix in the sky, and now they saw the figure in the sky, exclaimed in shock.

"They, Enron is back!" In front of Tianhuanggong, the three guardians of Fayuan Xiaomian murmured secretly.

At this moment, Yuan Xiao secretly relieved.

Now, the flame phoenix spreading its wings in the sky has become like a mist!

As if about to disappear in this sky.

This situation occurred about eight days ago. When the huge fire phoenix was found to have become so, Yuan Xiao had been worried in his heart for any accidents in the phoenix ruins.

And these days, Yuan Xiao has always ordered people to pay close attention to the soul stone of Leng Aoyue, Long Yu, and Tian Tian!

Now they finally return!

But then, Yuan Xiao found one person missing, and frowned suddenly, and said, "Hmm? Why didn't you see the cracked sky!"

While whispering these words, Yuan Xiaoxuan moved into the sky with a movement.

"Sacred ancestor!"

"Sacred ancestor!"

"Welcome to the ancestor!"


In the heavenly sacred place, the disciples saw the three figures returning from the sky, and immediately kneeled down and worshiped in the sky.

"Sacred ancestor!" At this time, Yuan Xiao had arrived, and he drank with a deep voice.

Followed with fists and bowed, he yelled, "Meet the Ancestors of Nine You! Meet the Ancestors of Heaven and Wild! Welcome the two Ancestors!"

"Flat body, no need to be polite!" Shi Feng immediately replied to the three guardians.

"Huh?" At this moment, Leng Aoyue seemed to feel something, his face moved, and asked Yuan Yuanxiao: "What's going on outside the heavenly wilderness?"

Yuan Xiao quickly returned to his office and said, "The news that Phoenix has revealed our heavenly sanctuary has spread in recent days. Many forces want to enter our heavenly sanctuary!

For some unexpected reason, Da Hu Fa sent a wonderful word!叟 若! Puao! Fazhen! Guarded in all directions of our heavenly sanctuary, no one is allowed to approach, otherwise, kill! "

Words!叟 若! Puao! Fazhen! It is the second protection law of the Heavenly Sacred Land! Four protection methods! Six-armed King! Divine Heavenly King!

The four heavenly desolate strong guard the heavenly desolate sacred place, and in the entire Zhongzhou Divine Land, no one dares to step into the desolate sacred place half a step!

However, the news of Phoenix's emergence of the heavenly sacred place spread. In the future, it is estimated that there will be a steady stream of strong men from all over the continent.

Perhaps even Leng Aoyue's existence will not be attracted!

"Huh!" Leng Aoyue nodded at the Yuan Xiaobao newspaper.

Then, Leng Aoyue said to Yuan Xiao again: "Let those people roll away, otherwise, they will die!"

"Subordinates obey!" Yuan Xiaoxuan answered immediately.

Immediately afterwards, a Senbai token appeared in his hands, and a mysterious mark was entered into the token by him.

As if conveying the order of the Heavenly Ancestral Father just now!

"St. Ancestor, I still have something to report to you!" At this time, Yuan Xiao said again, and said to Leng Aoyue.

"Oh? Anything else?" Leng Aoyue's expression moved again and again after hearing what he said.

Some things can be dealt with, Yuan Xiao, as the three protectors, will handle it by himself!

Therefore, his fate will not be a trivial matter!

"Remember the incident of the magic fall that your subordinate mentioned to you earlier?" Yuan Xiao said again.

"Magic fall?" Listening to these three words, Leng Aoyue frowned.

"Magic Fall Mountain!" Shi Feng touched his face and remembered something.

"Oh! I remembered it." Leng Aoyue said, "At that time, you said that there was a gap in the space, most likely related to the protoss!

We have sent the geniuses and strong men below God's Realm to our heavenly wilderness? What's happening now? "

Yuan Xiao replied: "The magical fall of the mountain changed. A few days ago, there were eleven major forces that sent the strong among the forces to the past. We were in the wild and holy place and dispatched nine true gods and nine disciples. It's your descendants.

And just yesterday, the news came that all the souls who broke into the gap in the space of the magic fall mountain were broken! In other words, the warriors who entered the rift in the space were wiped out! Including your posterity! "

"All are dead!" When hearing Xiao Xiao's words, Leng Aoyue's mighty face moved again.

Eleven forces, Yuan Xiao did not say which eleven, but Leng Aoyue, almost guessed which eleven forces.

They sent nine true gods, Nine Heavens, to Heaven, and this time, it ’s estimated that there are no fewer than fifty people!

However ...

(End of this chapter)

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