Chapter 2432 Elder Hao!

Outside a towering, magnificent gate, a line of white armored troops guarding the heavenly holy place guards the sky, killing the air!

Shi Feng and others got off the magic beast, the magic beast fiercely, and immediately rushed to the sky.

Then led by the disciple of the Tianyuan Holy Land disciple, they all walked into the gate and walked on a vast square.

About a hundred meters ahead, a huge temple stands, and that temple is the real magic hall!

The disciples of Tianyuan Holy Land left, and the martial arts realm was in the realm of the Seventh Heaven of the True God. At this moment, he was surprised to look at the young figure who was walking in front and center.

Mingli sees that the other fifteen are all extraordinary, and they should be the fifteen true gods of the Nine Heavens Realm sent by the Heavenly Sacred Land.

But this one, the martial arts realm is only in the fifth heaven of the true god, but he is walking in the forefront.

And indeed, it can be clearly seen that all the people in Tianhuang are centered on him.

"Muffy, is he the descendant of an important person in the Heavenly Harmony Land, this time out to see the world?" Mingliu was thinking like this, and the more he thought about it, the more likely it was.

As for the space rift that will also enter the magic fall mountain, Ming Li never thought of it that way.

It is not a matter of seconds that the true God Wutian entered that dangerous place!

"People from other forces are here?" As she walked, Shi Feng said abruptly, and asked the disciple in Tianyuan Holy Land.

His tone was bland and even cold.

This tone sounded a little uncomfortable in the holy place of this Tianyuan disciple.

In this world of martial arts, Mingli is also a martial artist of the Seventh Heaven of the True God, two levels higher than him!

Even if your status in the Heavenly Sacred Land is not simple, those heavenly disciples let you as the second ancestor, but I can leave it alone.

When you go out, you are just the Wutian of the True God!

At this moment, in that cold tone, Mingli felt that this person was very impolite.

However, due to the sacred place of the heavens, he still spoke and answered Shi Feng's words: "Plus you, there are eight forces in total, and six forces have not arrived yet!"

Due to the upset in his heart, when Mingli said these words, his tone was a bit cold.

When the people in Tianhuang heard his tone, they frowned.

This disciple of Tianyuan Holy Land, however, does not respect this one too much.

The Celestial Fathers and the Celestial Fathers of their Heavenly Source Holy Land are strong men of the same level, and their Celestial Fathers even slightly surpass this Celestial Lord!

And this identity is aloof, but their ancestors in the desolation have to bow their heads and kneel!

However, this little Tianyuan Holy Land disciple dares to do so!

However, when I heard the words from the disciples in Tianyuan Holy Land, Shi Feng had nothing, nodded, and responded softly: "Huh!"

Since there are still six forces still missing, it should take a few more days to enter the magic fall mountain.

At this time, Shi Feng and others approached the shrine. Outside the shrine, there were four young and handsome disciples of Tianyuan Holy Land standing in white clothes, handsome and extraordinary.

"I also hope that several brothers will enter to report to Elder Hao, and all the brothers in the Tianhuang Holy Land will come!"

"Oh! Heavenly Haram!"

"Amazing Holy Land!"

When the four disciples heard the Holy Land of Heaven, they looked instantly.

Then, a disciple from Tianyuan Holy Land immediately rushed at them and said, "Please, my brothers, please wait here, and go here to report!"

After speaking these words, the disciple of Tianyuan Holy Land turned around and walked into the hall.

"I also hope that a few brothers will wait here, don't be surprised!" At this moment, the name of the disciple of Tianyuan left and spoke to Shi Feng and others.

"Anyway!" Shi Feng answered, calmly.

Since this is the site of their Heavenly Source Holy Land, then follow the rules of their Heavenly Source Holy Land!

Wait a little longer, but that's fine.

"Elder Hao? Elder Hao in it, isn't it Hao Li, Elder Hao?" At this time, the old man in the Tianhuang Holy Land opened his mouth and asked to leave.

"Yes! It is Hao Li, Elder Hao!" Hearing the old man's words, Mingli nodded and answered.

When the desolate old man heard Mingli's words, he saw his old face suddenly change, and secretly spit out: "It's him!"

And the expression on the old face of the desolate old man was captured by Shi Feng in an instant!

Not only this old man, but when those disciple disciples heard that Elder Hao, his complexion followed.

"What happened to that Elder Hao? We have a holiday with him in the Heavenly Harmony?" Shi Feng then whispered and asked the old man.

"It's a bit festive!" The old man replied, followed by recounting: "About thirty years ago, this Hao Li had a son and a talent. It was also very simple. At that time, he was very young and entered the realm of God's Nine Heavens. Say, that one, sooner or later, to enter the kingdom of God! "

"However, once, a talented disciple in our Tianhuang Holy Land entered into a dangerous ruin with that of Hao Li's son. As a result, our Tianhuang Holy Land came out alive from that dangerous ruin, But his son, Hao Li, was left there forever! "

"It is said that Hao Li has only one son! When the only son died, he was so heartbroken that he even rushed to the crown and went straight to our heavenly sanctuary. He asserted that the reason why his son died in that dangerous place is our heavenly sanctuary. The man got his overhand!

We must surrender that man in the heavenly sanctuary! "

"But he Hao Li has no evidence. We certainly will not surrender people in this heavenly sanctuary! At that time, the ancestors were not in the heavenly sanctuary, we were in the heavenly sanctuary, and only the angry king Tian Yue Yue, stayed there!"

"So, Hao Li couldn't listen to anything. It didn't take long for him to fight with the King of Fury. As a result, he lost to the hands of King of Fury and was defeated by our King of Fury.

"Sure enough, there is such a thing!" After listening to this old man, Shi Feng said secretly.

Followed him again, and asked, "What happened afterwards? Will this be the case?"

After all, he died of a son, and he was crazy for his son. Shi Feng felt that it should not end like this.

"After that, even for this matter, we even dispatched our Heavenly Sacred Ancestor and the Lord of his Heavenly Source Holy Land!

Afterwards, it was adjusted by the two lords. After all, whether his son Hao Li was overcast, he Hao Li could not give evidence! Even the scene before his death was chaotic. It was impossible to see exactly what he had encountered before his death. "

"Huh!" Shi Feng nodded again.

"This time in the Holy Land of Heaven, this Hao Li has come, we still need to guard against it!" At this time, the old man from the day spoke to the disciples in Tianhuang and said.

(End of this chapter)

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