Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2436: Shi Feng vs Duan Mu

Chapter 2436 Shi Feng vs Duan Mu

For Shi Feng to fight Duan Mu personally, there was almost no one optimistic about the crowd except the Holy Land.

Is it possible for a true God to fight against the Ninth Heaven?

This is, however, a quaternary realm.

"A frog at the bottom of the well, he simply cannot understand how terrible the half-step **** king!" A young man sneered.

"Oh? Are you really going to fight with me?" At that moment, even that Du Mu felt a little surprised.

He didn't expect that this second-generation ancestor was so stupid?

"Hehe, could it be him, we really want to find our little prince to die!" Duan Mu, a young man from the Tiannan Dynasty, said to Duan Mu with a smile.

This person is the son of the general of the Tiannan Dynasty, and it is said that the talent is also extraordinary.

"Huh!" Duan Mu just smirked when he heard Bi An's words. Then, his sitting body finally stood up slowly, and then slowly walked out.

Came to the center and turned around, facing the people in the heavenly wilderness.

"Since he is out of the ranks, let's fight here now! You retreat, and I'll make a quick decision!" Looking at Duan Mu, not far away, Shi Feng said, and said to the people behind him.


Everyone in the wild, should drink in unison.

Since this decision had fought the twilight in person, they stopped saying anything.

Some people even glanced at the Duan Mu with some sympathy.

It is estimated that Duan Mu is still thinking at this moment, how to humiliate this one later.

And he never thought that it would be him himself!

The words fell, and the figures of the martial arts warriors flashed at the same time, leaving Shi Feng behind him, flashing to the side, watching the young figure quietly.

"Patter! Patter! Patter ..." At this moment, light footsteps sounded.

Duan Mu, who was present, walked step by step towards Shi Feng.

With a disdainful grin on his face, he said, "Waste, since you don't have the power to do it yourself, and want to fight against this little prince, then this little prince will politely abandon you. Oh! "

When Duan Mu said these words, an invisible force suddenly swept away from him.

Suddenly, the invisible force rushed towards Shi Feng.

"Duan Mu actually took the lead!"

"Yeah! It seems that Duan Mu doesn't plan to keep his hand, and plans to abolish him directly!"

"This evening, to be honest, it is really harsh! To a true **** Wu Chong Tian, ​​at this moment, he has really dispatched the power of Jiu Zhong Tian. Although it is said, it is only the power he arbitrarily uses!"

"Well! Although it was launched at will, this force is probably enough to abolish the second ancestor!"

"Oh, a frog at the bottom of the well, you will soon understand how weak he is!"


"Duan Mu, can you really abandon him directly?" Just as everyone thought that Duan Mu's strength was enough to destroy Shi Feng, the elder Hao frowned at this moment.

His martial arts intuition told him that the "second ancestor" of this heavenly sanctuary is a bit weird, and this battle will not be so easy!

"Somewhat interesting!" Then, another half-step **** King Juesha, wearing a purple robe, suddenly spit out these four words.

"Huh!" At this moment, a disdainful hum hummed from Shi Feng's body.

When that strength was about to hit him, then, suddenly disappeared without a trace.

"Huh? Disappeared? Why did Duan Mu's strength suddenly disappear?"

"Just now, someone must have shot secretly and resolved that energy!"

"It's a heavenly sacred place! Just now, there must have been a disciple of the heavenly sacred place, secretly shot!"

"That's for sure! Hmm, this second ancestor decided to fight Duan Mu. They secretly intervened, disappointed!"

"Resolving the power of Duan Mu, even I didn't notice it, and escaped my induction. It seems that you are cold-hearted!"

"Leng Ruo, our little prince and your second-generation ancestors fought brightly, and you secretly shot. What does it mean?" At this time, the son of the general of the Southern Emperor dynasty, darkened his fingers, and yelled.

At this moment, many eyes are focused on that cold body.

Feeling the glances that looked around, I even heard that anger was like the roar of a wild beast, and spoke coldly, saying:

"You don't have to look at me like that, I'm standing there and doing nothing!"

"You didn't do it? Then how can our little prince's power disappear?" Bi An sighed again after hearing Leng Ruo's words.

Here, with the exception of Leng Ruo, Jiesha, and Elder Hao, no one can dissolve Duan Mu's power under their noses.

He knows better that absolutely no shot is possible.

And that Elder Hao will not even shoot!

"Nothing wrong. How could Duan Mu's power disappear if he didn't act coldly? Isn't it because of the second ancestor's own solution?"

"Resolved by that second ancestor? Oh, is this possible? Please don't make such outrageous jokes!"

"It's so cold, if you do it, you will do it. What's wrong with it!"

"That's it! The eyesight has already seen it. It was he who was cold and shot in the dark!"



At the time when many people's eyes were gathered on Leng Ruo's body, Elder Hao and Juesha still looked at Shi Feng.

In fact, just now, only Elder Hao saw that the power to break Duan Mu came from this so-called "second ancestor".

And the absolute sand, but it is based on a feeling!

"Is this man, there is any hidden treasure in his body, even this seat, can not see through." The elder Hao in Tianyuan Holy Land frowned deeper and deeper and said secretly in his heart.

Based on the history of the Holy Land, it is normal to have such treasures that he can conceal.

And the identity of this person, but exists above the cold.

Hao Li naturally does not believe that a man who has lost Duan Mu's power will really be in the fifth **** of the true gods.

Use the power of the Five Gods of the True God to break above the Nine Heavens. Is there such a person in this world?

He wouldn't believe it anyway.

"Then who is he?" Hao Li said in his heart again.

Based on his knowledge of Tianhuang Holy Land, he has not heard of Tianhuang Holy Land. There is such a person.

Identity is above Leng Ruo, and since he really came to the Fallen City, his martial realm must also be under the God King.

"Which family member of the Leng family is this? But as cold as this, it is said that it is also a family member."

While everyone was still talking about it, the little prince Duan Mu, the face of the young figure facing forward, became serious.

Followed him again and said, "It seems that all of us have been deceived by you! The realm of the real God Nine Heavens is disguised as the real God Five Heavens!"

(End of this chapter)

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