Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2439: Hidden strong!

Chapter 2439: Hidden Powerful!

As the time slowly passed, the thick voice echoing in the magic temple gradually quieted down.

The turbulent space gradually became calm.

Hao Li's eyes were still looking at the "Evening Son of Heaven" who calmly looked from beginning to end, and said secretly in his heart:

"This child's talent and mentality are extremely difficult! If he continues to grow in the future, it is very likely that he will become another arrogant Lord Leng Aoyue!"

"The Heavenly Sage Son is indeed worthy of the Heavenly Sage Son!" At this moment, even Hao Li, who had deep hatred with the Heavenly Sacred Land, had to admire the person in front of him.

Subconsciously, he even compared the person in front of him to the son who died many years ago.

Many years ago, Hao Li's beloved only son died and was protected by the heavenly holy land, and he felt more and more revengeless!

At that time, in a fury, he directly married the ten-room wife and concubine.

During that time, he spent almost all his anger and all his energy on his ten beautiful wives.

In those years, almost every year, children were born.

Today, Hao Li has eight sons and six daughters!

However, there is no one talent, which is comparable to the eldest son who fell in the ancient ruins.

"If Haner is alive ... At his age, Haner's talent and courage are not enough!" Hao Li said truthfully in his heart.

He has to admit it!

"Elder Hao!" Soon after, a disciple from Tianyuan entered this hall, yelling at Hao Li's fist above.

The Tianyuan disciple Shi Feng and others knew that it was also he who had entered the magic fall temple and reported to Hao Liyu that everyone was in the sky.

Hao Li said to the disciple, "You take the distinguished guests of the Heavenly Harmony to rest."

"Disciple obey!" The Tianyuan disciple drank again.

However, from here to this moment, his gaze stopped at the wolverine figure lying in the hall.

On the earth around him, there are sword marks!

Obviously, several Kendo masters have fought here.

At this moment he had discovered that, above the seats, only the Xiao Wang Duan Mu of the Southern Emperor Dynasty was not in the seat.

In other words, the one lying on the ground at the moment is the one, little Wangye!

And he paid more attention to the figure standing between the halls. This one was the second ancestor they were talking about.

Why did he stand in this position?

Could it be him, that made the little prince of the Southern Emperor Dynasty like this?

The Tianyuan disciple was secretly thinking in his heart.

But as soon as he felt this absurd idea flashed out, he was immediately abandoned.

"How is this possible! He is just a true **** fivefold, how could he make the half-step **** king's little grandfather like this! Certainly, something else happened, and this one, by accident, stood here Let me, misunderstand! "

"Well! It must be this way!" He didn't believe it at all. A true **** Wuzhong could defeat a strong man in the peak of Jiuzhong.

This is really against his common sense of martial arts.

As he secretly said these things in his heart, the disciple of Tianyuan turned slowly, looking at Shi Feng, and then at the Tianhuang crowd who stood aside, and said:

"You guys, let's go!"

"Eh!" Shi Feng said without a word, Shi Feng responded indifferently, and nodded slowly to him.

Later, under the leadership of this heavenly disciple, Shi Feng and all the heavenly disciples left here.

More than thirty eyes kept staring tightly at the young figure until he completely disappeared into the darkness.

"This one, finally, let's go!" A warrior, because of the departure of that one, had been nervous, and finally relaxed at this moment.

Then he looked at the little prince lying in the middle of the seat full of anxiety.

The little prince insulted that one, and he had previously humiliated the same one with words.

Fortunately, that one did not find himself!

He knew very well that if that same one also launched that blow in the name of shame, then he would definitely become the second paragraph.

perhaps! Worse than Duan Mu!

That Heavenly Sage Son might not take his life because he was afraid of the Southern Emperor Dynasty and Duan Mu.

It's hard to say the right thing to yourself!

Compared with the Southern Emperor Dynasty and Duan Mu, his own power and his identity are still a bit worse!

If the Heavenly Sage Son really took his life and his holy place, he would at most go to the Heavenly Sacred Place to discuss it.

And the heavenly sacred place, it is estimated that what compensation will be given to the sacred place will be left to nothing, and myself, if you die, you will die!

At this moment, the person who had previously spoke scornfully about that one had the same idea in mind!

At this moment, I was secretly fortunate! Thanks to that one, I didn't bother them.


Soon after, under the leadership of the Tianyuan disciples, Shi Feng went out of this magic fall temple and returned to a bright world in an instant.

Then, the Tianyuan disciple continued to lead the way and headed north.

There, there is an ancient building complex.

According to the Tianhuang disciple, this ancient building complex is a unique box room that they directly selected from the Tianyuan Holy Land, and then it was collected into the mysterious space and brought here for their power The warriors live.

Tianyuan Holy Land, can be regarded as intentional.

However, they also had to entertain the major forces who came to the magic fall mountain.

The gap in the space, but it appeared on the site of their Tianyuan Holy Land, Magic Fall Mountain.

And this magic fall mountain is very close to their Tianyuan Holy Land.

If the space breach of the magic fall mountain is really related to that protoss, one day, if there is really a pros superpower, it will lead the super pros army to kill from the magic fall mountain ...

It is estimated that the first time, to kill them in Tianyuan Holy Land.

Around the ancient building, at this moment, guards in white armor were constantly patrolling.

Shi Feng captured that there was a very powerful breath hidden there.

That breath has almost the same level of existence as Hao Li, Split Sky and others!

"This is here, to protect the disciples of all the forces that have arrived this time?" His eyes were still gazing at the side, and Shi Feng thought secretly.

"Is there any danger of this magic fall city? Even the nine gods of the true **** may be threatened, and they must be guarded by the three kings of the gods!" Thinking of this, Shi Feng's brow grew deeper .

There is something strange about a strong man in the Triple King Realm hiding there.

The main thing is that Shi Feng is very sure and concealed!

Moreover, the breath of that person is very similar to Hao Li, and he should practice similar exercises, so Shi Feng also determined that the hidden person is the person of Tianyuan Holy Land!

"Why should he be concealed, isn't it bright and fair?"

(End of this chapter)

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