Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2447: Land of Ruins!

Chapter 2447: Ruins!

Shi Feng was in all directions, and because of his collision with Zi Luoer's power just now, there was a big movement. At this moment, all the figures were floating in mid-air.

In an instant, the purple shadow rushed back to Shi Feng, "Just now, thank you!"

At this time, Zi Zier was already aware of why this person suddenly shot at himself just now.

If he hadn't blown himself off with one palm, that mysterious black light would have fallen on himself.

And just now, he was unaware of the black light falling on himself.

But thanking Shi Feng, Zi Luoer was also surprised by the confrontation just now.

This person is so strong!

Just now with both palms facing each other, she only felt a strong force of thunder, rushing towards her, and the power of her stars was constantly disintegrated under the force of thunder.

And she feels even more, that this person has some spare time just now!

"No!" Shi Feng responded lightly to Zi Luoer.

At the same time, the power of his soul is still sensing this world with all his heart.

After that strange black light fell to the ground, it really was like this and completely disappeared.

"Is the disappearance of those people related to that light?" Zi Luoer said weakly and asked Shi Feng.

Facing Shi Feng at this moment, she felt a little embarrassed.

Not long ago, he was angry with this person.

He patted himself with his palm to slap himself away from the black light.

But he did not appreciate it, gathered all his strength, and bombarded him with his palm.

With his own palm, if the opponent is not as powerful as him, if his martial realm is really only in the realm of the Five Gods of Heaven, then it will be fatal.

"It must be related to that light!" Shi Feng said with a firm face.

"Whew!" Although Zi peng'er knew about it just now, after hearing Shi Feng's answer, she exhaled a long breath and felt a little bit nervous.

If he hadn't been with him, if just now ... without his palm, he might have become the eighth missing person like the seven missing people.

The black light fell silently, and I didn't even notice it.

"Did you notice anybody just now?" Looking at the stone maple full of graveness, Zi Luoer spoke again and asked him.

"No!" Shi Feng replied, and then said, "If it's true, what weird method was used by the mysterious black light powerman, just now, in fact, we are far away!"

"Can this still happen?" Zi Luoer was startled again.

The black light means is used far away, and it disappears silently. This is simply invincible!

As for what Shi Feng said today, this purple pendant is still very convinced.

She gradually realized that this person seemed to be a little too simple.

"I just guessed." Shi Feng said suddenly.

Then he looked at the sweet-looking woman in front of him and said to her, "Well, let's go!"

"Huh!" Zi Luo nodded.

Then, continue to walk forward under the guidance of Zi Luoer.

"That existence seems to be directed at the warriors who came to the Fallen City this time." Shi Feng said secretly in his heart.

"How did you ... find that black light just now?" Zi Luoer said suddenly, not much, before asking.

Asking these words, I remembered what happened just now, and the white sweet beauty face looked a little ashamed again.

"I have cultivated the power of the soul, and my induction is not comparable to you! You cannot detect it, but I can." Shi Feng said calmly.

Although this sounds a bit pretentious, it is true.

"You ... don't really know what it means to be humble," Zi Luoer said.

"Actually, it's quite modest," Shi Feng said.

Hearing Shi Feng's words, the white and sweet face suddenly smiled.

"You know that the fallen city is not peaceful, and you should also know that the missing disciples are likely to have lost their lives, but you still have to enter the city. What is it for?" Shi Feng asked her.

"You follow me, and I will tell you again when the time comes," Zi Luoer said.

"Oh!" Since she didn't want to say it, Shi Feng naturally didn't force her.

"We're out of the air, we're all over, and we should be here soon!" At this time, Zi Luoer said again.

Previously, they did not want to attract the attention of others, especially hiding the mysterious existence in the dark, so they chose to follow the road and follow the pedestrians.

In the past, Zi Luoer even deliberately hid her martial arts atmosphere.

But now, that is no longer necessary.

Anyway, I have been stared at by that mysterious existence.

"Huh!" Shi Feng responded softly.

And just as his voice sounded, the purple shadow had moved and rose to the void.

Shi Feng rushed straight up.

"Let's go!" Zi Luoer exclaimed, his body moved all the way, flying.

Shi Feng immediately followed, and shortly after, the two figures began to dive and land.

"Eh! Eh!" Two breezes, and Shi Feng followed the purple drop and landed in a seemingly desolate area.

The houses here are low and run down and look like a slum.

"What is this girl doing here?" Shi Feng secretly thought, and the power of the soul also sensed this area.

Soon, the figures appearing in his soul induction were all lonely old men dressed plainly. These old men had never practiced martial arts, and they seemed out of step with this world.

"This place is called the Abandoned Land!" At this moment Zi Luoer said to Shi Feng.

When she said this, a sadness appeared on her face.

Seeing that she suddenly became so look after coming here, it seemed that this was a place of her memories.

Then, Zi Luoer's red lips opened again:

"In the Divine War Continent, almost all beings are practicing martial arts. However, there are also some poor people who, for some reasons, will never be able to cultivate. They are as if they were completely abandoned by heaven.

In the Fallen City, from many years ago to now, there are some of these people. They were abandoned by heaven, they, their forces, their families, and even their loved ones, and then they gathered in Together, here, they started a new life differently. "

With that said, in the white and sweet face of Zi Luoer, there was a "fog" rising in the faint big eyes.

"Looks like you know it here," Shi Feng said.

Shi Feng could see that she seemed to have a different feeling for this.

"Because I once belonged here! I'm back, farewell, land of ruins!"

(End of this chapter)

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