Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2449: Weeping in front of the grave!

Chapter 2449 Crying In Front Of The Grave!

Zipinger didn't want that person to be in trouble, but already, from these three old and thin old faces, I saw the answer I wanted to know.

The new and old man spoke again and said to Zipinger: "It should be the fourth year of your disappearance. The old lady is her. Hey ... she's really miserable!"

"Orphaned mother-in-law ... How terrible?" Upon hearing the new and old man's words, Zi Luoer's fair and sweet face suddenly changed suddenly.

She seemed to hear something from his words.

Especially the word, "miserable"!

"New grandpa, tell me what's going on!" Zipinger at this moment said with excitement at the new and old man.

"Ah!" The new and old man sighed again, slowly speaking, and said to Zi Luoer:

"At that time, you suddenly disappeared. Many of us were looking for you everywhere. We searched almost half of this city, but we couldn't find you. We all guessed that you should have been abducted.

The saddest thing is naturally the lonely old lady. Since you disappeared, the lonely old lady has lost her looks day by day. She always remembers you in her heart. When she wakes up every morning, she will go out to find you.

In those four years, the old lady was like this almost every day! "

"Orphaned mother-in-law ... I ..." When I heard the new and old man say this, tears had already soaked Zi Luoer's fair and beautiful face, and her voice had become choked.

The new and old man continued: "Until one night, a group of people entered our abandoned land!

I still remember that night, a bead radiated a very bright light in the land of our ruins, and illuminated the whole world of our ruins like daylight.

The gang went all the way into the old lady's home, and it didn't take long for them to kill the old lady alive! "

"Orphaned mother-in-law, be given alive, be killed!" Zi Fanger's fists, clenched tightly, no words coldly in his mouth, spit out the words .

Ling Ran's murderous spirit rose from her body.

That so kind old man, unexpectedly ... suffered such a tragic ending.

"Who did it in the end?" Zi Luoer was full of excitement and anger.

"It's ... the Mo family!" Said the old man.

"Mo ... Mo Family!" Shi Feng, standing next to Zi Luoer, felt it again. The moment Jiao heard the two words of Mo Family, Jiao's body trembled the most.

She seemed to know the Mohist, and she seemed to be more impressed.

"It seems this Mo family is the one who abandoned her." Shi Feng said secretly in her heart.

"Why did they do that!" Zi Luoer drank again.

Her mood has become more and more excited, as if out of control.

Shi Feng guessed right. The Mo family was exactly the family she was born in. It was the family that left her in this abandoned place and left her to survive.

"According to Mr. Luo, the old lady next door, the owner of the Mo family had a poison in that year and needed to replace the whole body of blood!

Therefore, the Mo people came to this abandoned place, found the home of the old lonely lady, and wanted to take you back to the Mo family.

And you disappeared four years ago, so ... "

"So they killed the orphaned mother-in-law alive!" Zi Luoer spit out her voice fiercely, hatefully, and very intensely.

The old man nodded to her, followed, and stopped speaking, sighing.

The two old ladies beside him were also sighing deeply.

This is their life.

From the place where they were abandoned, their lives were destined to become so humble.

In the eyes of those nobles, killing someone like yourself is like stepping on an ant.

"His Mo family, at that time did not regard me as a Mo family at all, and abandoned me ruthlessly in this abandoned place, and let me live and die!"

"And when his Mohist master was very poisonous, he thought that I still had use value and wanted to bring me back to Mohist!"

"Why do you take me back to Mo's house? Take all the blood from my body and give him Mo Mi?"

"Mo family, since you abandoned me in the deserted land, I have no relationship with you, we have been forgiven, and I no longer have the surname Mo!"

"And you ... you, because I'm no longer abandoning, because I can't find me, give the orphan-in-law ... alive and kill!"

While Zi Luoer was talking to herself, Shi Feng had felt that a mighty murderous intention had already burst out of her body.

However, she also tried to keep it under control so as not to let this anger rush to the three old men.

Nevertheless, the three old men still stared with wide eyes, their old faces staring at this once little pendant with horror.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Feng suddenly felt that the anger that was rushing up suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Zi Luoer slowly lowered his head again, looking at the three old men in front of him, and asked, "New grandpa, do you know where the orphan and mother are buried?"

"Some of us were together and buried him in Houshan." The old man said.

"Take me to worship." Zi Luoer said.

"Yes! Okay." The old man and the old man nodded, sitting on the body of the stone pier, slowly standing up, leaning on the body, carrying the stone maple and the purple pendant, and walking towards the back of the abandoned land.


"Oral mother-in-law! Fall down, me, come back! Orphan-in-law! Fall down, come back!"

Before the solitary grave, which was full of hair and did not even have a tombstone, Zi Luoer had already kneeled and wept for the lone grave.

The lone grave, covered with messy weeds and dead leaves, has covered the head of the grave.

After all these years, the people of the Abandoned Land buried her here, and no one came again.

"It's not good to fall all! It's not good to fall all! It killed the orphaned mother-in-law! Whoo!"

"Orphaned mother-in-law rescued and nurtured him, and you are the regenerating parent of him, but he has harmed you! Orphan-in-law, he is not filial!"


Shi Feng and the new and old man stood not far behind Purple Qianying, and quietly looked at the purple figure that looked very lonely.

In the eyes of others, she may be a generation of arrogance and extraordinary talent, but she did not expect that this is also a hard-working person.

"Orphaned mother-in-law ..."

At this moment, Shi Feng suddenly heard, crying, stopped abruptly, and saw the purple shadow on her knees, suddenly stood up at this moment.

Shi Feng felt again that a mighty killing rushed out of this purple figure.

She wants to, kill!

Later, Zi Luoer's body moved and soared into the sky.

But in an instant, he flew into the distant void.

Shi Feng turned around immediately, at this time, his body also moved, rushed into the sky and chased toward the purple shadow.

(End of this chapter)

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