Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2455: Purple Pendant VS Hao Li

Chapter 2455: Zi Luoer VS Hao Li


Elder Hao just said "Oh," when he heard that Zi Luoer was nosy.

On his old face, there was a joke and disdain.

This look of him is very obvious, even if I am nosy, then, what?

"Elder Hao, kill her for me! My Mo family is willing to exchange her life for a great price!" Mo Mi, who was far away from Zi Luoer, immediately made a loud voice, said Hao Li in the void.

At that moment, he was really scared.

Although, when Mo Mi first appeared, he resisted a wave of attacks from Zi Luoer.

But that power is not what he wants to use.

When he blocked the first wave of Zi Luoer's power, that power was exhausted and could not be urged.

If Elder Hao had not just shot in time, he would die under the star light.

"Kill her?" Listening to Mo Mi's words, Hao Li slowly shook her head and said:

"After all, she is a person of the Jiuxing Holy Land. This time I came to my Tianyuan Holy Land, and she is a guest of my Tianyuan Holy Land. Kill her, no."

With these words in his mouth, Hao Li felt defamatory.

This Mo Mi, really lived and went back.

This little girl, who is also a person of Jiuxing Holy Land, actually asked her to kill her so brightly.

"But ..." This woman did not die, and for his Mo Mi, it was definitely an endless trouble.

After the hatred, Mo Mi knew that this girl would definitely continue to come to the door and find her own trouble in the future.

Elder Hao is here today, but in the future? Is he always looking for shelter like this?

If you meet this girl somewhere else in the future?

Chopping the grass does not remove the roots, the spring breeze is blowing again!

However, just as Mo Mi said the word "可", Hao Lixuan opened his mouth and interrupted what he was about to say:

"Nothing! But no, no, no matter what price your Mo family pays, this elder will not shoot. Like, she cannot kill you Mo Mi."

As soon as the words of Elder Hao came to an end, the other Mo members who heard it immediately realized something.

He said that Xiao Chuanger could not kill the homeowner Mo Mi, but did not say that he could not kill his own Mo family.

And things seem to be true.

Previously, this little child had killed people like hemp and killed a dozen Mo people, but he never saw him appear, let alone shot.

As if the lives of others were not his life at all in the eyes of Elder Hao.

After hearing Hao Li's words, Mo Mi's old face looked gloomily at the purple shadow again.

He had already tried it before, and even wanted to play an emotional card to get this little faller back to the Mo family, forgetting those grudges.

But it seems that it is impossible!

This little girl was so determined to kill herself.

At this moment, Zi Luoer no longer cares about anyone, his gaze is just staring tightly at the golden figure in the void.

She knew that if she wanted revenge for her orphan, she had to defeat the man.

"Well, let's go, go back and take a good rest!" At this time, Elder Hao spoke again and said to Zi Zier below.

"No!" And just when the old majestic voice had just fallen, an extremely cold, stubborn voice sounded.

The next moment, she saw the purple shadow suddenly move, she rushed straight up to the elder Hao over the sky.

"Oh, you want to fight with me? Interesting!" Elder Hao grinned suddenly and murmured when he saw Zi Luoer rushing up.

But as he was speaking, his body remained motionless, and he remained suspended in the void like this.

The purple pendant's hands formed a very strange fingerprint, between the two hands, with the fingerprint constantly changing, a burst of stars burst out.

Then I saw her all over her body, and she was constantly shining with stars, her momentum was constantly rising at this moment.

rising! rising! Climb again!

As if never ending.

It seems that she rushed to the Elder Hao and began to use her best power.

"Oh? Is the combat skill of the Jiuxing Holy Land? It looks good." But looking at the rising purple pendant, the Elder Hao still spoke with a playful expression.

"Nine days of communication!"

"Nine-day star, enter my body, nine-day star god, borrow my star power! Kill!"

When Zi Luoer came to the end, the rising momentum suddenly soared again, as if it had broken the extreme.

I saw a huge shadow of the stars, like a huge silhouette, quietly rising from her body, and then saw Zi Luoer slap in the palm of the hand upwards.

"This power?" Hao Li, who didn't have Zi Luoer in her eyes, suddenly changed her face at this moment.

He didn't expect that Jiushuangtian, the true **** of Yijie, actually exerted such momentum.

This momentum, even his powerful God Triple King Realm, felt the danger.

"Nine-star holy land is returned to the gods? Because this method has to pay a great price after being cast, wasn't it countless years ago that the nine-star holy place was listed as a forbidden move and disciples are not allowed to practice?

Hao Li murmured again and again, said.

But at this moment, he no longer thought about it, and his old face gradually became serious.

Then he finally shot, seemingly casually, or even slowly looking at the punch, punched downwards, welcoming the palm that Zi Luoer slapped up.

"Boom!" Zhen Shi screamed loudly at the moment the fists fought.

It's shaking!

The entire courtyard of the Mo family was shaking violently. The Mo people were suddenly under the collision of the two forces in the void, and their bodies were unstable.

It's so terrible to have a strong collision!

That little pendant is so powerful!

"If you don't remove this girl today, you will suffer endlessly!" At that moment, the Mo Mi became more aware of this, and her heart that killed Zi Luoer became even more.

On the old face, fierce light flashed, his face gradually became fierce.

"Uh!" But at this moment, everyone only heard a painful peal.

I saw the purple pendant who had collided with Hao Li's forces. He fell violently and fell to the Mo Jia Yuan.

The opponent, after all, is a strong king of the Triple King. Although she has shown powerful combat skills, after all, the level is there, and that is not the existence she can compete with at all.

"Alas!" Another violent sound, purple Jiao body, fell heavily to the ground, splashing sky smoke.

"Kill! Everyone go up, kill her quickly! Hurry up, those who disobey my orders, deal with family law!"

At this moment, Mo Mi pointed at the Zi Luoer who fell forward and drank gritted teeth and drank, ordering all Mo family in the other hospital.

The fierce voice echoed in the other courtyard for a long time, full of killing intention!

(End of this chapter)

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