Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2465: Valkyrie Wushen!

Chapter 2465 Martial God Wushen!

Wushen, although it was the son of the Emperor of the Southern Emperor Dynasty, is a son of Yishan. From an ancestral point of view, this evening, he will call his uncle.

However, this little prince never called him so! In his opinion, this Wushen was a subordinate of his grandfather!

Sometimes, he even secretly said that he was a running dog of his grandpa backer!

Duan Mu has always been disrespectful to Wu Shen, and Wu Shen, because of this little prince, has the blood of the patron king flowing in his body after all, and never cares about him.


Suddenly, only one sound was heard from the sky.

After hearing the noise, the martial arts present looked up and looked up to the sky.

I saw a mighty figure in the sky moving wildly. The sound just now was the sound that caused the air to break under the sudden body shape.

The speed that the figure passed by left a long dark rift.

It was his speed of breaking the air too fast and fierce, constantly breaking the void, leaving this long space crack, shocking!

"Wushen! This must be the Great Emperor Baoshen of the Southern Emperor Dynasty, known as the Valkyrie!"

"He! It must be him!"

"Wushen! The existence of the King of Gods triple heaven exists! It is rumored that his combat power has reached the invincible state of the King Shen triple heavens!"

"Someone once said that Wushen was the first person in the triple heaven of King Wang!"


Looking at the peerless figure in the sky, a voice of surprise rang out.

"This pretend!" Duan Mu, looking at the figure in the void, said with a disdainful mouth.

Later, I saw that the peerless figure was moving fiercely, swooping down towards the square below, but it arrived in an instant and fell on the square not far from the crowd.


A burst of violent sound echoed immediately, and everyone just felt that the ground beneath them was shaking violently at this moment.

The Great Emperor of the Southern Emperor Baoshen, with a tall and stature, a square face, sword eyebrows, and fortitude, has a short hair that is only an inch long, and wears a golden battle armor.

At this moment, although he is standing on this battlefield alone, with his arrival, an individual immediately gathers towards the area where he is.

At this moment, he suddenly became the focus of this world.

"This, pretend to be the goods!" Seeing this, Duan Mu said coldly again.

Then he walked in that direction too.

Wu Shen had a somber face, and that fortitude face was calm, without the slightest expression, and just stood there silently.

The breeze blew, and the cloak of the golden battle dragon behind him suddenly fluttered with the wind, and the majesty was soaring.

"If there is a creature like this ten feet, it will die!" When I saw an individual coming over, I just heard this Wushen and spit out slowly.

As soon as he heard his words, the pair of forward footsteps stopped for a moment, and many people even started to step back and stay with him beyond ten feet.

Those who are so hard-hearted must say what they say.

Seeing everyone back, Wu Shen, looked up at the sky, at this moment, it was almost noon!

And he sent someone to make an appointment with the desolate son that day, noon!

However, Wu Shen looked down, and then turned his head, still standing proudly in that motionless, as if he had become one with heaven and earth.

"Why is n’t the Heavenly Son still coming? Is it really scared?"

"It shouldn't be so! If the Son of Heaven is really scared, then yesterday would not have promised today's battle!"

"But, it is about noon, but I still don't see him! Don't say that the Holy Son that day, even a person in the Heavenly Sacred Land, has not seen it!"

"Perhaps, at that time, the barbaric prince did not know that Wu Shen was powerful! Later, when he really learned that, he was afraid to fight!"

"I still think that the Heavenly Son should appear! Now that it has been promised, if he doesn't come, in the future, he will still have the Son of the Heavenly Sacred Land?"



As time goes on, but people still don't see the figure of the barren Saint that day.

Even Wushen looked up again and looked at the scorching sun in the sky!


Above the magic fall temple in the far part of the square, I don't know when two figures appeared.

One of them, wearing the golden robe of Tai Chi, was the elder of the desolate holy land, Hao Li.

The other person, like a transparent mist, could not find this person beside Hao Li if he didn't look carefully.

At this time, Hao Li slowly spoke and asked the human next to her: "Old man, how do you think of this battle?"

Suddenly, just listening to an unusually low sound, but it seemed like nothingness, a bit unreal, and an old voice from another space, sounded beside Hao Li:

"Wu Shen, since suppressing the realm, this battle is really hard to say."

"Oh?" Upon hearing the words of the voice, Hao Li's old face immediately moved, and said, "You are so optimistic about the Son of the Famine?"

Wu Shen's life-long battle, combat consciousness and combat power are not comparable to ordinary martial arts.

For Hao Li, the old man in Xinjiang said that the battle was hard to say, it was a high opinion of the barbarians.

"That kid, the first time I saw him, I thought he was a little weird!" The old Xinjiang man responded to Hao Li.

"Strange? How strange? Is it because he can't see through his realm?" Hao Li asked.

Followed by, Hao Li also said, "It is not surprising that we can see his true state with the background of the heavenly Holy Land."

Hao Li was dismissive.

"It's not this!" The old man from Xinjiang said so, and then he came out again: "On that day, he seemed to find me hiding in that place!"

When hearing the old man's words, Hao Li was startled again, his old face suddenly changed, and he quickly asked: "He found you? At that time, you lost your breath?"

"Well, yes!" The old man answered.

"How is this possible!" Hao Li shocked.

Hao Li is very clear about this hidden method of the old man who has known him for so many years.

If this old guy is hidden, he is himself, and he cannot sense his existence at all.

Not to mention the fact that the King of God, the King of Heaven, and the age are only around twenty.

"I didn't feel wrong at that time, that kid did capture my breath at that instant! I don't know how he did it, but he did."

The old man from Xinjiang said again.


"It's noon. Can you come here that day?"

"In my opinion, the Son of Famine, I really dare not come!"

"Yeah! It's noon!"


It was noon, and at this time, everyone still did not see the figure of the "Sacred Son of Heaven", one by one, was obviously impatient.

(End of this chapter)

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