Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2467: Hundred Sword Gods Killing Techniques! Forbidden tricks!

Chapter 2467 Hundred Sword Gods Killing Techniques! Forbidden tricks!

Beast roar!

Wu Shen's punch, condensing his whole body strength, instantly fought against the hundred swords that came from flying.

Only at this moment, this area has become extremely chaotic.

The energy of the riot raged violently in all directions, and the soldiers who watched one by one, who had just stopped their figures, began to regress.

"Ah!" At this time, just listening to Wu Shen was drinking again, bombarded the fist forward, and even broke through the power of Baijian.

Under the eyes of everyone, I saw the hundred-handed flying sword, suddenly scattered under the power of Wushen, and hurled toward the Quartet.

The eyesight has already seen that this martial arts, with the power of this fist, broke through the power of the hundred swords of the "Sacred Son of Heaven".

"Huh!" One hundred sword gods killing tactics, or even the one hundred sword gods killing tactics that spurred the Thunder War tactics God, just launched the first strike, and was even broken by Na Wu deeply. Opened with shock.

It seems that this man named Valkyrie is really not simple.

After breaking through Shi Feng's attack with one punch, Wu Shen rushed forward and rushed towards Shi Feng.

Don't bombard your opponents at this time, wait any longer.

However, Wu Shen had just rushed forward, and Shi Feng's figure also moved quickly, and then he suddenly retreated sharply.

He broke the magic sword with a hundred killing tactics. At this time, he really didn't dare to compete with this strongman.

"Rapid return!" However, as Feng Feng retreated, Shi Feng concluded his sword with both hands and sighed in a deep voice.

"铮! 铮! 铮! 铮! 铮!" Just listening to the sound of Jianming's sound, echoed again and again in this world.

Under Wushen's punch, the ancient sword with a hundred handles shot in all directions returned instantly.

Shi Feng's two-handed sword mark moved again, and saw the ancient sword with a hundred handles, and the next moment it appeared above the Wushen, like a sword rain, whistling down.

One Hundred Swords and One Hundred Kills, Sky Sword!

Sword, as if falling from the sky!

Induced by the killing of a hundred swords, Wu Shen's face moved momentarily again. At this moment, he felt danger.

Although his figure is mad, but his top, front, rear, left, and right are all falling sword qi, sword shadow, ancient sword!

At this moment, he is alone, broken!

"Break it!" Wu Shen said coldly, then saw his fists, and blasted upward.

"Boom!" A burst of peerless sounds rang, the world was shaking, the world was extremely unstable, and an incomparable dark shock wave was seen, rushing out of his double fists and rushing up.

On the dark shock wave, countless sword shadows and sword breaths instantly turned to gray, and countless ancient swords were blocked by the strong.

However, Wu Shen mighty face is still moving at this moment, because he has sensed that in addition to the sky, there are countless ancient swords appearing in his body, and then move together, from all directions , Stabbed at the same time towards his body.

"What an exquisite technique of imperial sword! What a powerful sword move!" Inductive Bafang Feijian, which is Wushen, praised it.

This sword, as if it had moved, the swordsman took control and soared the world.



A roar and a peerless blast exploded at the same time. Wushen stepped on the ground and a peerless force raged out of him, sweeping the four sides.

Under that frenzy, the swords that were killed were blocked again.

"Boom!" Not far away, Shi Feng's body rang again with a thunderous thunder. He once again performed the Thunder God of War.

Now, his complexion is getting more and more dignified, and he has also realized that the man named Valkyrie in front of him is indeed not comparable to ordinary martial artists.

"Hundred swords flurry, devour!" A deep voice murmured again.

Shi Feng once again manipulated the hundred swords. No matter the hundred swords in the sky or Wu Shen's body, they immediately became mad.

The sword under the fury looked as if there was a tendency to eat away the power of Wushen.

"Okay ... wonderful battle!"

Disciples of all forces in all directions have gazed at the battlefield in the center.

One by one, looking a little dreamy.

Unexpectedly, the battle was so fierce at the beginning.

"Sacred Son of Heaven", with the exquisite sword technique, let Na Wushen stop!

And that "War God" constantly broke the attack of the barbaric saint.

"Looking at it, it seems that the Emperor of the Wilderness trapped Na Wushen and couldn't move forward. In fact, I can see that under the power of the Emperor of the Wilderness, Wu Sheng was not even hurt by the fur." Someone said.

"Huh!" The person's voice just fell, and the person next to him nodded slowly, followed by, and he also said, "This martial art, it seems that he did not use much power, and this heavenly sage child seems to operate a secret technique. , Forcibly improved combat effectiveness.

And this secret technique, in general, has great side effects! "

"Yes, I have found it! If you follow this kind of battle, the Son of Heaven, sooner or later, will be bitten by his secret technique. At that time, it will be the time when the warrior will strike him!

It seems that this battle, the ultimate martyr, is still this Valkyrie! "

"Well! Nothing wrong! The victory is already doomed!"

"But ... this Heavenly Son, wouldn't it be just like this?"


Up to now, people are more and more optimistic about that Valkyrie.

"Yeah!" Wu Shen raised his head, as if another ferocious beast roared, and then, he saw an extremely huge shadow rising from his body.

Under the shadow, I saw a sword shadow and sword gas that touched it instantly, and an ancient sword with a handle was resisted. It was impossible to break the horrible shadow, and it was impossible to touch Wushen Physical body.

"Everything is over!"

At this moment, the warrior looked as if he had been invincible.

Hundred sword gods killing tricks can not break through the power of the shadow rising from him, how can he give him?

Staring at the other side, Shi Feng narrowed his eyes and followed, his heart moved, and the hundred-handed flying sword stopped his attack on Wu Shen, and all of them flew back towards him.

As the hundred swords moved in tandem, Wu Shen's figure also raged and rushed towards Shi Feng.

"It's time to use that trick!" Looking at the hundred swords flying back, looking at Wushen coming violently, Shi Feng murmured secretly in his mouth.

From midnight to noon yesterday, he has been practicing that trick in the compartment, and plans to find a chance to launch it during the first battle today.

That move was listed as a forbidden move in the Hundred Sword Gods Killing Techniques and cannot be launched easily!

Once launched, the enemy must no longer have the slightest combat power.

Otherwise, the person who dies is himself!

"Opportunity, it's almost there!"

"This Wushen seems to be very confident in his combat skills! It seems that he already thinks he is invincible!"

"Exactly! This is the timing!"

Then Wu Shen got closer and closer, and Shi Feng's right hand and five fingers spread out ...

(End of this chapter)

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