Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2471: Yin Yang teaches the aunt!

Chapter 2471 teaches the aunt in yin and yang!

In front of the eyes, they saw the "Sacred Son of Heaven" and left the disciples with them, and they fell into that ancient residence in an instant.

Later, they looked at the figure that was covered with red fruit, covered with bruises and swollen nose, and many people secretly regretted this martial arts.

In this battle, the Valkyrie was indeed too undervalued and suppressed his realm!

As a result, such a defeat!

I don't know, will this revenge be returned to the Heavenly Son when he wakes up?

Someone guessed.

"Bring him back to me!" At this moment, the little prince Duan murmured coldly and gave his life to the people beside him.

Then two people stepped out and walked towards the unconscious Wushen.


When Shi Feng returned to his residence, he returned directly to the cabin and continued his cultivation.

Feel the martial arts!

Practice Jiuyou Wushu!

Cultivate a hundred sword gods killing tactics!

This time he fought with Duan Mu, he almost used the sword of the hundred swords to kill the enemy!

In the battle with the strong, he finally launched the forbidden killing god. Shi Feng had a new understanding of this sword skill.

With a break in his mind, "铮", the sound of a sword sounding in the room, the sword light flashed, and the ancient sword appeared again in front of him.

Subsequently, his sword twitched, one hundred percent of the sword, and in the room, suddenly the swords flew in all directions, and the sword raged!

Then, under his precise control, a flying sword, a sword shadow and a sword qi did not destroy a thing in the room, even when the ground passed by, it left no trace of sword marks.


Time passes slowly again.

A flash, it was another seven days.

On these seven days, Shi Feng has been hiding in the room and hasn't practiced yet.

And Tianyuan Holy Land, there is still no movement to the magic fall mountain.

On this day, Shi Feng pushed out the door.

At this time, there were two figures in the courtyard.

An old man in Tianhuang Holy Land, another, a middle-aged warrior in Tianhuang Holy Land.

"Meet the Lord!" The two men bowed to him immediately when Shi Feng came out.

"No need to be polite!" Shi Feng waved to them, motioning them to be flat.

"Are there no movements over Tianyuan Holy Land?" Shi Feng asked them.

"The disciples just asked about it not long ago, including our Heavenly Harmony Holy Land. Now, 13 forces have gathered in the Fallen City, and there is still one that has not arrived yet.

The middle-aged warrior replied with respect.

"It's been so many days, and no forces have arrived yet!" Shi Feng said.

"Well! Because the Holy Land of Sounds is far away from Yinzhou, Taiting, and far away from Minzhou, Tianshui, it is estimated that we will have to wait a few more days!" The middle-aged warrior answered again.

"Oh!" Shi Feng nodded.

According to the World Stone Appearance, the Taizhou Yinzhou is really far away from Minzhou in this day!

It can be said that it is the two continents furthest apart from the Continent.

"Recently, has anything else happened in this fall?" Shi Feng asked again.

"This time, three more warriors entered the magic fall city, and then disappeared mysteriously." At this time, the old man answered.

"Three more are missing!" Shi Feng murmured.

But it is also normal. In this world, there are inevitably some people who are bold or blind-eyed or self-righteous or pretentious.

He felt that others would disappear, and he himself might not be like that.

But I don't know, the mysterious existence hiding in the dark has long been following him!

The strange black light appeared shortly after he and Zi Luoer entered the magic fall city that day, and he knew!

"Right to the ancestor." At this moment, the middle-aged warrior seemed to remember something suddenly, and said to Shi Feng again, "A few days ago, a girl came here to find you.

Because you were retreating, I was afraid to disturb you, so I rejected the girl. "

"Oh?" Shi Feng said quietly when he saw him, and then he knew who it was and asked him, "That woman is from the Nine-Star Holy Land?"

Now here, in addition to the sacred place of the wild, the only mature woman is only Zipinger, who can come here to find him, who else can she?

But beyond Shi Feng's surprise, I saw the middle-aged warrior slowly shaking his head at him.

"Huh? Who would that be?" Shi Feng was a little surprised.

I haven't had any interaction with other people, let alone a woman.

"The woman professes to be a disciple of Yin-Yang religion. Their **** Ye Zifei wants to invite you to see her in the past," said the middle-aged warrior.

"Yin and Yang teach? Holy aunt? Ye Zifei?" Shi Feng frowned slightly when she heard these strange words.

He has never heard of these.

The middle-aged warrior introduced Shi Feng to:

"Yin and Yang religion is a force that has risen rapidly in our divine war continent in the past century, and now it has become a first-class force!

This force has always been more mysterious!

Yin and Yang religion is said to have come to this magic fall city a few days before us, but we have never seen their disciples of Yin and Yang religion here, that is, you did not have a war with Na Wushen a few days ago Disciples of Yin Yang Church appeared. "

"Oh!" Listening to what he said, Shi Feng was a little curious about this yin and yang religion.

Later, the middle-aged man said: "It is said that there are ten aunts in Yinyang religion! Ye Zifei is one of them.

The top ten aunts have been fighting each other. Only the victors can finally become their yin and yang gods! "

"Quiet begging to see you!" Just then, Shi Feng and others suddenly heard the voice of a very crisp woman from outside the courtyard.

"It's her, the yin and yang female disciple who came a few days ago!" Said the middle-aged warrior immediately after hearing the voice.

"So clever?" Shi Feng was a little surprised at this time!

It was a coincidence that the woman came over as soon as she came out of the compartment.

"Is it really just a coincidence?"

"Or they are yin and yang teaching, someone hides himself in the dark?"


Shi Feng murmured.

But under the power of his soul, this large area can be said to be under his control.

He didn't find anyone secretly peeping.

"Really by coincidence?" Shi Feng thought again, followed him, and shouted, "Come in!"

With his cry, soon, a woman in a dark gray outfit walked into the courtyard with light feet.

This is a wonderful young girl, but on her body, she is wearing a relatively dark, dark gray shirt, which is very different from her age, and weird.

"Ji'er meet the Heavenly Son!" The woman immediately raised her fist and bowed to Shi Feng.

"Well, don't pay too much!" Shi Feng said.

As far as his identity was concerned, the woman saw that Shi Feng was not surprised.

The true God Wutian, who does n’t know now!

Then, Shi Feng asked her, "Say, why did you find me?"

(End of this chapter)

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