Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2482: The evil man appeared!

Chapter 2482: Evil Man Appears!

After entering into this dark world, the powerful men of all forces, in addition to seeing the rolling mist of magic, have a very depressing atmosphere.

This depressive atmosphere stems from the intuition of my martial arts in the hearts of everyone, so that they feel it, which is ominous here.

Each of them is a supernatural talent, among them the existence of several **** kings.

And they can make them all feel oppressed and ominous. What's going on here?

Since entering this place, Shi Feng's complexion has become abnormally dignified, his brows are tightly frowned, and the power of the soul has begun to wreak havoc on the Quartet.

In the end, the two peerless **** kings and Kunyu also entered this dark world, and then a group of strong men went forward.

"It is rumored that in the ancient times, the magic fall city and the magic fall mountain were the places where a great demon body fell. This dark magic land and the rolling mist are not related to the great devil in ancient times? "

At this time someone spoke, remembering ancient legends, and said.

"In this area, in addition to the peerless demon, there are many monsters gathered here. Whether it is related to that peerless demon or not, it must be related to the monster."

Someone else said.

The deeper the crowd moved forward, the more they felt oppression and anxiety, that is, the existence of the five who entered the triple king level of God, no exception.

Each face looked dignified than the grave.

"Kaka! Kaka! Kaka! Kaka!" Suddenly, they heard a very weird dull sound coming from the front.

It's like the sound of behemoths rubbing against each other.

"What's that sound?" Someone asked immediately, Shen said.

"Just far ahead, I sense it!" Someone said.

"Speed ​​up and see what's going on, and pretend to be a ghost!"

The next moment, he saw his body flashing, disappeared into the crowd, and moved rapidly forward.

This sexual violence person does not flinch in the face of unknown dangerous things, this is like his style!

"Old man, wait for me!" The old man Kunming shouted behind him.

The old man did not know when he had flashed out and chased to the end.

After seeing the two flying out, the other kings and strong men also moved one after another, flying forward.

At this time, Shi Feng's figure flashed!

With a peerless flesh, he doesn't think there's anything to worry about! Even if there is a peerless creature, I don't think he can be killed in seconds.

But all of a sudden, there were only ten descendants of the top ten forces, "we, it is better to be careful!" Salomon's Juesha said.

Although Juesha is a half-step **** king, he did not dare to carelessly after entering here.

"Hmm!" Ye Zifei, the elder aunt of Yin and Yang, nodded, agreeing with what he said.

Others saw that these two and a half step **** kings were so dignified, so naturally they were careful.


"Eh! Heh!" As the strong men quickly moved, Shi Feng heard a weird sound, and a very weird and evil laughter was heard.

"You guys, finally here!" Followed, listening only to an extremely old and hoarse voice, echoing in this dark world.

Hearing that weird laughter, everyone's complexion suddenly changed, and finally yelled coldly: "Who is it! Who is pretending to be a ghost here!"

"Get out of the King of God!"

"Oh!" At this time, "桀" laughter changed to a "O" laugh, then someone said:

"You did n’t come here just for me? When the old man caught that old lady, you knew you would be here in the near future. I didn't expect to come so fast! Hey!"

The strange laughter resounded.

With everyone's body rushing, the voice has become more and more clear.

The next moment, a group of **** kings suddenly saw that a dark altar of immense magnificence, hugeness, and magnificent magnificence stood in this dark world.

It looked like a giant mountain.

The agitated figure of the King of the Gods ceased, stopping far from the dark altar.

That altar is strange and disturbing.

"There are people above!" Li Lie, the middle-aged strong man in the Holy Flame Holy Land, also drank. He saw a dark figure standing proudly at the edge of the top of the dark altar.

Other strong men also saw the man one after another.

"Dark cult!"

"This dark cult has finally appeared!"

"Dark cult, secretly take away the talented disciples in my door, kill!" Kun Xun of Zixu Palace followed suit, and he heard Yu Ding already. The two talented disciples who disappeared from Zixu Palace arrived I still don't know.

"Sure enough, the dark cult is working!"


The man proudly standing at the top of the dark altar, wearing a hooded black robe, was enveloped in the black robe, and his face could not be seen at all.

And this dress, combined with the words he just said, this man is undoubtedly a dark cult.

"This person, this place, is not easy!" Looking at the huge dark altar and the dark figure, Shi Feng murmured quietly and solemnly again.

Especially what this man said just now, he seemed to know that they would come here.

Is he here, waiting for the arrival of these people?

What can he rely on? Does he already think that he has a terrific hand and can leave so many **** kings here?

"What level of existence is this?" Shi Feng said secretly.

This dark cult man, like that dark altar, shrouds an extremely dark and mysterious energy, which is impenetrable.

"Oh! Yes! Yes! I have a lot of sacrifice items this time. Perhaps, the spirit of the devil in this magic fall place can be summoned successfully!"

Then, the man in black robes made another noise.


"He treats me as a sacrifice?"


"Ah! Damn it!"


Suddenly, bursts of anger and applause kept echoing.

The words of the man in black robes thoroughly angered them.

They were all high-powered **** kings. What a noble existence that was on weekdays, even the demon said that it was a sacrifice.

Sacrifice things, but cattle and sheep!

That evil man, that's comparing them to livestock.

"The demon crooked, and the King of God will give you a try right away. What a sacrifice it is!" Salomon's terminal anger began.

Immediately afterwards, he saw his body move fiercely, rushing up, turning into a godlike light, and carrying the power of the world, rushed to the man on the top of the dark altar.

(End of this chapter)

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