Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2484: break through!

Chapter 2484 Breakthrough!

In the magic mist world, although Ye Zifei was angry, she could only bear it.

The figure on the top of the altar, but the existence that bound the end and Kunyu, facing absolute power, you can only endure the anger in your heart.

"The spirit of the demon god!" And at this moment, Shi Feng read these four words in her mouth.

According to the information revealed by the man in the black robe just now, it was not his true power, but the power of the spirit of the devil, that he could so easily trap the end and Kunyu.

The spirit of the demon seems to be closely related to the dark altar under his feet.

"Maybe the spirit of the devil he said was sealed in this altar, and the strong need to sacrifice to successfully wake up?" Shi Feng murmured secretly, guessing secretly.

Shi Feng also got a message from the words of this black robe man.

That so-called demon spirit is not really awake at this moment!

If you fail to wake up, you can easily trap the two **** kings. If you wake up, what power will you have?

Thinking of this, even Shi Feng felt shocked!

"You must think of a way to destroy that dark altar!" Shi Feng said secretly again.

He doesn't think that if this altar is destroyed, the spirit of the devil can be awakened!

If this is the case, they, the dark cult members, have exhausted everything and started to destroy this black altar. Why bother to take sacrifices from martial arts powerhouses.

"Okay, sacrifices, it's time to sacrifice you!" At this time, the man in the black robe on the altar spoke again and said to the people below.

With his words falling, then, just listening to an extremely desolate, ancient chant, echoed in this dark world.

The chanted words do not belong to this era, and no one can understand them.

It was disturbing, irritable, depressed, and flustered to hear everyone's ears!

"No! We must break through here, we can't just sit here and wait for death!" Said the ice king Bingji, the **** king, a heavy heavenly power.

"That's right! Go on like this, we really have to be sacrificed!" Said Li Lie, the strong of the Holy Flame Holy Land.

"All of us rushed forward together, urged all our strength, and fight with the demon!" Tianshan, the oldest man in Tongtianshan, murmured rudely.

When she said these words, one after another extremely powerful breath, rushed out from the martial arts, ready to use their full strength!

Although they knew that the dark altar was weird and dangerous, they had no choice.



"Strike! Fight against demons!"


Afterwards, I just listened to each other and rang out from everyone's mouth.

One piece after another, they were sacrificed by them.

To say the most dazzling, is a golden Kowloon dading above Tianshanyu's head, exuding glittering golden mansions.

And Li Lie's flame **** bead, exuding extremely hot heat, the space, boiling under the flame **** bead.

"Tianlong Shending and Fire Dragon Divine Bead!" After seeing the two peerless artifacts, several people couldn't help but make a sound of surprise.

It is rumored that these two items are **** king tools, and the rank is even in the **** king triple sky!

The last God King triple-strength power comes from the holy land of extinction. This is a dumb old man named Fu Fu!

But at this moment, the old face of Desolation was exuding a horrible color, and the whole body had exuded a strong sense of destruction.

The Holy Land of Extinction, the word of destruction is passed down from generation to generation, and the power of destruction is cultivated.

The artifact sacrificed at the moment of extermination is a black axe, which also exudes a terrifying power of destruction, but compared to Tianlong Shending and Fire Dragon Orb, it is much inferior.

His axe of destruction, the rank is only in the King of Heaven.

At the next moment, the annihilated figure rushed up first, manipulating the destroying battle axe in front of him, urging a powerful force.

Instead of attacking the black robe man on the dark altar, he blasted to the end trapped in the dark light curtain.

Fushi believes that if the ultimate and Kunyu can be regained their freedom now, their overall combat power will definitely be greatly improved, and they will have more hope for the demon.

And there are not a few thinkers such as annihilation, even Tianshanyu and Lilie also have this idea.

As the three kings of the gods, they naturally understand how powerful the three kings of the gods are, and they naturally know what two more kings of the three gods mean to their overall combat power.

At the same time, they saw Tianlong Shending and Fire Dragon Shenzhu rushing up, and after chasing the axe of destruction, they also blasted to the dark light curtain trapping the end.

Other warriors also understood the intentions of the three peerless powerhouses, urged artifacts, launched their strongest attacks, and blasted to the end.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Suddenly, the sound of violent rumbling continued to blast.

Even the end, who was trapped in the black light curtain, seized the opportunity and spurred his strength on the dark light curtain.

At this moment, Shi Feng immediately saw that the dark curtain of light that had trapped the end suddenly burst out.

"Okay!" There was a burst of applause among the crowd.

The dark light curtain is broken, and freedom is finally achieved, and they will have an extra King of Gods.

"Old Kun!" The end came out of the dark light curtain, and immediately looked at where Kun Kun was, slamming out, and saw a machete shining with a peerless sword flying out of his palm, flying and chopping To Kunyu who was very close to him.

"Salmon's sword, one of Salmon's top ten gods!"

After being rescued from the end, other warriors also attacked Kunyu with the end attack.

"Boom boom boom boom!" The bursts exploded again, with extremely fierce energy raging, and in the eyes of everyone, the dark curtain of light trapped by Kunyu also suddenly collapsed.

Another God-king triple-strength strongman has regained his freedom, standing proudly and with prestige, glaring at the figure on the dark altar.

"Gather everyone's strength and kill this person!" A very cold drink, rang from the mouth of Kun Xu of the Zixu Palace.

Kun Ye was wearing a purple robe, and under an extremely thick strength, the robes on his body had swelled up, as if there was an unmatched force ready to go!

Although he was saved, Kun Yu was still extremely angry!

He was furious at the demon, who had previously trapped him with the light curtain. He could do everything in his power and couldn't break through.

He was also angry. The people below were on the surface a companion who killed the demons together. However, when he was trapped in the end, he didn't think of how to rescue them, but chose to escape!

If there is no powerful force to stop them, it is estimated that those people have fled here, leaving themselves here with the end, facing the danger, most likely will wait for the verdict, waiting for the sacrifice said by the evil man!

(End of this chapter)

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