Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2491: Afraid of death?

Chapter 2491 Afraid of Death?

"Ah!" A terrible cry sounded again in the thunder, and the **** king of the Frozen Mountains was once again ashes.

As for the destruction of him in this thunderstorm, several other people did not feel the slightest surprise, and this person's strength was inferior.

In the God King's heavy realm, it is also considered weak.

At this moment, Tianshan immediately transmitted a voice, saying:

"But he should only step into the King of Heaven's Second Heaven with one King of Heaven. How can this thunderstorm be so horrible!"

At this moment, the eyes of the four strong men all stared at the side, staring at the figure.

Shi Feng is under the Black Devil, urging her strength to resist the thunder.

However, this thunderstorm is just beginning.

"This should really be his thunderbolt!" At this time, he fully nodded against the end of the Thunder, and nodded.

In spite of this thunderstorm, the King of Heaven's Dual Realm should not appear.

At this time, they also realized that the talent of this heavenly Son is indeed an extraordinary genius!

At the very least, such a thunderous thunder, they have never met in their lifetime.

"Ah! I can't resist it. If this continues, the old man will be destroyed in this thunderstorm!" Kun Xun, the strong man in Zixu Palace, has begun to shout.

A God King triple-strength man has become so enough to imagine the horror of this dark thief.

"Me ... Me too!" At this time, Tian Shanyu also responded.

The four **** kings, Mie Tian, ​​have little difference in strength. The four of them look bad at the moment!

"It's difficult ... Don't we have to be happy with him too!" Said the end.

In the end, there is always reluctance to let go of your mind.

Just now there was a gleam of blood, and in the end they naturally knew that those who let go of their spirits must have been absorbed into his mysterious space by this heavenly Son.

However, they don't know whether those people who have been sucked into the spacecraft of the Tianhuang Shengzi have forcibly done anything against their will.

Moreover, after several strong quarrels, I knew in the end that his hatred had already settled with this Heavenly Son. Even if he didn't do anything to those people, it didn't mean that he would never do anything to him!

However, at the end of the thought, Li Lie, who was not far away from him, shouted loudly, his voice quickly shuttled in the mad thunder: "Son of Heaven, I would like to be happy, please, please Inhale your mysterious space. "

Ask for help from the Heavenly Son. At present, this is their only way of life.

And when Li Lie's words sounded, his mind was released.

The next moment, he saw a **** light shining from his body.

Li Lie was also inhaled into the blood stele.

"Tianhuang Shengzi, the old man is also happy!" At this time, Tianshan Yan also shouted cheekily.

Immediately after, she flashed red too.

"Son of Heaven, help me!" Shouted Kun Kun.

And before his words fell, blood rose.

But all of a sudden, Shi Feng, the end, and the Heipao people remained in this thunderstorm.

Although the end of the old face looked more and more strenuous, and his strong body had begun to tremble, he was still hesitating.


In the distance where the violent black thunder was, two figures were quietly suspended, looking at the violent sky thunder in the distance.

"This ... this ... how is that possible! This turned out to be the thunder of the Heavenly Son?" When the Mo family owner Li Li heard Hao Li's analysis, his eyes were already so wide that he shouted in shock Road.

It is unthinkable that such a thunderstorm turned out to be a person's sky mine!

Moreover, it is still a thunder of such a young warrior.

This is, in the end, with such an anti-natural talent, the genius just dropped such a crazy thunder, to destroy it.

"This son is really terrible! So he must die! Otherwise, there will be endless troubles in the future!" Hao Li said in a voice.

"Yeah! You must let him die! These people, preferably none of them keep them alive." Mo Mi said.

Compared with those people, their Mohist school has a low status and low strength. If they escape one in the future, it will be a matter of raising their hands.

Hao Li didn't answer Mo Mi's words again, his eyes still looked coldly at the mad thunder, and his eyes flashed in his eyes.


In the dark thunderstorm, the mortal body has become more and more trembling, and fissures have appeared on the flesh, spreading like a spider web, and the appearance has become extremely distorted.

At this time, he finally put down his stance, and shouted to the not-so-distant one, "I am a happy God!"

Hearing the old man's words, Shi Feng slowly turned his head and looked at him.

In the end, I saw that demon evil, at this moment, although he was also struggling, although his face was full of cracks, the red blood kept overflowing from the cracks.

Despite his appearance, he never felt that he was much better than himself.

"Just ... there's only one left for you." Instead of inhaling the old man directly into the blood stone stele, Shi Feng asked, as others did.

His voice was shaking.

"Yes ... yes!" He answered utterly, his voice trembling.

"Just ... you just kept on being happy, why did you suddenly change your mind? Afraid ... afraid of dying?" Shi Feng still didn't **** him in and asked him again.

"Uh!" And when Shi Feng asked the words, her body suddenly trembled.

At this moment, an extremely crackling crack suddenly appeared from his face, and even divided his face into two, looking extremely permeating.

Then, the rift continued to spread down, and instantly spread to the neck.


The end, who is still being destroyed under the mad thunder, thinks that he has put down his attitude and released his mind, but he has not yet drawn himself into his mysterious space, and even asked these words, even with a touch of taunt In a tone, ask yourself "Are you afraid of dying?"

At this moment, his heart was full of anger. If it was normal, he would have already launched an angry blow at the Heavenly Son.

Just at this moment, the fissures on the end of the body are spreading more and more, the flesh has become more and more broken, and the energy in the body is also becoming more and more severe.

In the end, I really feel that if we continue to procrastinate like this, it won't be long before the existence of the triple heaven of this **** king will fall down here.

"Help me! I don't want to die!" In the face of life and death, he shouted to the heavenly Son.

At this moment, he saw that the face of the Heavenly Emperor's Son moved, he seemed to be laughing, as if he was smiling at himself with disdain.

On the next breath, he finally felt that he was totally light, and finally, he was also inhaled into the blood stone stele by Shi Feng.

"Ah!" Then a loud painful snoring sounded from Shi Feng's mouth.

Under severe pain, he seemed to have transformed into a beast that lost his mind, his broken body, was constantly destroyed, and he was constantly reborn under his means of recovery.

Hand after hand, the elixir kept being stuffed into his mouth and swallowed into his throat!

(End of this chapter)

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