Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2498: Final greed.

Chapter 2498 Endless Greed.

"Oh!" Hearing the words that Shi Feng said with a serious expression on his face, he finally uttered a humorous laughter.

Then, just listening to him again, he said, "From the point of view of the old man, they can only chase Hao Li in the past! The old man stays here to take care of the Heavenly Son, you are fine!"

When it came to the end, the old man's mouth grinned suddenly, showing a cold smile.

"Huh?" And at this moment, the end of his eyebrows suddenly moved, looking away from Shi Feng, and slowly raised his head.

He looked up!

After the thunderstorm, a fierce crack appeared above their heads, and at this moment, at last, they felt some movement from above.

There is a big rift in the dark world, this big rift is leading to the magic fall city.

At this moment, I saw a terrible violent move of the right hand in the end, as if holding up, as if holding up a majestic force, raging up.

The next moment, under the power of the end, Shi Feng and the space above his head boiled wildly.





Immediately afterwards, screams of screaming and pain came from above.


In the magic fall city, some martial arts saw the peerless mad thunder disappear, but a huge rift appeared, so they wanted to enter and see what was there.

Some people even suspect that the vision of the previous day may have been the birth of a peerless **** soldier, which caused the heaven and earth to thunder.

However, as soon as they entered this dark world from the big rift, they screamed under the power of the **** of the end, and then they turned to ashes and disappeared completely in this world.

Then, I saw that the right hand in the end was moving again and changed into a mysterious handprint, which hit the sky.

Shi Feng has sensed that under the dying force of the end, an invisible enchantment was immediately concluded at the big rift above the sky, which blocked the space.

After doing this, he finally turned his head slowly and slowly, his old face turned back to Shi Feng, and the cold, playful smile on the old face reappeared, and he slowly spoke to Shi Feng again, saying :

"For the safety of your life in the Son of Heaven, it is better not to wait for people to come here to disturb you."

"Say, what the **** do you want to do!" At this moment, Shi Feng said coldly, and said to the end.

At this point, he naturally would not believe the old-fashioned nonsense, and say nothing to protect himself.

The reason why the warrior who had just entered this dark space was also killed by him is naturally that he wanted to do something unseen!

"Hehe! Tianhuang Shengzi is talented and intelligent, and the old man just likes to talk to smart people.

Well, the old man does n’t sell any more. The old man just wants to let you, the Heavenly Sage Son, borrow the Nine Umbrellas from your Heavenly Sacred Land. "End of life said with a smile.

"Originally, you want Jiuyou Gong!" Shi Feng smiled coldly at his words.

"Hehe! In this world, who doesn't want to practice Jiuyou Gong!" Finally laughed again, followed by:

"It is rumored that the Nine Nether Ghosts passed down by the Heavenly Emperor's Ancestor can devour the death power generated by all living beings in the world at the moment of death, and transform it into the magic power in Dantian.

The more powerful the dead creature, the more powerful the divine power becomes. This is so against the sky. Who in this world does not want to move? "

In the end, this turned out to ask Shi Feng.

"It's really exciting!" Shi Feng sneered again.

Jiuyou Gong Gong was that he was in an extremely dangerous place, and he was in danger of death. He almost entered the state of death, and realized the way of death, only to realize the power of death!

In previous lives and even in this life, Shi Feng has thought about it, and I am afraid it is difficult to realize the skill of comparable ninth meditation.

Even now, when entering the Sixth Heaven Realm of the True God, I do n’t know how many times the martial arts is deeper than the previous life.

Can comprehend exercises that are comparable to Jiuyin Gong, unless there is a great opportunity!

Those great opportunities, once experienced in previous lives, Shi Feng feel lucky! If you ca n’t find it, it ’s too vague.

"Since you know the righteousness of the Son of Heaven, you should hand over the Nine Youming Gong quickly." He finally said again and said to Shi Feng.

At this moment, the old man looks kind and cheerful, as if talking to friends.

However, Shi Feng knows that no matter if he can't give up the Nine Youming Gong to this old thing, this old thing will turn ruthless next!

Just then, Shi Feng's voice suddenly became cold, and said, "What if I don't pay?"

"Don't pay?" The utter end of the old face suddenly sneered again, and said, "You have just gone through that kind of disaster, and your body must be very weak at this moment! If you are not obedient, then my husband and I I can only give you more fire! "

"You seem to be very confident in you? Confidence will allow me to surrender Jiu You Gong before they return, or even give me a blow?" Shi Feng added.

"For these, my husband, I am indeed a little confident! It seems that you really don't want to be obedient, Son of Heaven, and then you should blame my husband, it's too heavy!"

When he finally said this, the old face looked quite peaceful, and just as he said later, there was a stern expression on the peaceful old face.

Following this, his right hand instantly condensed into a sword mark, faintly surrounded by the dark gray evil mist.

Then, the end of the sword mark, toward Shi Feng's **** face, clicked!

From this sword mark, Shi Feng has already felt an insidious force, and is rushing towards herself.

It seems that this sword seal is not a force to kill itself, but a means to torture the old man.

Seeing his self-confidence just now, it seems that if this sword mark is clicked on his body, he will definitely make him uncomfortable.

"This combat technique was acquired by me in the ancient ruins of the Heavenly Sword Sect, and although the power was not great, it was very interesting!

If you accept me this way, then you will feel all over your body, dense wicked swords like ants drill into the pores, and then quickly crawl in your body before entering your bone marrow.

You will feel that your bone marrow will be drained, your whole bones will decay, and the water in your body will also be drained together. At that time, you will desperately want to be killed, but it will die Nope.

That kind of taste, Heavenly Son, you will soon be able to try it, guaranteed to make your life unforgettable! "

The end point of Xiang Feng ’s sword imprint is not fast, and he even looks a little slow, while he clicks forward while explaining to Shi Feng.

He laughed and became more and more happy.

In the face of the sword finger coming from the end, Shi Feng's **** face still couldn't see the slightest confusion and horror, as if still indifferent.

It seems as if the end-of-life and his combat skills are not considered at all.

At this moment, the man in front of me suddenly heard the words, "Well, it's already this time, you should come out!"

He suddenly said such an inexplicable word.

(End of this chapter)

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