Chapter 2620: Awaken!

Shi Feng put her hands behind her and walked slowly forward.

The persuasion of that voice seemed unheard of.

"I advance and retreat together with you!" At this moment, a coquettful sound came from behind him.

Jian Tong followed Shi Feng and then moved forward, but she did not take a few steps, and Shi Feng immediately said, "This is dangerous, you step back."

"Just knowing that it is dangerous, I can't retreat!" Jian Tong said.

Followed again: "As long as you and I work together! Trust me, I can certainly help you!"

"No need this time," Shi Feng said, "I'm confident that I can break it all by myself. If you are here, I can't do it."

"I ..." Upon hearing Shi Feng's remarks, Jian Tong didn't know what to say, and all of a sudden hesitated steps as he walked forward.

Then, looking at the black figure that was still walking forward.

"I ... in your heart, has it become a hindrance to you?" Jian Tong said secretly.

There was a sadness on her charming face, followed by a grin, and she was smiling hard.


Shi Feng is still step by step, walking towards the big picture.

She had the confidence to break through what Jian Tong said, but just told her.

"Do you really decide?" And just then, the voice in Jiuzi Mountain sounded again.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Shi Feng resolutely said, "If you have to break through this Jiuzi array, you can let me figure out where she is, then these Jiuzi array, I have to break! "

"For her, even if you know that there is something terribly dangerous in front of you, knowing that you are very likely to be in a place of no end, are you completely disregarded?"

Jian Tong murmured secretly when she heard Shi Feng's decisive voice.

At this moment, my heart is full of sadness.

Once in the inner world of the wild wasteland, when she was still alive in the world, she was the proud girl of that era.

Coupled with her charming and charming appearance, and enchanting posture, I don't know how many men admire her and show love.

Even crazy for her!

But none of those men saw Jiantong.

But at the first sight of him, Jian Tong had a different feeling.

With the more contacts he had with him later, Jian Tong found that he was not ordinary, and had a kind of unusual that she could not say clearly.

There is always a mystery in him, making him want to uncover it more deeply.

Although he always showed a coldness, Jian Tong felt that his heart towards him was actually not cold.

It's just ... he seemed to himself, he didn't reach ... that ... feeling.

Things in this world seem to be like this, the person who loves you desperately, you always have no feeling for him.

When you fall in love with someone, but find out that that person does not care about you at all.

Things in the world are really unsatisfactory everywhere.


"Why!" At this moment, Jian Tong said secretly again, "That woman has left you. If she really loves you, she would have come to you.

You, for her, are not worthy of entering this dangerous array! "

Jian Tong felt that the woman didn't love him at all.

He didn't need to do that for her!

As for Shi Feng's confidence in telling her, she didn't believe it at all.

He just didn't want to get involved!


At this moment, Shi Feng has come to the big picture of the gossip. As long as he takes another step forward, he can step into the Jiu Ci array.

At this time, Jiuzishan's voice rang again: "Go back, even if you walk out of Jiuzi array, I will not estimate that person for you!

In any case, I will not calculate for you, the price is simply unthinkable! "

The voice was extremely firm.

Shi Feng lowered her head at this moment, and her eyes were already looking at the big picture of gossip carefully.

"You've woke up long ago!" And just then, Shi Feng said suddenly, secretly.

This was like saying to himself.

It's like saying to which mysterious existence.

"Hehe!" Just then, a laughter sounded suddenly in Shi Feng's body and passed into his mind.

The laughter sounded like a sinister.

"Sure enough!" Shi Feng said.

Originally, he was just guessing, but he did not expect that the "old lady" really woke up.

Before it fell asleep, it told itself to sleep for half a year.

Now, almost half a year has passed since it fell asleep.

"I didn't expect to be discovered by you." The source of all things said again.

"If I don't call you, how long will you be lurking?" Shi Feng asked it.

"Oh, it depends!" Said the thing.

"Stop talking nonsense, is there any confidence to break the nine mercy array!" Shi Feng asked him.

"Yes!" But he didn't expect it, and he didn't even think about the source of everything in him, and answered him.

Followed closely, just listening to it and saying, "Break this array, with the help of my power today, just one move!"

"Just one trick!" Shi Feng was surprised when he heard the answer from Source of Everything.

Last time, Shi Feng's power was so unexpected that Shi Feng was so surprised that he made himself fight the four God King Triple Realm with his power alone.

However, although this Jiu Ci array has not yet entered the battlefield, Shi Feng has felt that, compared with the four major gods, Mie Tian, ​​they don't know how much to be stronger.

However, the old lady who is the source of all things said at the moment: It only takes one trick to break this array!

This ... what a perverted power!

Unexpectedly, this guy has slept for half a year, and his strength has become stronger again, even reaching such terrible level!

He had previously said to Jian Tong that he could break it, but he was just talking about it, but he did not expect that ... the source of all things ...


At this time, Shi Feng heard it say the word "but" again. Before the words behind it, Shi Feng asked him again:

"If you break the nine-kind array, how long will you sleep this time?"

"It's hard to say!" The source of all things said.

However, Shi Feng hasn't cared how long it has been asleep, it will never fall awake and it doesn't matter.

You have to break through the nine mercy arrays, you have to see that god, and you have to find the person in your heart.

At this moment, Shi Feng's body finally moved, resolutely took that step, and entered the Jiu Ci formation.

"Boom boom!"

"Boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"


Suddenly, just listening to the incomparably loud rumbling sound immediately.

I saw the earth, and immediately trembled violently.

"Ah!" That's where Jian Tong stood. Her shape suddenly shook violently, and was very unstable.

Then, her body moved immediately, floating towards the void.

However, at this time, the void was also shaking, but it was much better than the earth.

Jian Tong's body is stable in this void.

Then she lowered her head and stared again at the figure who entered the big picture.

As the earth swayed violently, I saw that figure trembling violently.

However, his feet seemed to stick to the ground tightly, and they did not fall down in the great shaking.

(End of this chapter)

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