Chapter 2626 Fei Xue body method

"Nether, we seem to have no such name among the top 100 geniuses in the mainland?"

"Well, I don't remember having this name! However, he can now fight with this Luo Shaogong master so that he is enough to enter the top ten!"

"A power that can produce a combat force to enter the top ten geniuses, is already very bad! Heaven and sacred land, now there are two such peerless geniuses!"

"Heavenly Holy Land, this really has great luck!"

"This genius, it might have been impossible to let the heavenly sacred place be born, so as not to kill the cradle by some bad-hearted people!

Until now, until he has the real power, he has not really appeared in the world of God war! "

"Heavenly Holy Land, Nether! From today, this name is estimated to be completely on the continent of God war, sweeping away."


Below the ground, two peerless geniuses have been fighting more and more fiercely!

The earth moaned constantly.

"Boom!" Shi Feng slammed on the ground, and another peerless blast sounded.

Under his feet, the earth underneath was constantly destroyed, and was suddenly stepped out of a huge deep pit. He and Luo Ningchuan were already suspended above this deep pit.

However, at this moment, an extremely huge dark thunder dragon burst out from the giant pit instantly, the mouth of the dragon was wide, as if the dragon had been flying for nine days, storming towards Luoningchuan.

"Wind and snow!" Luo Ningchuan whispered, and a turbulent wind and snow swept down from under him, and he violently collided with the dark thunder dragon.

"Oh!" Between the faint, a sound of dragon chant echoed in this heaven and earth, then, Thunder Dragon and Blizzard annihilated in the air at the same time.

In mid-air, Daodao Boxing and Fan Ying continued to collide, but there were also many attacks that fell on Shi Feng and Luo Ningchuan.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Ningchuan's complexion changed fiercely, and he had discovered something wrong.

A third black eye appeared on this man's forehead. There was a billowing black mist in his third eye and in his right and left hands, pouring onto the dark armor of his body.

The power that he violently blasted on him with the power of peerlessness was completely blocked by this dark armor of his body.

With this **** armor, he was not injured at all!

"Ah!" A moan rang from Luo Ningchuan's mouth, and just now, a fist shadow banged heavily on his chest and abdomen, causing him severe pain.

Although it was said that such an injury could not cause him any substantial trauma, at this moment, his figure was actually going backwards.

Luo Ningchuan has seen that the man is going to play a "crazy" madman with himself at this moment. He has ignored the attack on him, and can't help but resist directly with his physical body.

Then launch a crazy attack on yourself!

If it is general confrontation, hard resistance will be hard resistance, he Luo Ningchuan must be unafraid.

But this man relied on his body armor, and his attack could not cause him a little bit of pain at all!

How to fight this battle!

"Despicable!" Luo Ningchuan spit out these words coldly at Shi Feng.

"Vile your sister, don't run!" Shi Feng sneered at him and said.

At this moment, he already saw that the man had resigned.

With these remarks, Shi Feng immediately urged her whole body to rush forward at a faster speed, rushing to Luo Ningchuan in a crazy backward.

I have to say that Luo Ningchuan's figure is very fast at this moment, and the snow-colored after-images are falling behind him.

Behind it is Jiuci Mountain, Luo Ningchuan's body turned slightly to the right, and immediately changed the direction of retreat.

"Retreat? This Luo Shaogong master, is he actually retreating?"

"Yeah, he's retreating! And the genius of this desolate holy land is chasing after all."

"This ... so to speak ... this little palace master is avoiding his edge? This little palace master, is not this lonely enemy of the heavenly sacred land genius?"

"It's so horrible!"

"If Nether is defeated by Lord Luo Shao, then he will directly enter the top ten in the talent list!

Moreover, it will replace the ninth place of Lord Luo Shao Gong! "

"Let's chase after them, otherwise, the figures of these two people will be out of our sight!"



At this time, the statures that had stood proudly in the vanity suddenly moved wildly, chasing the direction of Luo Ningchuan's retreat.

"Nothing wrong! There should be nothing wrong! The Luo Shao Palace Lord is indeed running away! And he, at this moment, is performing the Blizzard method of their Snow Palace!"

"Feixue body style, that is the famous body style of our entire God War continent! It was once called the escape body style!"

"Shh! You don't want to live anymore! Do you say that escape is possible? If you are known by Snowflake Palace, be careful of your entire family's life!"


Before the endless years, this Feixue body style was indeed called the escape body style.

In that era, the Snowflake Palace was not the pinnacle of the war on the mainland. I don't know how many people rely on this flying snow to escape their lives.

After that, the Snowflake Palace became stronger and stronger, and was included in the peak. The warriors on the mainland were afraid to mention the word "escape".


"Come on, don't run! Stop and fight with Ben Shao!" Shi Feng was still urging to chase Luo Ningchuan and yell at him coldly.

As Luo Ningchuan's body retreated, his face at this moment had become extremely ugly.

The voices of those in the sky above, especially the word "孬 子" that the man drank, were like heavy hammers, hammering heavily in his heart.

"Those crap! What do you know! What do you know! Those stupid things don't understand and just talk there." Luo Ningchuan said in her heart.

"You have a way to take off your armor and fight me upright!" Luo Ningchuan drank angrily, the noise was loud and echoed fiercely.

He deliberately made such a loud voice. He wanted those people to know that the reason why Luo Ningchuan was retreating was not because he was not defeated by that person, but because of the armor of this person.

"Warframe? Lord Luo Shaogong said that he had to take off the warframe to fight him. Could it be that this man's warframe is famous?"

"So, the black armor on this man looks really extraordinary!"



"OK!" Immediately, people heard a response.

Luo Ningchuan had no idea that the person had agreed directly after he made that request.

Then, he saw the dark battle armor disappear from him, and he put on a very ordinary black shirt!

Immediately following, only listening to Shi Feng's voice echoed this world again: "Well, stop and fight with Ben Shao, don't make a fool!"

"This ..." However, Luo Shaochuan's face moved again, and Feixue's body skills were still being cast, like a fluttering blizzard, but in an instant, it floated to endless distance.

(End of this chapter)

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