Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2636: This is your fault.

Chapter 2636 This Is Your Wrong.

"How many yuans are needed for these cheats? I want them all!" Looking at the book with curiosity, Jian Tong said to the earth warrior.

"Oh, this beautiful girl really has a vision! These classics are the latest secret classics from our store!

In order to compose these classics, we do not know how much hard work and sweat, energy and hard work, even a lot of brothers, because of these classics, killed Huang Quan!

For example, this book, The Mystery of Heaven and Desolation, has a brother that has been in the Holy Land of Heaven for many years. For many years, the daily task has been to observe the movements of that desolation, and then slowly write his story.

As a result, not long ago, the brother was found by the genius of that wild genius that day, and was beheaded and killed!

So you say, is it precious? I can assure the earth that this secret is unique to our family!

There is also this "The Story That Luo Ningchuan and the Ningchuan Have to Tell", which is even more tortuous. It describes the grievances between Ning Ning and Luo Ningchuan over the years. Everyone imagines it is so simple, everything is in this cheat!

For this cheat book, we have totally lost 108 heroes!

And these, every cheat book is extremely difficult, girl! "

This martial arts cultivator of earth martial arts spoke with spit, frowning, and even firmness, as if those things were really what he said.

Even if Jiantong listened, if it wasn't for the one next to him or the ghost in the book, he would almost believe it.

Immediately afterwards, Jian Tong spoke again, and said to him, "You haven't told me how many yuans these will take. I want them all."

As she remarked, she saw the earth warrior, but shook her head slowly.

"Huh?" Jian Tong frowned suddenly when he saw him like this. "What do you mean?"

"Beautiful girl, don't worry, listen to me slowly."

The earth warrior said with a smile on his face: "We don't sell these cheats! But give them away!

Yes, you heard it right! It's a gift! Complete gift, don't give you a stone! I will give you these precious books!

In addition, these two VIP cards are also given away! With these two VIP cards in hand, when you watch Luo Ningchuan and the Nether World War I, they will sit directly on the VIP seats in front! Enjoy God-level treatment! "

"Walk around, still want us to stay in your place!" Jian Tong said.

"Yes yes! You are right, girl!" The earth warrior nodded again.

"Forget it, we don't need it." Jian Tong waved to him.

The residence that this person is talking about is clearly problematic, and a trap must be set up.

She couldn't be so stupid as to drill that trap.

After saying that, she turned to look at Shi Feng again and said, "Let's go!"

After hearing her words, Shi Feng smiled and asked her, "Don't you want those cheats?"

"What the **** is it, go away," Jian Tong said politely.

"Girl, that's what you're wrong!" Upon hearing Jian Tong's words, the martial artist who practiced earth martial arts immediately called to her and followed:

"You do n’t need cheats, you do n’t need VIP cards, you do n’t have to live in our small shop, but you are so insulting the classics that our brothers exchanged for death. This is yours, right?

When he said this, he saw his complexion gradually gloomy.

Especially when it comes to the last few sentences, the tone is getting colder and colder.

"Let's go!" Jian Tong said this again to Shi Feng, ignoring the man directly.

What kind of sorrow and mystery, what stories have to be told, and what comes in exchange for death, this is what they have written blindly.

You are not wrong!

Shi Feng immediately moved his mind, and Hesha next to him worked the magical power of the earth again.

Then he spoke and said to the person in front of him, "Let's go!"

"Brother, if you don't make it clear, you can't go!" But the warrior said so, his tone was still extremely cold.

"Then what do you want to say?" Shi Feng asked him instead.

The man pointed to Jian Tong and said, "She, you must apologize to me! Apologies to our dead brothers."

"Go!" Shi Feng drank in a cold voice, and then kicked it directly.

The warrior in front of him is only in Samsung Demigod Realm.

Although it is in the ground, under the operation of the Hesha Earth Supernatural Power, this foot can already flow freely in the ground, and he can be kicked directly.

In his own name, writing those ghosts is deceiving, and still think he is reasonable?

"A divine god, you are a bit overwhelmed!" And just after Shi Feng kicked this foot out, the man grinned suddenly and chilly.

Later, he saw that he kicked out and kicked Shi Feng's foot.

At the same time, he saw a wild momentum, soaring from his body.

Just a moment, he saw that the whole man's momentum changed dramatically.

This, where is a Samsung demigod, this is a true **** fourfold!

Just now, Shi Feng didn't even see his real state. He just fell into Shi Feng's eyes and was indeed a samurai warrior.

It's a really deep means of hiding!


Both kicked out abruptly, and they were about to collide at this moment. I saw that the sneer on the face of the practitioner who practiced the earth martial arts was getting worse.

"Oh!" The two feet collided, and two violent divine powers burst out at this moment.

"Ah!" Immediately, I heard only a terrible sigh of wailing, and suddenly rang out in this land.

"Feet! My feet! Ah! You! You actually ..." The howl was naturally the martial artist who practiced earth martial arts.

At this moment the sneer on his face had long since disappeared, showing extreme shock and pain.

He is a quadruple heaven, the true God! He and his martial arts realm, that's a direct two-day difference!

How can it be ...


To compete with Shi Feng, he is simply seeking his own way!

Originally, Shi Feng only wanted to kick him off, but he dared to resist!

It's him.

Under the power of Shi Feng, under the blasting sound just now, I saw that his foot had burst directly, and the bright red blood spattered, looking extremely **** and infiltrating.

The person kicked that kick just now, and Shi Feng could sense that if his power is really only in the true **** dual sky, then the right foot will burst directly, and it will definitely be himself!

For such people, there is no need to show mercy!

(End of this chapter)

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