Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2639: The sun is falling!

Chapter 2639 The sun is falling!

With Shi Feng taking God ’s majesty as the air, with the words of the “shemale”, everyone else has realized that this young man in a white robe is not easy!

Hearing the words of "shemale", Shi Feng grinned and said nothing. His steps were still walking towards the five people ahead.

"Give up the woman, you can leave alive." At this time, just listening to the "shemale" and then said again.

"Master, it's better not!" Mei Meng was shocked when she heard the words of "shemale", and said, "If you let this person leave, if he tells us about the activities in the underground, Zhan Wucheng City, will inevitably send the strong to do us good!

What's more, he just humiliated the leader just now, and this is a big disrespectful death!

This person must kill! "

The hatred of wasteful feet, the hatred of bones, do not wear together!

At this moment, Mei Meng just wanted that person to taste the taste of life as death, and then died in extreme pain.

How can he leave alive!

"Oh." Shi Feng heard the words of "shemale", then gave a grin, and then said: "Dream!"

How can he give Jian Tong to others.

Not to mention these evil people, no one can do it!

This is his friend, who lives with him, and who has a life-saving grace.

Even if you give everything, keep her safe.

"Oh!" Hearing Shi Feng's answer, the "shemale" also laughed, smiling very coquettishly, and said, "True God Sixth Heaven!

If I'm not mistaken, you are the one who entered Wucheng this time and battled that Luoningchuan. Nether! "



"He is the ghost!"

When they heard the words of "shemale", the faces of the four people who adopted the yin god's religion immediately changed their faces, and this time they changed suddenly.

Today, the situation in Zhanwu City is surging because of two young people.

One is the genius of the Snowflake Palace, Luo Ningchuan, and the other is the genius of the Heavenly Sacred Land, Nether!

However, they did not expect that the person in front of them was one of them!

"No wonder! No wonder! It turned out that he was a ghost! No wonder a true God Sixth Heaven can see the coercion of this seat as nothing!" The old man of the **** king said with a stern expression.

"He! He! He! He is, Nether!" Mei Meng, who was scrapped by Shi Feng, was completely shocked.

He himself had come up with books such as "Desolate War" and "Hidden Secrets", and they were described as ghosts.

He just caught them, saying that they insulted their books, insulted their dead brother, and asked them for trouble.

But he did not expect that he was just a ghost!

Others, he Meimeng didn't feel qualified to humiliate his own books. Even if he wrote blindly in it, it took a lot of effort to go on, so why would you say that you wrote blindly?

However, he is mediocre and naturally has this qualification!

"That's right, I'm the Nether!" Since he recognized it, Shi Feng spoke directly, confessing.

Upon hearing Shi Feng's answer, the "shemale" replied softly: "Xiao Meimeng was right in saying just now that you really can't let you leave alive.

And since you are a ghost, the founder is also a talented person, so I will give you two options!

First, from now on, submit to the founder, immediately kneel down and bend the head!

Second, die! "

The Mei Meng, although not too ugly, looked unusually rude. He was actually called "Xiao Meimeng" by this shemale, and when he heard it, he felt a cold chill across his body.

This person should not have been named "Mei Meng".

And when the "shemale" said these words, his gaze gazed at Jian Tong from beginning to end.

From now until now, she has been staring at that shemale, Jian Tong has felt more and more uncomfortable all over her body.

"Huh! Shemale." Shi Feng scorned again, and said again: "I don't know where you got this confidence!"

"Yanyang dance, dancing all over the city, the tragic song of the world rises." The demon did nothing and only listened to him talking softly, as if chanting a poem.

The voice of the demon suddenly echoed in this wide underground space for a long time.

Not only does the sound fall, but it grows louder and louder, like a magic sound, dazzling people's hearts.


"Battle!" Shi Feng already knew that this **** had already performed any magical tricks. She drank in a cold voice, and screamed in his mouth with a battle cry.

"Oh!" Immediately, a sword moan echoed.

"Wow!" Immediately, more and more sword groaning echoed, but the sound of sword groan was constantly covered by the weird sound of the shemale.

The hundred swords appeared, and the sword killing tactics of the hundred swords worked, and at this moment, Shi Feng suddenly looked up.

He immediately saw that a round of red sun suddenly appeared above him and had completely covered him.

And the sun is like a woman in a red outfit, if it makes people instantly fall into a fantasy, and if it is extremely real, the woman seems to dance wildly, and the red sun is turning wildly.

"What a weird combat skill, so good!" Shi Feng suddenly exclaimed, at the same time, her face changed.

However, at this moment, I saw that the demon had disappeared in place, I do not know when, it has come to the sun.

The demon's body has become extremely huge, as if a giant standing on the ground, with both hands, holding the round of red sun tightly in it.

"Nether, since you choose to die, then the founder will complete you!" As the words sounded, the round of red sun and the huge **** slumped from above and fell to Shi Feng.

"Hundred swords kill!" Shi Feng's two-handed sword twitched wildly, and finally a sword pointed straight up.

The hundreds of swords that crossed the body suddenly shook.

Hundred Swords carried the power of unparalleled killing, and at the same time they flew up to face the blow of the shemale.

"Sure enough ... Sure enough, they are all good ... powerful!" That Mei Mei, who is only the fourfold realm of the true God, looked directly at the side at this moment, and was already dumbfounded, trembling physically and mentally.

Whether it is the faint sun of the leader or the power of the dreary hundred swords, as long as you touch yourself, it is estimated that you can make yourself instantly wipe out.

Not long ago, I was provoked by such a powerful and ruthless person, and now I can still live, that's really thankful!

Immediately after that, the old man in the realm of the **** king also said: "This nether, at this age, you can launch such a powerful blow. It is indeed a genius!

Hmm ... I don't know how these evils are cultivated. "

(End of this chapter)

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