Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2641: The ultimate killing trick!

Chapter 2641 The Ultimate Killing Technique!

Hundred swords gathered into one sword, erupting into a peerless sword power!

Suddenly, I saw that round of fierce sun, which was lifted by a seemingly simple magic sword.

At this moment, the sun and the ancient sword were shaking violently.

The figure swallowed by the sun gradually appeared again in the sight of everyone.

"Lord ... Master!" Heisha called out quickly.

"Ah! Bastard, why don't you even wear clothes!" Jian Tong hurriedly yelled, her face was shy and she quickly covered her eyes with her hands.

Under the bombardment of the scorching sun just now, the white robe on Shi Feng's body had long been reduced to ashes.

"He! He actually resisted the power of the leader!"

"He! Ghost! This!"

"The power of the leader was actually him ..."


The Caiyin gods were shocked.

As people who use the Yin God, they know the power of the leader, but ...

"Hum! Nether! It is indeed the man who fought the Snowflake Palace Luoningchuan!" The leader of Caiyin still stood proudly on that huge flame, his face has become dignified and serious, and he said.

Then I saw him slowly spit out the three words: "Tianyang, burst!"

"Boom!" There was a peerless blast, and I saw the huge sun, suddenly exploding at this moment.

Peerless explosion power, under the control of a mysterious force, does not spread in other directions, Qi Qi toward the ancient sword underneath, surging wildly towards the body covered with red fruit.

Shi Feng and his sword were instantly devoured by the violent and unmatched blast.

This wave of attacks is infinitely more powerful than the power just launched by this shemale.

"In order to deal with the ghosts, the leader used this trick to make the sunburst!"

"Now, this ghost, it's time to die!"

"Under the sun, you must be dead, no doubt!"

"Tianyang bursts! Don't say it's ghostly, it's the owner of the Snowflake Palace Shao Gong, it all has to be wiped out!" Mei Meng said again in resentment.

This time, he didn't want to make this life any better than death. He just wanted to die directly, and no more moths.

From the moment I saw this nether world alive, Mei Meng felt so uneasy now.

After the Tianyang storm, the body of the Caiyin leader suspended above the tumbling flames, dragging a red fireball in the palm of his right hand, exactly the same shape as the exploding sun just now.

The fireball rises and falls slowly, as if beating slowly, with its regularity and rhythm.

The clothes on his body and the long black hair behind him danced without a wind, like a generation of flaming flames.

"Under my Tianyang storm, I haven't even died yet!" Then, I saw the look of the Caiyin leader changed again, and he sang aloud.

Suddenly, I saw the flames suddenly burst out of the body.

Shi Feng was covered with burns all over his body, and his entire body exuded a pungent scorching smell. The ancient sword danced wildly throughout his body, protecting the whole body, and no longer let the force of wild explosion invade this body.

However, the Caiyin gods saw with surprise again that the burn on this person was recovering on his own, like a worm, slowly wriggling on his body.

"Boom!" Another sound of thunderstorm exploded in Shi Feng's body.

Extermination Hei Lei erupted, and Thunder God of War once again.

"Assassination!" Shi Feng drank again, dangling around the ancient sword dancing wildly, suddenly stabbing straight up, carrying the invincible sword power to assassinate the shemale.

I have to admit, this **** is really strong!

More powerful than Luo Ningchuan, who fought a few days ago.

And the power is mysterious and weird.

Facing the stabbing Excalibur, the bright red fireball in the hand of the Lord of Caiyin immediately went down and smashed onto the Excalibur.

At the same time, his left hand was in claws, and each fingernail had more than ten centimeters above his slender five fingers, straight and sharp, looking strangely strange.

As soon as the claws moved, a huge flame **** claw appeared, covering the stone maple, and then slamming down.

Excalibur collided with the fireball, and another burst.

However, neither the Excalibur nor the Fireball retreated under the energy of the opponent, and at the same time they raged.

Faced with the flame claws falling, the stone maple turned into a dark thunder, and gathered the power of the whole body of magic thunder over the right fist.

At this moment, not only was the right fist flashing violently, but also the scarlet flames were burning in the meantime.

Looking at the wicked monster!

The thunder and fire combined, and then one punch soared, as if the dragon rose for nine days, and one punch blasted on the flame **** claw.


Unmatched fist, the flame of God's claw suddenly collapsed, but the shape of Shi Feng storming up was a sudden meal, the body trembled.

The flame power launched by the Caiyin leader is too strong!

Then, Shi Feng saw the **** attack again.

This time, the demon rushed down, his two claws took the lead in burning the flames, and then the flames began to spread towards him, but in an instant, he turned into a raging flame.

Shi Feng once again felt as if the strong sun was crashing towards him.

And the demon itself turned into a blaze, this force is more violent than all the power just now.

This demon, more and more fierce, stronger and stronger, as if his power has no limit.

"Battle!" Another battle yelled from Shi Feng's mouth. Even if the **** is strong, he is not afraid.

Later, I saw him punching up again to meet the shemale.

At the same time, the other side, the red fireball that competed with the Excalibur, suddenly broke away from the power of the Excalibur, and flew to the Caiyin leader suddenly.

The Excalibur immediately went violently and flew towards Shi Feng.

The fist on Shi Fenghong had already collided with that humanoid blaze.

However, at this moment, I saw Shi Feng's whole body, and in all directions, eight human-shaped flames appeared in an instant, surrounding him.

Coupled with the falling humanoid blaze, the nine humanoid blazes gathered at the same time and suddenly exploded.

"Boom boom boom boom ..."

The sound of violent blasts continued, and the area in which Shi Feng was located became extremely violent and chaotic in an instant, making people scared and even forgetting to breathe.

Shi Feng was once again drowned in the amount of violent violence.

"Now, this man, you must be dead!" King Xuanyin said again.

"This is, the leader is the strongest blow! Jiu Shen burst, I have never heard that someone can survive the leader's move." Ye Yin Wang also said.

"Since he became our leader, I have only seen this trick three times! The leader will generally not use this technique until the very moment!

This person can be forced to teach to take the initiative to burst with nine bodies, and can die without regrets! "King Yin Wang said with emotion.

Mei Meng also secretly exhaled at this time.

The leader finally used this strongest ultimate killing trick, the nether, can finally die.

(End of this chapter)

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