Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2650: Frozen Battlegear (seventh)

Chapter 2650 Desolate Battlegear

Luo Ningchuan's palms danced faster and faster. While defending, and even constantly avoiding Shi Feng's attacks, he continued to launch violent attacks on Shi Feng.

Frost Excalibur, Frost Furious Tiger, Frost Giant Mountain, Frost Palm, Sky Ice Fist ...

A series of ice martial arts techniques emerged, and a series of ice attacks continued to bombard Shi Feng with the power of the blizzard.

"Oh!" The blast of sound in the void never stopped.

Although Luo Ningchuan suffered several attacks from Shi Feng, compared with Shi Feng, he thought that his injury was nothing at all.

Moreover, he has absolute confidence in this layer of ice on himself!

That day, he was hunted down by this ghost in the sight of everyone, it was the most shameful day in his life!

That day, he returned to the Snowflake Palace and went straight into the place where the Snowflake God was forbidden.

That was his Luo Ningchuan, who was so big, and stepped into the ice cave for the first time.

Originally, the Snowflake Palace had the ancestor's death, and before entering the triple heaven of the King of God, it was not allowed to enter the ice cave.

Whoever violates his ancestors will be severely punished!

However, at that moment, Luo Ningchuan was only thinking about the disgrace of Jiujishan. He didn't care so much, violated his ancestors, and broke in without permission.

When he entered the ice cave, he really understood why his ancestors had made such a fate!

Desolate bone caves, even if the true God King triple-strength enters, if you are not careful, they can fall instantly!

He, Luo Ningchuan, almost died when he first stepped into the ice cave.

Step by step, death by foot, constantly hovering between life and death, after Luo Ningchuan sweated out of the ice cave in eight steps, he did not dare to move forward.

This was the first time in his life that there was such a terrible place in this world.

However, during these eight steps, he got a peerless defensive combat skill in the Bone Ice Bone Hole.

"Only I, Luo Ningchuan, who possesses the innate talent, can control this ancient warfare skill for three days!"

Recalling the dangerous scene in the ice cave of the desert ice, and the hard day of training the ice armor, the cruel smile appeared on Luo Ningchuan's face.

Although I almost died in the ice cave, but I can get the ice armor, all this is worth it!


Time is back now!

Shi Feng and Luo Ningchuan are constantly launching peerless violent bombardment of each other.

In Zhanwu City, ordinary warriors can no longer see the battle picture in the snowstorm.

I only feel that the energy of the void is becoming more chaotic and violent, indicating that the fighting inside has become more and more fierce.

"Oh, don't you think that the defense ability of the master of this young palace is quite different?" Luo Ningchuan sneered at Shi Feng.

As he said this, a huge ice curtain appeared between his palms, standing in front of him.

However, it was only a moment when Shi Feng smashed the ice curtain with one punch, and the sky was so violently iced. Then, he punched in the heart of Luo Ningchuan, "Boom!"

However, despite being severely punched by Shi Feng, Luo Ningchuan was still laughing and under the manipulation. The sky-blasting ice that had just hit the shot just hit Shi Feng's body.

At this moment, there are big and small cracks on Shi Feng's face, and a stream of bright red blood flows, but the face is still extremely firm.

He was still attacking Luo Ningchuan frantically.

"Last time, you wore a treasure armor and hit me crazy. This time, it was my turn to wear a **** armor! But this wild ice battle armor on my body, but the combat skills I launched, Within the rules! "

Luo Ningchuan said quietly to Shi Feng again, he was still laughing.

Although it is said that the Frozen War Armor on his body is not as good as the black jewel that the person wore last time, although under the blast of this lunatic, there is also the Frozen War Armor's body, and he was also injured.

But Luo Ningchuan still enjoys this feeling!

I am resisting and dodging, and I have suffered these injuries, and this grief must be more severe.

"If you continue to fight like this, the injury of this lunatic will become more and more serious. When the lunatic is beaten by the attention of everyone, I will be injured and what will it be!" Luo Ningchuan said secretly.

The more he hit the madman in front of him, the more he realized that this lunatic is not easy.

At this moment, he wanted to defeat him immediately and end the battle.


The secret place of the city's mansion, the four detached beings, still looked at the void.

"This battle seemed to be a little weird!" Said the old man with a deep frown on his face.

"Heavenly Holy Land boy, it is really strange to play like this," Sima Yi said.

"I don't think it's okay. This kid seems crazy, but in fact, it may be more wise for him!

In fact, he knows that if he really fights, he will not be Luo's opponent, and he will change this kind of desperate play, betting on whose physical body is harder!

Maybe not betting, this kid seems to have practiced the physical way, and the physical body looks far beyond ordinary people!

However, unexpectedly, boy Luo, why is there such an ice armor martial art, and this defensive martial art is absolutely extraordinary! "Zhan Wucheng City main warrior said.

Hearing the words of the trenches, the old Taiyi and Sima Yi who had doubts nodded at the same time.

I think the trenches make sense.

However, after the trenches said this, he looked at Luo Lin, the owner of the Snowflake Palace, and spoke again, asking him:

"Luo Lin, what do you think of this defensive martial art of Luo Luozi? Why haven't you ever seen someone in your Snowflake Palace? Could it be a taboo?"

"This boy!" Luo Lin's eyes were still staring at the violent battlefield, but at this moment, he grinned suddenly and smiled.

This smirk fell into the eyes of the other three strong men and was very profound.

"Luo Lin, what's your boy's smile, it's true!" Seeing Luo Lin didn't answer, she was dissatisfied.

It is the only person in this world who can speak to the Lord of the Snowflake Palace.

"Haha!" Luo Lin smiled again, then turned back, looked at the three old men, and said, "The ice defense tactics of Ningchuan is called, Frozen War Armor!"

"Frost Ice Battlegear?"

"Frost Ice Battlegear?"

Hearing the title of the combat technique, the trenches and Sima Yi opened their eyes, then shook their heads at the same time.

They never heard of this combat technique.

"Desolation Battlegear!" Just then, the old Taiyi had a slight change in his old face, exclaimed in surprise.

Seeing this, Trench and Sima Yi looked at him at the same time, and Trench immediately spoke again, and asked, "Old man Taiyi, do you know the barren ice battle armor?"

(End of this chapter)

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