Ninth Netherworld Celestial Emperor

Chapter 2653: This is the head beast! (Tenth more)

Chapter 2653 This is the Beast! (Tenth more)

"Ningchuan, he didn't stay at all! Even at the moment of the collision, he urged out, the strongest force!" Luo Lin said, and said to the three old men.

Bingxue Magic Unicorn was his son Luo Ningchuan, so no one saw it better than him, and the power that erupted in the end!



"That kid, hurt like that, but still fights Ningchuan kid's ultimate blow!"

The three big players were all shocked.

These four detached beings did not expect that the situation of the war actually deviated from their expectations.


Between the raging stormy ice, gradually, people saw a blurry figure, looming in the meantime.

The blood was dripping. Although the figure seemed to be full of people, it was found that he was still standing between the ice and snow, his waist stick was straight and motionless!





Looking at that figure, people couldn't help but pronounce the name.

In the spotlight, people saw the wolf's infiltrating body moving, and saw him punch, violently blasting forward.

Wherever the fist passed, the storm ice continued to shatter, turning into nothingness under strength.

"Boom!" A loud blast of sound burst through.

"Uh!" A painful moan sounded.

"Just now ... that's ... Luo Ningchuan's voice." Someone moaned as soon as he heard the moan.

Although the moaning sound was very slight, but the person with careful mind had already heard it, it was indeed the voice of the Luo Shaogong Lord.

Nether, not only did not fall in the final blow of Luo Ningchuan, it actually hurt Luo Ningchuan.

"Ghost!" Immediately afterwards, a voice filled with hatred echoed in the sky.

The storm ice before Shi Feng's fist burst suddenly, and another white figure finally appeared again.

However, compared with Shi Feng, Luo Ningchuan looks much better at the moment.

His long hair was disheveled and blood stained on his white robe.

If you look closely, you will find that Luo Ningchuan's frozen ice battle armor condensed by the force of ice, and now there are cracks.

Subsequently, a violent wind suddenly rose on Luo Ningchuan's body, and his long hair and white robe fluttered more violently.

At this moment, he saw his right hand turned into a knife, and suddenly turned into a huge ice dragon-shaped sword, slashing down towards Shi Feng.

"Kill!" Shi Feng said coldly.

"Oh!" I heard the sword groaning again.

The hundred-handled killing sword that had just disappeared, and then appeared continuously throughout his body, and then stabbed towards Luo Ningchuan.

The stone maple, like a dragon-shaped ice sword that fell sharply like nothing, had a riot, and then stuck into Luo Ningchuan's body.


After the strong state, Thunder God of War once again performed, a furious thunder erupted above the right fist, a scarlet flame broke out above the left fist, and two fists raged together, and another crazy blast directed at Luoningchuan.


Seeing Shi Feng approaching, Luo Ningchuan cast himself and kept dodging, and the ice dragon-shaped sword was severely cut on Shi Feng's body.

However, Shi Feng countered the power of the ice knife with his flesh, and in a split second, he bombarded dozens of punches on Luo Ningchuan.


The sound of punches and meat colliding constantly.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Ningchuan slammed with both palms and constantly greeted Shi Feng with his fists.

At the same time, an ice dragon rushed out of him, resisting the hundred swords flying from the thorn.

The sword collided with the ice dragon, and it was a sound of crisp sound.

His palms also constantly bombarded Shi Feng, and Shi Feng's fists constantly bombarded his body.

The two became fiercer and fiercer.

In Zhanwu City, people stared at each other instantly.

However, with the blasts, many people blinked involuntarily, and their bodies moved backwards involuntarily.

There are also many weak people who feel that the bombardment seems to be bombarded on their own body, hair is fluffy, feet soft, and even involuntarily tremble.


Just now everyone thinks that under the ice fantasy unicorn, this battle has come to an end.

However, it was not expected that it became more and more intense.

The genius of that desolate sacred place seems far from simple!

Today, although Luo Ningchuan has Frost Ice armor, his injuries have become more and more severe under the violent violent blast of Shi Feng.

"Nether, you lunatic! You really want to die!"

As the injuries on both sides continued to worsen, but Luo Ningchuan saw it. The lunatic in front of him should not rush forward all the way and launch a blast.

As if he didn't bring down the madman, he would never stop attacking.

"Uh!" Just moments later, Luo Ningchuan was bombarded with hundreds of punches. With a sigh of relief, a sweet throat and a bright red blood spurted out.

He continued to evade and suffered hundreds of punches. Shi Feng was naturally more serious. The attack suffered was at least several times that of Luo Ningchuan.

However, he is still like a lunatic ...







The sound of thunder was still violent.

Shi Feng is also constantly erupting the Thunder God of War formula, as well as the extermination thunder.

At first, people thought this was a lunatic, but gradually, people realized that this lunatic was as simple as a lunatic. The body that was constantly attacked by ice seemed to be not his own body.

"Crazy! It's so crazy! Nether, he's a deadly master, this is a beast!" Said the people watching Zhanwucheng in surprise.

"Going on like this, Nether will really be killed? Don't know what he thinks!"

"To be honest, in my eyes, the power of the Nether is inferior to that of Luo Ningchuan. Maybe he thinks that only in this way can he win!

However, such a madman's play actually fell down, sooner or later! An old man in the city had a deep look, as if he had seen everything through, and opened his mouth and said.


The secret place of the city's main mansion.

Those four detachments exist, and I don't know what to say.

This nether world is really far beyond their expectations.

"This boy, the flesh is really too tough. Could he specialize in flesh?" Taiyi said, saying.

"It's hard to say, it's hard to say! This kid is really more and more unreadable." Sima Yi replied.

"What a pervert, what kind of abnormality has been created!"

"Ningchuan!" Gradually, I saw Luo Lin's face slowly expressing anxiety.

Gradually, his mood followed.


"Luo Ningchuan, he's backing away!" At this time, in Zhanwu City, I don't know who shouted this.

(End of this chapter)

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